Beginning on July 1, 2013, sewer bills will be paid at the Riverside Municipal Building, 301 Dewart Street.
Your new bill will be blue in color and mailed the second week of July. Checks should be made payable to the Borough of Riverside. Office hours are 8 am - 3 pm; there is a drop slot for after hours deposits. If you have any questions, contact the office, 570 275-1751.
JULY 2 0 1 3 July 1 – Council Meeting at 7:00 pm July 2 – Zing Productions Concert in Memorial Park Danville, 7 pm July 4 – Independence Day- Borough Offices Closed July 9 – Rusty Foulke concert– Danville Memorial Park at 7 pm July 15 – Borough Council Meeting at 7:00 pm July 16 – Singing Mailman Jim McClincy Danville Memorial Park at 7 pm July 19 – July 21 Iron Heritage Festival Activities - Danville July 20 – IHF Fireworks at the River July 23 – Van Wagner Concert– DeLong Memorial Hall, Washingtonville, 7 pm July 24 – Go Joe 16 – Riverside Park – Noon time Activities/Volunteers - Needed - Contact office 275-1751 July 30 – Woody Wolfe in the Park at 11:00 am Travel
Advisory June 26, 2013 Deck Patching on Danville-Riverside Bridge Tomorrow Montoursville –Motorists who travel the (Route 54) Danville-Riverside Bridge in Montour and Northumberland counties are advised that deck patching work will take place tomorrow (Thursday) starting after 8:30 a.m. The contractor will maintain one lane of traffic in each direction, and is expected to complete this work by the end of the day. Media contact: Rick Mason, 570-368-4202 Joe Snedeker from Channel 16 will hold his annual bike ride to support St Joseph's Center. This year he will be stopping in Riverside at the Riverside Park. Riverside native, Marissa Burke, will be riding into Riverside with Joe! Arrival is expected to be noon time on July 24th. Festivities are being planned to make this a wonderful welcome to our community. If you want to help or have a service to offer for the mini festival, please contact the borough office at 275-1751
ZING PRODUCTIONS will be providing entertainment during the visit by Joe Snedeker and Channel 16! If you would like to participate with food or games, contact the office!!! Channel 16 will do a live broadcast while Joe is in our Park! ![]() 8 Day Caribbean Cruise May 28, 2014 - June 5, 2014 Carnival Ship Splendor Fundraiser for Southside Fire Company, Riverside. Contact Jo's Just Cruisin 594-1156 for information Inside cabins start at $958.00/pp which includes port fees and taxes and one hour free cocktail party! Bus to pier and back will leave from Giant Parking Lot,Danville Questions can be directed to Debbie, 275-7688 $25 deposit to begin cabin processing due by July 30, 2013! Payment arrangements available! Welcome aboard to Gerard Zeidler who joins the Riverside Borough Police force today. Jerry joins the force from Danville.
Tom Summers will be in the office at 301 Dewart Street at the following dates and times: Monday, June 17 Tuesday, June 18 Wednesday, June 19 Each day - 2:30 pm - 5:00 pm There will be no further tax office hours for June 2013 after these dates. RIVERSIDE BOROUGH COUNCIL MEETING
Meeting changed from Monday, June 17 To TUESDAY, JUNE 18, 2013, 7 PM Council meetings are open to the public Municipal Building 301 Dewart Street Danville, PA A new business has opened in our area.
Farr Better Matches, 354A Mill Street, Danville will hold a workshop on Thursday, June 20, 6:30pm- 8 pm. $25.00 fee Singles event - scavenger hunt in the Danville area on Saturday, June 22nd, 2 - 4 pm, $25.00 fee for information/register go to: |
Police Department
570-275-4305 Emergency Dial 911 Non Emergency Dispatch 570-784-6300 Street Department 570-275-5338 Borough Office 570-275-1751 Quick InfoExternal LinksDemographics (
Susquehanna River Level PA State Website PA State Senate Website US Senate Website PA House of Representatives Website US House of Representatives Website Northumberland County Website Categories |