May 3 - Dumpster Day - Borough Garage, Ave D - 7 am - 3 pm - Danville Spring Fling - Marathon & Half Marathon River Town Race Series; May 4 - 7th Annual Camp Lavigne Motorcycle Run- Registration beginning at 9:30am May 5 - Council Meeting at 7 PM May 11 - Mother’s Day May 15- Danville Community Band Spring Concert, Trinity Lutheran Church, Danville May 16 - 3 pm to May 17 3 pm- RELAY FOR LIFE Kick off - Southside Fire Company Picnic Grounds 5K Relay Race - Saturday, May 17 May 17 - Armed Forces Day May 19 - Council meeting at 7 pm May 20 - Election Day- Come out and Vote! May 20 - 24 - Southside Fire Company Carnival May 25 - Memorial Day Service, 11:30 am - Riverside Park Monument May 26 - Memorial Day Holiday - Borough Offices Closed May 28 - Borough Office Secretary will be out of office until June 6, 2014 TAX COLLECTOR HOURS FOR MAY: Effective May 7 - Wednesdays and Thursdays, 1:00pm - 3:00 pm
Quaker Steak and Lube is hosting the 7th Annual Camp Lavigne Motorcycle Race on Sunday, May 4, 2014. (Rain date is Saturday, June 14)
Registration is being held 9:30 am - 11 am Departing Scout Service Center, 5 Audubon Court, Bloomsburg, 10 - 11 am *Rider fee - $15.00 *Lunch served at Quaker Steak & Lube 12:30 pm Pre registration is appreciated but not required. Autos Welcome! Playground Season is here! A jacket has been turned into the office from the playground area. Owner can claim it in the office. There are several items left over from last year as well.
As approved at the 4/21/14 meeting, minutes of the April 7, 2014 meeting follow: The Riverside Borough Council met on Monday, April 7, 2014 at 7:00 pm in the Municipal building, 301 Dewart Street, Riverside. President Novak called the meeting to order at 7 pm with the following members present: Vice President Peter Fleming, Council Members Barb Kriner, John LaMotte, and Lori Steele. Solicitor Joseph Michetti, Mayor Joseph Oberdorf and Secretary Deborah Bausch were present. Council Member John Domanski arrived shortly after meeting began. Council Member Caressa Compton was absent. Prior to beginning of meeting, voices of the council and audience were raised in a Happy Birthday song to Secretary Deborah Busch. Audience tonight included Carolyn Bausch who was just here as an observer. Also present were Troy Roberts and another scout from Pack 33. Mr Roberts spoke regarding an upcoming Cub Mobile Race to be held on May 4th. He requested the streets of Montour and Dewart be closed beginning at 10 am to set up for the race. He provided a copy of the insurance coverage for the event. Police Chief Isaac Ramer requested Mr. Roberts contact him a few days before the race to go over last minute details; police will have someone present at the race. Mr. Roberts was advised to notify St Peter’s UM Church of the street closure so their worshippers would know when exiting their parking lot after services. Street closures/race was approved on a Motion by John LaMotte and seconded by Barb Kriner. All voted in favor and motion carried. Minutes of March 17, 2014 meeting were reviewed and approved on a Motion by Barb Kriner and seconded by Peter Fleming. All approved Financial reports for the month of February 2014 were approved on a Motion by Barb Kriner and seconded by Lori Steele. All voted in favor; motion approved Brian Anderson then presented the Zoning Report. He stated he has been in touch with Shade Mountain Winery that will be moving into the old Village Sampler building; they reviewed details for signs of the business. Mr Anderson has had no contact from David Decouteau regarding his plans for his property. A letter was received from Mrs Bair who was unhappy with the outcoming of her Zoning Variance Hearing. Report was approved on a Motion by Barb Kriner and seconded by John LaMotte. Police Chief Isaac Ramer presented his police report for March. He stated there is a program at the Danville Area Middle School on April 24th at 6:30 pm on Drug and Alcohol Abuse. Officer Kerry Parkes will be attending this meeting. Barb Kriner asked how many citations had been issued and Ike estimated 9 for the month; Barb then asked if that information could be added to his monthly report. Discussion was held regarding a new police vehicle. This was tabled to a later meeting when more information could be collected. Report was approved on a Motion by Lori Steele and seconded by Barb Kriner. All approved and motion carried. Dan Gable presented the Street Department Report. They have responded to 7 PA 1 