As approved at the 12/2/13 meeting, the minutes from November 4, 2013 follow
The Riverside Borough Council held their regular monthly session on Monday, November 4, 2013 at the Municipal Building, 301 Dewart Street, Riverside. President Peter T Fleming called the meeting to order promptly at 7:00 pm. Attending this evening were Vice President John J Novak, Council members Bob Betts, Barb Kriner, John LaMotte, Mike Maize and Lori Steele. Solicitor Joseph Michetti Jr, Mayor Dale Erb and Secretary Deborah Bausch were also in attendance. Citizens in the audience this evening were Carolyn Bausch, Dave Decoteau and Joseph Oberdorf. Dave Decoteau spoke about the upcoming Cyclocross Race to be held November 10th along D & H Avenue from 9 am – 1 pm. A second race will be held on January 11, 2014. Dave stated the races usually have approximately 50 racers participating. Dave also wanted to give a “heads up” notice of the Rivertown Races to be held the weekend of September 6 & 7, 2014. Cyclocross Races were approved on a Motion by Bob Betts and seconded by Lori Steele. As a side note, Dave stated he is working on a new plan for his building located on D & H Avenue. Brian Anderson then gave his Zoning Report for October. One correction was noted to be 57 miles for the month rather than 47. There was some discussion of a large sign being displayed at a home on Sunbury Road; Brian had contacted the homeowner to have the sign removed. As of Sunday it was still in place so he will make a return trip to visit the homeowner. Another sign is on 11th Street and he will check into that one as well. Report was approved on a Motion by Barb Kriner and seconded by John Novak. Chief Isaac Ramer presented the Police Report. The Chief stated there has been recent activity of cars being broken into and items stolen. Residents are advised to keep their vehicles locked and valuables removed from their car. Report was approved on a Motion by John Novak and seconded by Bob Betts. Street Superintendent Danny Gable gave the Streets Department Report. The Aerial Lift has been inspected. The first week of leaf collection resulted in 11 loads collected; they are now up to 37 loads collected from residences in the borough. The Avenue D railroad crossing has been completed. Report was approved on a Motion by John Novak and seconded by Bob Betts. Mayor Dale Erb presented his report; this was his last Halloween Parade. He had received a call about a dinner at the Armory that was requesting assistance in raising funds to provide meals to dependents of military members. He did not have any more information at this time other than the date is scheduled for December 15th. Report was approved on a Motion by John Novak and seconded by Lori Steele. Barb Kriner then presented the Southside Fire Company report. Report was approved on a Motion by Bob Betts and seconded by John LaMotte. President Peter Fleming then read the Code Enforcement Officer report submitted by Jacqueline Hart, Code Enforcement Officer. It is decided to have Jackie proceed with filing petitions and citations. Police would be able to assist in serving the citations. The Gearhart Street property is to be given a timeline for completion of compliance with borough regulations. Report was approved on a Motion by Lori Steele and Seconded by Barb Kriner. A Motion was made by Lori Steele and Seconded by Mike Maize to proceed with the Citation against Mr Cook’s property and a time line for the O’Neil property. New Business included the discussion of the Riverside Sewer districts including Beishline and West End. There are enough funds to pay off the West End Sewer loan which will be done at once. The Beishline district will continue as it is for the next 2 years. The pump station there is the newest one in the borough. Much discussion was held on options for the sewer districts. Joe Oberdorf had compiled some numbers and presented his thoughts. On a Motion by Barb Kriner and seconded by John LaMotte, it was voted to pay off the West End loan and Beishline will be kept separate until loan is paid and not to exceed a period of two years. A review of the sewer accounts will be done at the December meeting. The invoice provided by HRI for the paving in the borough was reviewed. There was a large overage done by the subcontractor for HRI in the Joint Seal and Crack Repair. This overage was not approved by the Borough or HRI and no notification was provided by either vendor. There was a small amount over the Wearing amount which was agreed to be paid. Invoice will be paid at the total of $59,157.20 which is the wearing amount used and the 390 gal bid for the joint seal crack. A letter will be sent with the payment explaining our payment amount. Bill will be paid with some Capital Reserve Funds ($44,732.15) and Liquid Fuels funds ($14,425.05). This was approved on a Motion by Lori Steele and seconded by John LaMotte. Health Insurance for employees was then put on the table. A recent quote from Blue Cross showed a large savings for the borough and policy has better benefits. Comparison sheets showing the current GHP benefits and proposed Blue Cross benefits were reviewed. Final costs are being calculated by Blue Cross based on individual sheets filed on November 4th; final cost figures should be received later in the week. On a Motion by Barb Kriner and seconded by John Novak, it was approved to accept Blue Cross insurance if the final figures are a cost savings of at least 20% for coverage as presented in their documentation. Council member John LaMotte left the meeting at 8:15 pm; there is still a quorum present. Minutes and financial reports were reviewed. Mike Maize made a Motion to accept both and this was Seconded by Barb Kriner. Council Member Lori Steele left the meeting at 8:30 pm; quorum is still present. Solicitor Michetti presented his report. There are 4 sewer accounts that owe over $1,000.00 – Andress, Furfari, Long and Sidler. On a Motion by Barb Kriner and Seconded by Mike Maize, it was approved for the Solicitor to proceed with judgements against these homeowners. At 8:30 pm, the Regular Session of Council adjourned to an Executive Session, on a Motion by Barb Kriner and seconded by Mike Maize. 8:45 pm the Council terminated the Executive Session and returned to a Regular Session which was done on a Motion by Barb Kriner and Seconded by Mike Maize. A Motion was made to hire Donald Shobert as the Riverside Borough Wastewater Consultant. This will be at a salary of $200.00 per month with a yearly renewable contract. Motion was made by Barb Kriner and seconded by John Novak to approve this hiring. Discussion was also held on increasing the salary for Dan Gable; Street Superintendent. Salary was to be done for December 2013. A job performance will be conducted. Meeting was adjourned at 8:50 pm on a Motion by Barb Kriner and Seconded by Bob Betts. The next meeting will be a Work Session on Monday, November 18, 2013. Respectfully Submitted: Deborah Bausch Secretary
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