The Riverside Borough Council met in the Municipal Building, 415 Dewart Street, Riverside on Monday, October 2, 2023 at 7:00pm. Meeting was called to order by President John Domanski. Council members present: Vice President Barb Kriner, Peter Fleming, Brian Whitenight, Delavan Whitenight, April Shuman and Beth Rake. Also present were Solicitor Attorney Joseph Michetti, Chief of Police Kerry Parkes, Street Superintendent Dan Gable, Zoning Officer Brian Anderson and Secretary Lisa Fritz. Absent from Meeting: Mayor John LaMotte. Pledge of Allegiance Citizens to be Heard: Chris Berleth, President, from the Columbia Montour Chamber of Commerce, ‘Thanked’ Riverside Borough for being members of the Chamber. He stated this Chamber also represents surrounding areas. He handed out packets with the following information: Chamber Membership Directory, Business Matters Publication, The Chamber Monthly Dashboard Flyer, The Foundation of The Columbia Montour Chamber of Commerce Program Guide and The Quality Living Magazine. Chris informed Council that the Chamber can help get the word out about Events and Projects in Riverside Borough. He also stated there is help for residential and commercial business through the Chamber to search for energy suppliers. Contact information – PH: (570) 784-2522; website: www.columbiamontourchamber.com. You can also visit their office located at the Mulberry Mill Complex, 237 W 6th Street, Bloomsburg. Peter Fleming asked if they help students with job opportunities and what are the statistics of students getting jobs in the area. Chris Berleth said there is a work force website that provides that information, workforceinvestment.pa. Stew Shrawder, recently purchased the property located at 633 Sunbury Rd in Riverside and is planning to do some developing on the land. Beth Rake welcomed Stew to Riverside, along with the rest of Council. Old Business: Minutes of 9/18/2023 were read. Brian Whitenight made a motion to approve the Minutes, Peter Fleming seconded the Motion. All in favor. Zoning Officer Report: Brian Anderson read his report. He stated he has not had many building permits come in, mostly sewer inspections. Brian said there are some problems with sewer lines; such as cracks and tree roots growing into the lines that are in the Borough’s Right-of-ways. Brian wanted to let Council know there will be repairs the Borough will need to do. Dan Gable said the issue is cracks are underneath the Streets. Dan said when Adams Sewer & Drain does repair work, they will split the bill and send the portion due from the Borough. John Domanski questioned how long the issue has been going on with the Right-of-Way lines needing repair? Brian Anderson stated about four (4) years, but more prevalent in the past year. Brian stated there are approximately five (5) properties with Right-of-Way sewer line issues at this time. Brian Whitenight asked why the issues are only in the Borough’s Right-of-Ways’? Dan Gable said it is mainly due to tree roots. Dan also stated the Laterals from homes up to the Right-of-Ways are good. As properties are being inspected, these issues are discovered and corrected. Brian Anderson just wanted to alert Council so they could factor upcoming repairs into the Budget. Barb Kriner made a motion to approve the Zoning Report, Peter Fleming seconded. All in favor. Street Department Report: Dan Gable presented his report. Dan called PennDot regarding the RT 54 paving. The paving is on hold until Spring 2024, as there is an issue with the Railroad. John Domanski asked if the manhole at the intersection on Sunbury Rd and Rt 54 could be leveled out. Dan will call PennDot to ask if they can level the manhole cover. Dan stated Leaf Season collection will be from 10/16 through 11/22/23, longer if need be. Resident, Ken Gardner said he does not feel leaf collection should end on 11/22, as leaves still fall into November. Dan stated, the Street Department has collected leaves into December, but if it snows early, they plow. Dan asked Council if they would prefer a different date range. Council stated the dates are fine and to leave them as slated. Barb Kriner stated they kept a truck specifically for leave collection, Dan said they do use that truck. Dan encouraged residents to bag leaves and they will collect the bags when they see them. Barb made a motion to accept the Street Department report, with Brian Whitenight seconding. All in Favor. Southside Fire Company Report: A report was not submitted. Police Report: Kerry Parkes presented his report, he stated the MFA (Multi Factor Authentication) which is a secure digital access for devices will be mandated by 10/21/2024. Kerry plans to speak with the Borough’s