The Riverside Borough Council met in the Municipal Building, 415 Dewart Street, Riverside on Monday, May 1, 2023 at 7:00pm. Meeting was called to order by President John Domanski. Council members present: Vice President Barb Kriner, Brian Whitenight, April Shuman and Beth Rake. Also present were Solicitor Joseph Michetti Jr., Chief of Police Kerry Parkes, Street Superintendent Dan Gable, Zoning Officer Brian Anderson and Secretary Lisa Fritz. Absent from Meeting: John LaMotte Mayor, Council Members Peter Fleming and Delavan Whitenight. Pledge of Allegiance Citizens to be Heard: Ken Gardner asked Council if a Recycling Program could be looked into. He stated if recycling was in place, perhaps the burning barrels could be banned. Beth Rake stated she will contact the Bloomsburg Recycling Center for information. Old Business: Minutes of 4/17/2023 were read. Beth Rake made a motion to approve the Minutes, Barb Kriner seconded the Motion. All in favor. Zoning Officer Report: Brian Anderson read his report for the month of April. He stated requests for permits were low for the month. The fencing on Sunbury Rd is in the process of being replaced. The Blackburn property was investigate by Riverside Police for a break-in. Chief Parkes advised the property is run down. Brian will contact the owner to repair or tear down the property. Brian also stopped by the property located at 339 Gearhart St to follow-up regarding the fencing, no one was home, so he left a business card. Brian stated Matt Sudol started to build a new structure, but was told to cease work until the plans were approved. Barb Kriner asked Brian if he could check into the wooded area behind the English Garden, as there is a box of some type in the trees. Barb Kriner made a motion to approve the Zoning Report, Brian Whitenight seconded. All in favor. Street Department Report: Dan Gable presented his report. Barb Kriner mentioned a bus stop was moved to Maple Street and there are potholes. Dan stated the holes were filled in last week. Dan stated HRI is currently ADA ramps on Sunbury Rd. Adams Sewer and Drain will be doing the manholes on Sunbury the week of 5/1; then Sunbury Rd will be paved. Work will be done during night-time hours. Adams Sewer and Drain Cleaning gave the Borough a quote to repair a sewer line in the Right-of-Way at Ken Gardner’s property in the amount of $3,800.00. Beth Rake made a motion to approve the quote from Adams Sewer and Drain Cleaning, with April Shuman seconding the motion. All in Favor. A quote was received from Big Rock Paving for Pine Swamp Hollow Road. Beth made a motion to accept the quote. Barb seconded the motion. All in Favor. Nathan Apple submitted a ‘Letter of Resignation’ effective 4/28/2023. Nathan asked if he could remain on the employee roles as an emergency/on call person. John Domanski also would like Nathan to help with Dumpster Day on Saturday, May 20th. Beth made a motion to permit Nathan to stay on as an emergency/call out employee and to help out on Dumpster Day, with Brian Whitenight seconding the motion. All in Favor. Beth Rake made a motion to accept the Street Department report. Barb seconded the motion. All in favor. Southside Fire Company Report: The Report was reviewed. The Southside Fireman’s Carnival will be held Wednesday, May 23rd through Saturday, May 27th. The Pet & Toy Parade will be held on Wednesday, May 24th starting at 6:30pm, forms at 6:00pm and moves from St. Peter’s UM Church in Riverside. Barb Kriner stated a citizen asked if a minor could drive an ATV in the parade. Kerry Parkes stated rules are different for parades, Parents must be with the minor driving the ATV in the parade. Barb also stated the ice cream will be from Sunset, with some new flavors this year. Brian Whitenight made a motion to accept the report and April Shuman seconded the motion. All in favor. Police Report: Kerry Parkes presented his report. Kerry stated there have been several break-ins, he advised to keep your vehicles locked, as thieves are stealing from vehicles. The Police have been called to a rental property that houses a mentally challenged person whom takes their clothes off and lays in the middle of the Street. The Caretakers of this facility cannot restrain the person, therefore, they summon