calls and several sewer blockage calls. Condition of the backhoe was discussed; it is the oldest piece of equipment in the borough. Dan asked about the trees that are to be replaced at the property of Chuck Hoffa. He will check with local nurseries to find best replacements. Pot holes have begun to be patched now that weather is breaking. Dumpster day will be held next month. Report was approved on a Motion by Peter Fleming and seconded by Barb Kriner. Motion carried on approval by all present. Barb Kriner then read the Southside Fire Company report which was approved on a Motion by John LaMotte and seconded by Lori Steele. All approved. Mayor Oberdorf gave his report which included further discussion of a new car and budget constraints. This was tabled for later review. He also discussed the batteries for the speed sign. Cost for 2 batteries would be approximately $520.00. A solar battery would cost about $910.00. Report was approved on a Motion by Lori Steele and seconded by John LaMotte. Motion carried. Code Enforcement Officer Jackie Hart did not have a report this month. She is working on a Matrix of the properties currently on our blighted property listing. Discussion was held on adding two other properties to the listing: 413 Avenue F as well as 912 Sunbury Road. These addresses will be given to Jackie to begin the process. Report was approved on a Motion by Lori Steele and seconded by Peter Fleming. All voted in favor and motion passed. Solicitor Michetti had nothing to report Under New Business, Dumpster Day was discussed. It will be held on May 3, 2014 from 7 am - 3 pm. Hours were approved due to turkey hunting beginning that day and it is also Spring Fling in Danville. Contact will be made with Nick Fowler to see if he will be willing to work that day as he has in the past. Nick had requested the hours be changed from 7 am - 1 pm since he said not much happened after noon time; however Council felt it best to continue the event until 3 pm. Approved on a Motion by Lori Steele and seconded by John LaMotte to hold Dumpster Day on May 3. Motion carried on approval by all. Beishline Sewer account was then discussed. During budget time, it was suggested a lump sum payment be made on the loan for the Beishline development. It was decided to make a lump sum payment of $12,000.00 on Beishline loan; approved on a Motion by Barb Kriner and seconded by John LaMotte. Motion carried with all voting in favor. Payment will be made with next loan payment to be sure the full amount is credited on the principal of the loan. John Domanski then spoke of a problem with mail in the Kipps Run area. Some homes are not getting their mail due to same addressess as in Mobile Home Park. He was advised to have residents contact the Danville Post office so they may speak with the carrier. The addresses have different 4 digit extensions to their zip codes to differentiate the mobile homes from residences. The Sewer contact with Danville was put on the table. John Domanski made a motion to add Joe Oberdorf to the committee to deal with a new contract between Danville and Riverside. This was discussed in length. Motion was seconded by John LaMotte. Vote taken was tied at 3 - 3; voting no were Barb Kriner, John Novak and Peter Fleming. Joe stated he would like to serve on the committee; John Novak then changed his no to a yes vote. John Domanski stated he would be attending an Economic Development Seminar in Selinsgrove at 5:30 pm on Thursday if anyone wanted to go with him. Conversation was held regarding the IT contact for the borough. Chad Betts has stated he would help the borough as he was able. We will await his costs and matter was tabled until further information was gathered. At 8:25 pm a motion was made by John LaMotte and seconded by Barb Kriner to adjourn the meeting for the evening. Next meeting will be held on Monday, April 21, 2014 at 7:00 pm in the Municipal Building. Respectfully Submitted: Deborah Bausch, Secretary Our next North Branch Canal Trail work day will be next Tuesday, April 22, from 9:00am to 12:30pm. We’re going to change things up a bit this time, returning to the Mahoning Township ‘trailhead’ where we began back in December. Rather than clearing woody vegetation, our attention for this work day will turn to grading the trail surface with hand tools and my tractor. We’ll work to grade as much as we can during the morning, then turn to seeding, liming and fertilizing before covering with straw at the end of the work day.
