IMPORTANT UPDATE: Dumpsters will not be able to accept Electronic Items this year including TV Sets!
Dumpsters will be placed at the Riverside Street Department Garage on Avenue D from 7 am – 3 pm on Saturday, May 6, 2017. Riverside is not accepting paint, leaves, limbs, wood, grass, ashes, asbestos, batteries or contractor waste. Charge per Freon appliance is $15.00; tires are $6 each. No tractor tires. Proof of Residency required. Once on borough property, dumpster items become property of the borough. The Riverside Borough Council met on Monday, March 6, 2017 in the Municipal Building, 301 Dewart Street, Riverside, PA. The meeting was called to order promptly at 7:00 pm by Council President John J. Novak. Present this evening were Vice President Peter Fleming, Council Members Carolyn Bausch, Caressa Compton, Beth Hancock, Barb Kriner and John Domanski. Also in attendance were Mayor Joseph Oberdorf, Solicitor Joseph Michetti and Secretary Deborah Bausch.
In the audience this evening were Brian Whitenight, Nicholas Fowler, Joshua Owens and Dave Decoteau. Brian Whitenight took the floor first and spoke of his involvement with PA Pyrotechnic Artists for fireworks. He was seeking approval from Council for an event on March 25th at the Market for individual firework dealers to present their samples. This will be a 3 hour event and is open to the public to view. On a Motion by Beth Hancock, approval was granted contingent on Insurance paperwork being provided by Mr. Whitenight; seconded by Caressa Compton. All voted for. Nicholas Fowler, Chief, Southside Fire Company, then addressed council. He read the Southside Fire Company Report for February. Report was approved on a Motion by Caressa Compton and seconded by Barb Kriner. All voted in favor. Mr. Fowler then spoke on Act 172 Incentive for Fire Fighters. This is a new initiative to encourage volunteers for the fire companies and first responders. At present there are 10 volunteers for Southside. The incentive would be a tax credit. Details are being discussed between the local communities to have a cohesive plan. Nick will get back to us when they have a definite plan with details spelled out in full. Joshua Owens, Larson Design Group, then spoke to council on the status of the MS-4. 9 or 10 waiver requests were submitted; however only 1 has been returned. We are hopeful our waiver will come through soon. Under old business the Minutes of February 20, 2017 were approved on a Motion by Barb Kriner and Seconded by Peter Fleming. All voted in favor. Brian Anderson the presented the Zoning Report for February. He discussed the FEMA maps obtained through Congressman Barletta’s office which shows the flood plan. According to this map, the property of Dave Decoteau, 100 D & H Avenue, would not be in a flood zone; however it was recommended he carry flood insurance. Brian showed print outs of the area; Josh Owens then explained the coding on the maps for clarification which was very much appreciated. Brian Anderson also presented two updated photos of the Cook property that is in deplorable condition. Sewer inspections are proceeding well in compliance with the new ordinance. Zoning Report was approved on a Motion by Barb Kriner and seconded by Carolyn Bausch. All voted in favor. Police Chief Kerry Parkes then gave the Police Report for February. He stated three applications have been returned and one is outstanding yet. Chief Parkes showed a permit that he customized on the computer to use for peddling/solicitation permits rather than our outdated permit book. On a Motion by Caressa Compton and seconded by Peter Fleming, it was approved to use the computer generated system. All voted for. Chief Parkes also presented some information on pending radar bills that are pending. The Police report was approved on a Motion by Caressa Compton and approved by Barb Kriner. All voted in favor. The Mayor had nothing to report. Solicitor Michetti spoke on the 911 readdressing ordinance issue. There was some confusion as to what is to be in the ordinance concerning posting requirements. The Court has not scheduled the Hearing for Mr. Cook as of this date. The outstanding delinquent sewer bills were discussed. On a Motion by Barb Kriner and seconded by Carolyn Bausch, it was approved to file municipal liens on those property owners who have a bill of $1,000.00 as of March 1, 2017. Motion passed with all voting in favor. The Solicitor’s report was approved on a Motion by Barb Kriner and seconded by Caressa Compton. All voted for. Under new business, it was discussed about converting the office building to gas heat. We have a quote from Russ Ackley HVAC/R to install 2 furnace units and zone the building. Council requested two additional quotes to compare. Barb Kriner then made a Motion to proceed with the furnace and gas installation after receipt of other bids and this was seconded by Carolyn Bausch. All voted in favor. Carolyn also questioned the time frame for the UGI grant that would offset the furnace costs. Resolution 17-03-06 Municipal Plan Chief Administrative Officer was put before Council. This Resolution Appoints Secretary Bausch to fill that position for the municipal retirement plans. Approved on a Motion by Barb Kriner; seconded by Caressa Compton. All voted in favor. A letter from Police Officer Brad Harvey was put on the table. He was requesting a board to meet to discuss upcoming contract negotiations. Council members on this negotiating team will be John Novak, Carolyn Bausch and Barb Kriner. They will set a place and time to meet with Brad. At approximately 8:02 pm a Motion was made by Barb Kriner and Seconded by Caressa Compton to Adjourn the Council Meeting. Council Adjourned. Next council meeting will be March 20, 2017 at 7:00 pm. Respectfully submitted: Deborah Bausch Secretary Keeping Pennsylvania Beautiful By Rep. Lynda Schlegel Culver (R-Northumberland/Snyder) Each year, March marks the official beginning of spring. This year, I’m encouraging residents of the 108th District to expand their spring cleaning rituals to include the outdoors by focusing on our roads and recreational areas in need of some sprucing. You can do this by participating in the 2017 Great American Cleanup of Pennsylvania, which is a statewide initiative running through May 31, sponsored by Keep America Beautiful. Registration is now open to groups that wish to organize a