the Police. At times, it is several times a day. Solicitor, Attorney Michetti stated he will research what might possibly be done. Kerry mentioned that Officer Brad Harvey did a wonderful job addressing the flooding issues on Sunday, April 30th. Kerry stated there are many vehicles that go to “Black Heart Tattoo”, he asked if there is something in the Code’s that states no congregation in parking lots. Also, there should be an Occupancy Permit on file for the building, will check with the Zoning Officer, Brian Anderson. Barb Kriner motioned to accept the Police report, Brian Whitenight seconded. All in favor. Mayor’s Report: A report was not submitted. Solicitor Michetti Report: Attorney Michetti will notify the owners of Lot #29 in the River Hill developments of the fact they are responsible for cleaning out the retention pond. Attorney Michetti reviewed the revised non-uniform employee handbook and stated it looked fine. The Handbook will be in effect as of May 1st, 2023. Attorney Michetti has not received written documents on the bridge lights as of this date, 5/1. Sewer Rates: Revision of rates should be done by Resolution. Windmill and Solar panels; will need to contact Larson Design Group to see if they have someone on staff for regulatory issues. Barb Kriner made a motion to accept the Solicitors Report, with Beth Rake seconding. All in Favor. Borough Life: The Memorial Day Service for Sunday, May 28th at 1:00pm is shaping up, just a few loose ends before the Program will be printed. April will be setting up a stand for the Geisinger Residents welcome event in Danville on June 19th. Brian Whitenight made a motion to accept the Borough Life report, April Shuman seconded. All in Favor. New Business: The Borough received a class action lawsuit settlement payment from Monsanto Company, et al (developers of Round-Up Weed Control Spray). A Liquid Fuels Tax Fund payment was also received. A letter was received from the County Commissioners Off announcing the opening of the Federal Fiscal year 2023 Community Development Block Grant Program. The Borough will ask the Grant Writer to file for this Grant. The grant money will be put towards guardrails on Pine Swamp Hollow Road. Motion to Approve: None to approve. Action Items: Memorial Day Service is set for Sunday, May 28th at 1:00pm at the Borough Park. Executive Session: At 8:10pm, Beth made a motion to move into Executive session. Barb seconded. All in Favor. At 8:25pm, Barb made a motion to go back into Regular Session. Beth seconded the motion. All in Favor. Barb Kriner made a motion to give the Secretary, Lisa Fritz, a 6% raise, retro-active to 4/1/2023. Brian seconded the motion. All in Favor. Barb made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Brian seconded the motion. Council adjourned at 8:26 o’clock pm. Respectfully Submitted: Lisa Fritz Secretary
Dumpster Day for Riverside Borough Residents
7 am – 1 pm on Saturday, MAY 20, 2023 Dumpsters will be placed at the former School property located on Avenue A. Proof of Residency required. NOT accepted: paint, leaves, limbs, wood, grass, ashes, asbestos, batteries, TVs or contractor waste. Charge per Freon appliance is $15.00; tires are $5.00 each. No tractor tires. Once on Borough property, dumpster items become property of the Borough. AGENDA
BOROUGH OF RIVERSIDE COUNCIL MEETING May 15, 2023 PLEDGE TO THE FLAG CALL TO ORDER CITIZENS TO BE HEARD: A. Danville DAR (Daughter’s of the American Revolution) I. OLD BUSINESS A. Minutes of 5/1/2023 meeting. B. Minutes of 5/3/2023 meeting with Larson Design Group. II. BORO LIFE COMMITTEE III. NEW BUSINESS IV. MOTION TO APPROVE V. ACTION ITEMS A. Letter from Residents Aideen and Michael Currid B. Letter from Resident Jeff Maurer C. OSHA Unfunded Mandate VI. EXECUTIVE SESSION ADJOURNMENT NEXT SCHEDULED COUNCIL MEETING IS Monday, June 5, 2023 @ 7:0 RIVERSIDE BOROUGH COUNCIL
