The Riverside Borough Council meeting scheduled for Monday, October 19, 2020 is cancelled due to lack of agenda items. Next meeting will be Monday, November 2, 2020 at 7:00 pm.
Stadium Blankets - $20.00
Travel Tumblers - $15.00 Baseball caps (2 styles) = $15.00 Visors - $10.00 Coffee Mug - $5.00 All items available in the Borough Office or call Debbie 570 380-4310 Proceeds from all sales will go for events in the summer of 2021 at our Sesquicentennial Celebration! Welcome to the Riverside Borough Council is being extended to Delavan Whitenight Jr, our newest council member!
Also welcome to the new part time employee in the Street Department, Nathan Apple. Fourth Quarter sewer bills have been mailed. Payment amount is the left hand column amount until the due day of 11/13/2020. After that date, pay the right hand column amount. Those having automatic withdraw for their payment will see the amount out of their account on November 12th. If you wish to have an automatic withdraw for your account, please complete a form which can be obtained in the office. Quesitons, please call the office, 570 275-1751. After hours, there is a drop slot in the office door for payment drop off. If you wish a receipt, please be sure to include a return envelope.
As approved at the 10/5/2020 meeting, minutes of 9/21/2020 follow:
The Riverside Borough Council met on Monday, September 21, 2020 in the Municipal Building, 415 Dewart Street, Riverside, PA. Meeting was called to order promptly at 7:00 pm by President John Domanski. In attendance this evening were Vice President Barb Kriner and Council Members, Beth Rake, Peter Fleming, Kevin Romansik, Brian Whitenight, Mayor John LaMotte and Secretary Deborah Bausch. Absent this evening was council member Carolyn Bausch. Minutes of September 8, 2020 were approved on a Motion by Peter Fleming, seconded by Kevin Romansik and accepted by all Budget Reports for the months of July and August were approved on a Motion by Vice President Barb Kriner and seconded by Beth Rake. All voted in favor. An Acknowledgement of a donation to First Baptist Church on behalf of Joe Oberdorf was shared with Council. The donation was only from council contributions and no public monies were used. The first item of New Business was Trick or Treat in the Borough. President John Domanski informed council of what was being done in surrounding communities. Danville will not be endorsing any activity. Mahoning Township is allowing it to take place on Saturday, Oct 31 but not formally endorsing it. Beth Rake said she loves Halloween. It was decided to have residents leave on a light if they were comfortable with having trick or treaters stop. Anyone sick or not feeling well should not be participating. Vice President Barb Kriner and Beth Rake began further discussion on the matter. Vice President Barb Kriner suggested decorating the park and making it a stop for kids. Council Members and the Mayor could be in the park welcoming kids and passing out candy. This would take place on Saturday, October 31st from 6 pm – 8 pm with trick or treating going until 9 pm that evening for those wishing to participate. Again, residents should leave a light on if they want trick or treaters to stop; if not comfortable with that, do not turn your light on. A motion was made by Beth Rake to purchase candy for the event up to a maximum of $200.00; seconded by Vice President Barb Kriner and agreed to by all. The next item was the Letters of Interest submitted to fill the vacant council seat. Those submitting letters were Todd DeRoba, Shannon Hackenberg, J W Snyder and Delavan Whitenight, Jr. After much deliberation, Brian Whitenight made a Motion to offer the seat to Delavan Whitenight, Jr. which was seconded by Peter Fleming. All voted for. He will be appointed at the October 5th meeting to fill the seat of Carolyn Bausch. The last agenda item was concerning the sale of old police radios. Officer Eamon Shoff had submitted a letter to purchase them and they would be erased. There was much discussion on how to handle the sale and confirmation will be made with the solicitor on how to proceed. They may be placed on municibid for sale. Beth Rake made a motion to proceed with the sale if approved by the solicitor; seconded by Peter Fleming. All voted for. At approximately 7:25 pm, Vice President Barb Kriner made a motion to adjourn council to an Executive Session for personnel matters, seconded by Kevin Romansik. All voted for and Regular Council session adjourned. 8:11 pm, Peter Fleming made a motion to adjourn the Executive Session and return to Regular Session; seconded by Vice President Barb Kriner. All voted in favor and Regular Council Session resumed. A Motion was made by Beth Rake to increase the pay of Christopher Henrie $2.50 per hour and remove the temporary supervisor pay. Brian Whitenight seconded the motion and it will be effective this date. All voted in favor. The council adjourned at approximately 8:16 pm upon Motion by Peter Fleming and seconded by Vice President Barb Kriner. Council adjourned with the next meeting scheduled for Monday, October 5, 2020. Respectfully submitted: Deborah Bausch Secretary |
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