wide range of beautification projects, from litter cleanups, to illegal dump sites, and special collections and educational events. Registered cleanup events can get free trash bags, gloves and safety vests from PennDOT district offices, while supplies last. To register, visit In addition to the Great American Cleanup of PA, there will also be "Pick It Up PA Days," from April 18-May 8, which are sponsored by the Department of Environmental Protection, Pennsylvania Waste Industries Association and participating landfills. During these days, events registered for the Great American Cleanup of PA will have access to reduced or free disposals. We are fortunate to live in a state filled with such natural beauty. Our portion of Penn’s Woods is a great place to enjoy the outdoors – from the Susquehanna River, to our bountiful fields and forests – there is much in which to be proud. Please join me in doing our part to help keep our region beautiful for residents and guests to enjoy. Visit for more tools and information, if you are interested in organizing a team of your own. Contact my district office in Sunbury by calling 570-286-5885, or toll free at 1-800-924-9060, for assistance with any state-related issue, as my staff and I always are happy to help. The Riverside Borough Council met on Monday, February 20, 2017 in the Municipal Building, 301 Dewart Street, Riverside. Council opened as an Executive Session at 6:01 pm which was called to order by Vice President Peter T. Fleming. The Executive Session was ended at 6:55 pm on a Motion by Carolyn Bausch and seconded by Barb Kriner. All voted in favor. The Borough Council regular session was called to order promptly at 7:00 pm by Vice President Fleming in the absence of President John J Novak. Council Members present this evening included Carolyn Bausch, Caressa Compton, Beth Hancock and Barb Kriner. Absent this evening in addition to President Novak were Council Member John Domanski and Mayor Joe Oberdorf.
In the audience this evening were Curtis Barrick, Amanda Mortimer, Jason and Jena Hess with their son, Tom Tobin and Chris Henrie. Amanda Mortimer addressed Council first with a request for a waiver of late fees on her sewer bill. She stated she did not know her husband had not been paying the bill and he has since passed away. She is not living in the home. On a Motion by Carolyn Bausch and seconded by Beth Hancock, a Waiver on Sewer Bill #0726 was granted in the amount of $15.00. All voted in favor. Amanda will pay the current fee due. The next residents to speak were Jena and Jason Hess regarding a sewer issue at their property on 320 Avenue E. They were very upset with a sewer blockage issue. They had to call out a plumber and ended up with a bill for approximately $400.00. She stated they had placed several calls to the Borough Street/Sewer Office but did not get a return call. Dan Gable, Street Superintendent, addressed the issue and stated there had been a problem with the phone message getting to the correct on call person. Jena stated the system failed her family; the web page information was not helpful with sufficient information for contact. Had the blockage been worse she wanted to know who would be responsible for the clean up. She also asked about being reimbursed for their plumber costs. She was told they would need to file a claim with their homeowner policy before the borough could take any action. There was a lengthy discussion on the sewer issue and contact procedures. Dan stated that employee, Chris Henrie, suggested a phone number be printed on the sewer bills and council agreed this would be a great idea. A cell phone strictly for use by on call worker for weekends was also discussed as a help with the contact when necessary. Last audience member to speak was Curtis Barrick on behalf of Larson Design Group. He presented the plans for a development by Mr. Tim Karr at 912 Sunbury Road. This will be 4 homes with two shared driveways. The plans were approved by the Riverside Planning Commission on Wednesday, February 15, 2017. The Northumberland County Planning Commission will be meeting on February 28th to give final approval of these plans. A Motion was made by Caressa Compton to approve the Plans for the development; seconded by Barb Kriner. All voted in favor. Mayor Joe Oberdorf joined the meeting at 7:30 pm. Minutes of February 6, 2017 were approved on a Motion by Barb Kriner and seconded by Beth Hancock. All voted in favor. Finance Reports were approved on a Motion by Barb Kriner and seconded by Carolyn Bausch. Al voted in favor. Barb stated how much she appreciated the new format and all the work that went into preparing the report with the new computer software. Her kudos were much appreciated by Secretary Debbie Bausch. Dan Gable, Street Superintendent, presented the Street Department Report. He stated they have completed many PA 1 calls for the gas line that is being installed throughout the borough. We have had one significant snowfall so far this year; our salt supply is full. The gas heater has been installed in the garage and things are much better there. Report was approved on a Motion by Caressa Compton and seconded by Barb Kriner. All voted in favor. Next agenda item was the Letter of Resignation from Officer Kevin Romansik. A Motion was made reluctantly by Caressa Compton to accept the resignation; seconded by Barb Kriner. Chief Kerry Parkes then discussed the hiring of Officer Romansik as a part time officer which had been requested in the Letter of Resignation. Discussion followed as to what benefits besides Worker’s Compensation would be needed to have a part time police officer; Mayor Joe Oberdorf stated we would need to draw up a contract to bring him on part time. Motion was made by Carolyn Bausch and seconded by Beth Hancock to hire Officer Kevin Romansik as a part time police officer in the Borough of Riverside. All voted in favor. Motion was amended to state that the rate of pay for the part time position would be $16.00 per hour with no benefits. Amendment made by Caressa Compton, seconded by Beth Hancock and all voted in favor. At approximately 7:46 pm, a Motion was made by Barb Kriner to adjourn the meeting; seconded by Caressa Compton. Riverside Borough Council Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted: Deborah Bausch Secretary |
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