IT company regarding set-up. Resident, Ken Gardner questioned Chief Parkes if the number of Warnings in his report pertain to trash violations. Kerry stated, No, as his department has recently started issuing warnings for trash bags not in containers. Ken Gardner believes the covered trash cans are working to deter the Vultures, as he has not seen as many in the area. Brian motioned to accept the Police report, Barb seconded. All in favor. Mayor’s Report: A report was not submitted. Solicitor Michetti Report: Act 600 – Attorney Michetti believes the notice received to implement Act 600 was solicitation for business. He will check into it further. President, John Domanski asked Attorney Michetti to read a letter of resignation as Council President. Attorney Michetti stated, in absence of the President, Council Vice President, Barb Kriner will step in. Council Members ‘Thanked’ John for his dedication and wished him well. Barb Kriner made a Motion to accept John Domanski’s letter of resignation. Beth Rake seconded. April Shuman opposed. The remaining Council Members were in Favor. Brian made a motion to accept the Solicitor’s report, with Delavan Whitenight, Jr seconding. All in Favor. Borough Life: Barb Kriner stated they are preparing for Halloween in the Park. Barb made a motion to accept the Borough Life report, Brian seconded. All in Favor. New Business: John Domanski stated a donation was received from The Assembly of GOD Church for use of the Borough Park. John gave an update on Merck; 75% of the buildings will be leveled when the plant closes. Buildings to remain will be: the Guard house, Locker room, Cafeteria and the new Administration building. Some sewer lines will be cut off and closed. The Fire hydrant outside of the fencing will remain accessible. Merck stated they do not anticipate a buyer at this time. Resident, Ken Gardner asked when the timeline for demolition is. John said they did not mention the time-frame for demolition. Ken Gardner asked Council if they would consider moving into the Merck site versus building new on the former School property. John stated he will check into that option. Beth Rake made a Motion to upgrade Quick Books to the Elite program, as the desktop version will be obsolete by the end of 2023. Peter seconded the motion. All in Favor. Motion to Approve: Beth made a Motion to approve the 2024 Council Meeting Dates, Brian seconded the motion. All in Favor. Action Items: A meeting was held with Danville Borough regarding increased fees slated for their work they do regarding the Pump Station in Riverside Borough. Danville officials stated that Riverside Borough was a burden to them. Council is checking into a Generator for the Pump Station to eliminate call-outs to Danville Borough when the pump station throws an alarm. Brian Whitenight asked the Secretary, Lisa to contact Larson Design for an estimate on a generator. Danville Borough is also not interested in a partial contract, the contract between Riverside and Danville expires 12/31/2023. Danville is willing to train personnel in Riverside (a fee will be assessed) for water sampling and pump station checks. Peter mentioned surroundings areas have also received increases from Danville Borough. A Town Hall meeting, open to the public will be held on Tuesday, October 10, 6:00pm at St. Peter’s Church. State Senator Lynda Schlegel-Culver and House Representative Michael Stender will be speaking, along with representatives from Larson Design Group, Mid-Penn Engineering and Grant Writer Sara Hailstone. Executive Session: No Executive Session was held. Barb made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Peter seconded the motion. Council adjourned at 8:47 o’clock pm. Respectfully Submitted: Lisa Fritz Secretary
BOROUGH OF RIVERSIDE COUNCIL MEETING October 16, 2023 PLEDGE TO THE FLAG CALL TO ORDER CITIZENS TO BE HEARD: I. OLD BUSINESS A. Minutes of 10/2/2023 meeting B. Follow-up from Town Hall Meeting on 10/10 II. SOUTHSIDE FIRE COMPANY REPORT III. BORO LIFE COMMITTEE A. Trick-or Treat Night IV. NEW BUSINESS A. Generator Proposal V. MOTION TO APPROVE A. West End Sewer Resolution B. Vice-President VI. ACTION ITEMS A. Pennvest Loans B. Budget Meeting Dates VII. EXECUTIVE SESSION ADJOURNMENT NEXT SCHEDULED COUNCIL MEETING IS Monday, November 6, 2023 @ 7:00 P. ***The dog has been found***
There is a missing dog, name is "Lumen" in the vicinity of Dewart Street, Riverside, near the Police Department. It is a 6 year old Catahoula, brown and white. If seen, please call John at (920-883-7188) RIVERSIDE BOROUGH COUNCIL