The Riverside Borough Council met in the Municipal Building, 415 Dewart Street, Riverside on Monday, April 17, 2023 at 7:00pm. Meeting was called to order by President John Domanski. Council members present: Vice President Barb Kriner, Peter Fleming, April Shuman and Beth Rake. Also present was Secretary, Lisa Fritz. Absent: Mayor, John LaMotte, Council Members Brian Whitenight and Delavan Whitenight, Jr. Pledge of Allegiance Citizens to Be Heard: Ken Gardner was present in the audience. He stated he has sewage leaking into his basement from blocked lines. This has happened several times. He asked the Borough if they could clean the line from the right-of-way to the main and continue to clean it to prevent problems. John Domanski will talk to Dan Gable, Street Department Supervisor and go look at the line. John stated it will be corrected. Ken paid a bill to have his line unclogged. Barb Kriner made a motion to reimburse Ken for the bill he paid to Adams Sewer & Drain Cleaning. Beth Rake seconded the motion. All in Favor. Old business: Approval of the minutes of April 3, 2023 was done by Motion from Barb Kriner and seconded by Peter Fleming. All in Favor. Borough Life: April Shuman mentioned an upcoming event being held by Geisinger Medical Center for new incoming Physician Residents. The event will be held on Monday, June 19th on Mill Street in Danville from 4:30pm until 8:00pm. April suggested that Council put a stand at the event to promote events happening in Riverside Borough. April will have more information regarding the event for the next Council meeting. April submitted a report from the Boro Life Committee stating they purchased $60.00 worth of candy and added the candy to with the Southside Fire Company for kids in the Egg Hunt on April 8th. The Boro Life committee also held a Chinese auction and made $313.00 which will be used for community events. All events are free to Riverside residents and their families. People can stay updated on events by following the Boro Life Facebook page. A huge Thank You to all who participated. New Business: Barb Kriner said a lady sent a message through Messenger on Facebook asking if a wall could be put up for Pickle Ball practice on the court at the playground. John Domanski feels Council needs more information before they construct a wall on the court. April suggested perhaps it could be looked into when the new building is completed. Motion to Approve: Barb Kriner made a motion to accept the estimate from TRA Electric for inspecting the lighting on the bridge. April seconded. All in Favor. The Non-Uniform Employee Handbook has been revised by Council Members and will be sent to the Solicitor for review. The Handbook should be in effect on May 1, 2023 pending review by the Solicitor. Barb applauded everyone for their dedication on updating the handbook. April stated handbooks should be reviewed/updated every year. Action Items: John Domanski read a letter received from John LaMotte, The Mayor, stating he is unable to participate/plan the Memorial Day service this year. Council decided to move the Memorial Day Service to 1:00pm on Sunday, May 28th; as to not interfere with Church Services. Beth stated that Kerry Parkes is willing to help, Beth will also contact the Danville Area Community Band. April will contact Greg Molter. Lisa will contact the Veteran’s Affairs Office. Barb Kriner stated she is very disappointed in the Mayor’s lack of participation and attendance at Meetings. She said we need an active Mayor. Chief of Police, Kerry Parkes submitted a letter stating that he contacted the Grant Writer, Sara Hailstone from Hailstone Economics to ask about writing grants for the police department. Sara stated the contract with the Borough is a general per hour contract and there is no specific designation on what she could write grants for. Kerry wanted Sara to write a grant for a new antenna for on the building for their radios, but time is limited. Kerry has an estimate for approximately for $2,800.00 for the new antenna. Peter Fleming made a motion to cover the bill, with April seconding the motion. All in Favor. At 7:52pm, Barb made a motion to move into Executive Session, Beth seconded. All in Favor. At 8:49pm, Barb mad a motion to go back into Regular Session, Beth seconded. All in Favor. Council adjourned at 8:49 o’clock pm. All in Favor. Respectfully Submitted: Lisa Fritz Secretary |
Police Department
570-275-4305 Emergency Dial 911 Non Emergency Dispatch 570-784-6300 Street Department 570-275-5338 Borough Office 570-275-1751 Quick InfoExternal LinksDemographics (CityData.com)
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