For those who have not been to this location before, the work site is on River Drive, roughly one mile east of the Danville Area Soccer Park. Please look for my silver Toyota Tundra with a silver cap parked on the river side of the road, immediately before the railroad grade crossing. As mentioned above, Tuesday’s work will involve trail grading. Rather than the tools we’ve been using during the last few weeks, we’ll now need shovels, picks, rakes and other tools suited to this type of work. Volunteers should wear sturdy work boots and work gloves. Only MARC staff and veteran trail crew volunteers will be permitted to operate power equipment. All volunteers will be required to sign liability waivers before beginning any work. Because of the legal agreement governing trail construction and access, please understand volunteers may only be on site during the times listed above, in the presence of MARC representatives. The trail corridor remains closed to public access until further notice If you would like to join us for this work day, there is no need to RSVP. Please simply plan to meet at the work location during the times listed above. If you have any questions or need more information, please email me at this address or call me on my cell phone at (570) 336-2060. Thank you for your interest in the North Branch Canal Trail project Additional Note: Please be advised, the Bloomsburg/Catawissa/Danville area river cleanup event scheduled for next Saturday, April 26th, is being cancelled. River conditions are not ideal for this event and we have been unable to attract sufficient volunteers to safely conduct the cleanup The May 17th Berwick area event remains on the calendar. We will continue to monitor river conditions and seek volunteers for the event. If you are interested in participating in the May 17th cleanup, please contact me by phone or email to learn more Bob Bob Stoudt | Director, Montour Area Recreation Commission / River Towns Race Series | PO Box 456, Danville, PA 17821 (570) 336-2060 | [email protected] | Bob Stoudt | Director, Montour Area Recreation Commission / River Towns Race Series | PO Box 456, Danville, PA 17821 (570) 336-2060 | [email protected] | An Open House will be held at the Danville Armed Forces Reserve Center on Saturday, April 19 from 1 - 4 pm. Center is located at 90 Liberty Valley Road, Danville. Vehicle Displays, Training Simulators, Equipment Displays, Facility Tours and On Site Recruiters will highlight the day's events.
4 - 7 Pm will be a Guard Experience Night Come out and see the new addition to our area! For those residents unable to attend last night's meeting at St Peter's UMC, the proposed dates for the railroad crossing replacement is June 20 (6 pm) until June 23 (6 pm). Traffic will be flowing out of the borough; to return you will need to detour to either Catawissa or Sunbury. The Canadian-Pacific Railway will be working 24/7 to get the project completed in a timely manner.