The Riverside Borough Council met in the Municipal Building, 415 Dewart Street, Riverside on Monday, September 18, 2023 at 7:00pm. Meeting was called to order by President John Domanski. Council members present: Vice President Barb Kriner, Peter Fleming and Brian Whitenight. Also present was Secretary Lisa Fritz. Absent: April Shuman, Beth Rake and Delavan Whitenight, Jr. Citizen present was Ken Gardner Pledge of Allegiance Resident Ken Gardner stated he was happy to see Council acting on a solution for the Vulture situation. He questioned why they were not going in other directions regarding the birds. John Domanski stated we must follow USDA’s recommendations’ first, as per State guidelines. The first step is for the food sources to be removed; such as placing trash bags in containers and outdoor animal food(s) removed. Brian Whitenight stated other areas also have vulture issues. Old business: Approval of the minutes of September 5, 2023. Barb Kriner approved the minutes upon the following added language to the Street Department Report: The issue of salting the intersections and hills has been addressed numerous times in the past; therefore, it will no longer be the practice to ONLY salt intersections and hills. The Street Department should salt all roads where needed to keep residents safe. Peter Fleming seconded the Motion. Approved by all. Borough Life: Postcards will be mailed out soon. Brian stated the fireworks for the Iron Heritage were postponed due to inclement weather, they were re-scheduled for Saturday, October 28th at 9:00pm. Trick-or-Treat Night has been moved to Saturday, October 28th from 6pm-9pm, as Council received requests from residents to move Trick-or-Treat night from a weeknight, 10/31 to the weekend. Peter made a motion to accept the Borough Life report, with Barb seconding. All in favor. New Business: A notice was received from the Borough of Danville regarding fee increases for the maintenance of the pump stations. John Domanski would like to meet with Danville Borough Council members to discuss the increases. John will set up a meeting in the future. He would also like Peter Fleming, Brian Whitenight, Dan Gable and Eric Mayan to attend. Barb made a Motion to talk with Danville regarding the increase in maintenance fees. Brian seconded. All in Favor. Brian said that perhaps one of Riverside Street Department employees could be trained or certified to do the testing/work that Danville now does. Barb Kriner stated Danville would most likely want an outside company to do the testing. Eric Mayan does check the pump stations every day. John D mentioned a registered letter received from Merck/Cherokee Pharmaceuticals giving notice they have filed a ‘Notice of Intent’ with the Susquehanna River Basin Commission requesting a reduced surface water withdrawal quantity for an extension of four additional years and nine months (through 2028). Resident, Ken Gardner questioned if the letter is an indication that Merck will cease operation(s)? John Domanski stated, it could possibly be in 2024; however, there will be a small crew into the future. Barb stated the Borough would lose taxes and sewer monies received from Merck once they close. Motion to Approve: Nothing to approve. Action Items: Recycling – Riverside Borough could pay Danville Borough $600.00 per month for Riverside Borough residents to take recycling to Danville’s bins. Brian feels recycling should be in Riverside, because he didn’t feel many residents would want to go over to Danville. Brian is going to check on other avenues for recycling in Riverside. The discussion was tabled by John Domanski until a future meeting. Barb stated Danville borough bills everyone for recycling. Brian Whitenight made a Motion to table the recycling issue for now, with Barb seconding the motion. All in favor. Barb made a Motion to go into Executive Session at 7:46pm. Brian seconded. All in Favor. At 8:10pm, Barb made a Motion to go back into regular session. Peter seconded. All in Favor. John Domanski set a meeting for Wednesday, September 20th at 8:00am with Peter Fleming, Dan Gable and Eric Mayan to discuss the Danville Pump Station and get some input so they can schedule a meeting with Danville Borough to further discuss the increase. A Town Informational meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 10th, 6pm at St. Peter’s Church. State Representatives, County Commissioners, Engineers and a Grant Writer have been invited to speak. A notice will be placed on the Borough’s Facebook page, the website and in the Press Enterprise. Brian Whitenight made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Barb seconded the motion. Council adjourned at 8:13 o’clock pm. Respectfully Submitted: Lisa Fritz Secretary |
Police Department
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