Updates will be posted as quickly as possible when received on this page and the Borough Facebook page. The Montour Area Recreation Commission (MARC) is organizing river cleanup events in Montour and Columbia Counties as part of this spring’s North Branch Susquehanna River cleanup effort. MARC staff and volunteers will be collecting trash along the Bloomsburg/Catawissa/Danville section of the river on Saturday, April 26th, and in the Berwick area on Saturday, May 17th, as part of the Borough of Berwick’s community dumpster day event. Both dates are subject to weather and river conditions
Volunteers are needed for both events. Volunteers must provide their own boats (with life jackets and other mandatory safety gear) and transportation. MARC will provide trash bags, gloves and light refreshments. Interested volunteers should contact Bob Stoudt, MARC Director, at [email protected] or by phone at (570) 336-2060 for more information or to volunteer Please forward this information to others you believe may be interested in these events. Thank you Bob Stoudt | Director, Montour Area Recreation Commission / River Towns Race Series | PO Box 456, Danville, PA 17821 (570) 336-2060 | [email protected] | As approved at the meeting held on April 7, 2014, below follow the minutes of March 17, 2014
The Riverside Borough Council met on Monday, March 17, 2014 at 7:00 pm in the Municipal Building, 301 Dewart Street, Riverside. President John Novak called the meeting to order in the presence of Vice President Peter Fleming, Council Members John Domanski, Barb Kriner, John LaMotte and Lori Steele. Solicitor Joseph Michetti, Mayor Joseph Oberdorf and Secretary Deborah Bausch were also in attendance. Council Member Caressa Compton arrived shortly after the meeting started. Resident Carolyn Bausch spoke first regarding the closing of the river bridge for work on the railroad crossing. She thanked John Domanski for his letter to the editor and she has been in contact with State Representatives regarding this issue. President Novak then spoke of the upcoming meeting on March 24, 2014 at the PennDot Office in Montoursville. He requested the newspaper put an article in advising residents to bring their concerns to the office prior to that date and they will be taken to the meeting. Minutes of the March 3, 2014 meeting were reviewed. Approved on a Motion by Barb Kriner and seconded by John LaMotte; motion carried on unanimous approval. At this time, Craig Gabbadon spoke on some new technology being researched by the Police Department. Officer Kerry Parkes was also present to answer questions regarding the police department. The citation writer new software and hardware were discussed in detail including usage and costs involved. Quote given was for 3 machines since we have 3 officers onboard. Council requested a new quote based on one machine only. Craig stated the State Police are using the system currently and anticipates more units will be getting onboard with the updated technology. New Business this evening began with John Domanski submitting Petitions with 700 signatures opposing the River Bridge closing. Discussion followed about the previous meeting and the upcoming meeting as well. John LaMotte suggested speaking with Todd Oberdorf, EMA director, to see if there were any plans to use for traffic control if a railroad accident would occur. Mayor Oberdorf stated that scenario had happened many years ago. There is a scheduled meeting at PennDot on March 24th as well as a public meeting to be held in Riverside. Meeting in the Borough will be held in Fellowship Hall of St. Peter’s UM Church, Sunbury Road, on April 8th beginning at 6:30 pm. At that time we anticipate PennDot will explain to local residents their decision on the bridge and how they arrived at that conclusion. Mayor Oberdorf gave numbers of cars that have passed through the area using the bridge. He tracked 1250 cars traveling from Elysburg area to Riverside from 6 am - 8:15 am on a Monday; that Friday he tracked 841 cars traveling Sunbury Road to the bridge. President Novak then stated there are at least 15 businesses in the Borough as well as 750 households. A formal letter will be drafted to PennDot. President Novak had been very successful with handling things via phone calls; however council felt a letter in writing should be done also. John Domanski then gave an update on the Gas Lines. He has been in contact with Donald Brominski from UGI and is hoping to set up a face to face meeting with him to get real time information. Solicitor Michetti had nothing to report at this time. There will be a meeting on Thursday morning to discuss trees at the airport; meeting will begin in borough office at 10:30 am and continue out to the airport area to see trees in question. At 7:55 pm, Barb Kriner made a motion to adjourn into Executive Session from Regular Council. Motion was seconded by John LaMotte. Motion to return to Regular Council Session was done by Barb Kriner and Seconded by John Lamotte. Council adjourned for the evening at 8:21 pm on a Motion by John LaMotte and seconded by Caressa Compton. Next Council meeting will be held on Monday, April 7, 2014 in the Municipal Building at 7:00 pm. Respectfully submitted: Deborah Bausch, Secretary Dumpsters will be placed at the Riverside Street Department Garage, 201 Avenue D from 7 am to 3 pm on Saturday, May 3, 2014.
Riverside is not accepting paint, leaves, limbs, wood, grass, ashes, asbestos, batteries or contractor waste. Charge per Freon appliance is $15.00; tires - $6.00 each. No tractor trailer tires. Dumpster will be available for electronic disposals. Proof of Residency is required. Once on borough property, dumpster items become property of the borough. Also -please note - there is no leaf pick up in the spring. Riverside Borough does leaf pick up in the fall only! |
Police Department
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