May 4 - 7 am – 12 Noon Riverside Dumpster Day Danville Spring Fling May 6- Council Meeting at 7 PM May 12 - Mother’s Day May 18- Armed Forces Day May 18 -Danville Fishing Derby, 9 am - 2 pm -Danville Middle SchooL May 19 – 7 pm, Danville HS Baccalaureate, HS Auditorium May 20 - Council meeting at 7 pm May 21- General Primary Election - VOTE Polls Open 7 am - 8 pm Riverside Municipal Building, 415 Dewart Street May 21 - 25 - Southside Fire Company Carnival May 26 - Memorial Day Service, 11:30 am - Riverside Park Monument May 27 - Memorial Day Holiday - Danville Parade/Service at Memorial Park Borough Offices Closed - Schools Closed May 30 – Danville HS Valediction – 7 pm Whitey McCloskey Center Borough Secretary will be out of the office, May 23 – 31, 2019 TAX COLLECTOR HOURS FOR MAY: Rebecca Steckley will be available by Appointment Only during May and June. Telephone: 570 -764-1393
Riverside Borough Offices will be closed on Friday, April 19th in observance of Easter weekend. Offices will reopen on Monday, April 22.
Due to a minimal agenda, the Riverside Borough Council Meeting scheduled for this evening, April 15, has been CANCELLED.
Next meeting will be Monday, May 6, 2019 at 7 pm in the Municipal Building, 415 Dewart Street. Whitenight's will be setting off some fireworks on Saturday, April 13 beginning at dusk. They are making a video so will not be a lengthy time period involved.
The Riverside Street Department has a new phone number for after hours and weekend EMERGENCY calls.
If you have an EMERGENCY, please call 570 764-1611 to reach the on call person! During work hours, the office phone at the garage is: 570 275-5338.. Sealed proposals will be received by:
Riverside Borough of Northumberland County, PA, at PO Box 307, 415 Dewart St, Riverside, PA 17868 until 7:00 PM, on May 06, 2019, to be opened on May 06, 2019, at 7:30 PM Riverside Borough Municipal Building For the following Contract: Paving Contract Furnish and place approximately 173 Ton Bituminous Wearing Course; 674 Ton Bituminous Binder Course; 12 Ton Bituminous Binder Course, Base Repair; 5 Set Grade Adjustment of Existing Manhole and perform 2,805 SY Milling Bituminous Pavement Surface. Performance bond and payment bond in the amount of 100% of the contract, as well as proof of worker’s compensation insurance will be required from the lowest responsible bidder. Prevailing Wage Rates shall be paid on the project. Bid Bond in the amount of 10% of the contract is required of all bidders. All work and material must meet current Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Specifications Form 408 and its Supplements. Proposals must be upon the forms furnished by the Municipality. The Municipality reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. Riverside Borough By: Deborah Bausch Secretary 570.275.1751 Sewer Bills for the 2nd quarter have been placed in the mail today. Payment amount is the left hand column until May 15th the current due date. After close of business on May 15(3 pm), please pay amount on the right hand column. Payments can be mailed to P O Box 307, Riverside, PA 17868; there is a drop slot in the office door for after hours drop off payments. You should return the stub side with the bar code with your payment. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the office at 570 275-1751. Balances over $500.00 are subject to a Municipal Lien being placed on the property.
Forms are available in the office for automatic payment withdrawl from a savings or checking account for sewer payments. As approved at the April 1, 2019 meeting, the minutes of March 4, 2019 follow:
RIVERSIDE BOROUGH COUNCIL The Riverside Borough Council met on Monday, March 4, 2019 in the Municipal Building, 415 Dewart Street, Riverside. Meeting was called to order promptly at 7:00 pm by Council President Carolyn M. Bausch. In attendance this evening were Vice President Peter T. Fleming, council members Barb Kriner, Beth Rake, John Domanski, Michael Leibel and Kevin Romansik, Solicitor Anthony Michetti, Mayor John LaMotte and Secretary Deborah Bausch. Our audience this evening consisted of Sheri & Todd Oberdorf, Terry Gearhart, Paula & Greg Benkovic, Nick Fowler, J.W. Snyder, Tim Karr and Danville News reporter, Karen Blackledge. Old business was on the table first and included approval of the minutes of February 4, 2019. This was done on a Motion by Beth Rake and seconded by Michael Leibel. All voted in favor. Solicitor Michetti then spoke of the status of the case of the Railroad transfer tax issue; it is scheduled for a hearing. Discussion then focused on an ordinance to restrict large trucks on some streets in the borough. Length of vehicles and weights were discussed for clarifying the ordinance. Streets involved would be Avenue C, South Mill Street and Chestnut at Third Street. Ordinance will be finalized at the April 1, meeting. On a Motion by Barb Kriner and seconded by John Domanski, approval was given to proceed with the advertising of the proposed ordinance. All voted for. Solicitor Report was approved on a Motion by John Domanski and seconded by Barb Kriner. All voted in favor. Due to another pending obligation, Solicitor Michetti left the council meeting at this time. Brian Anderson then presented the Zoning report for February. There was a special Variance Hearing held on Feb 7th for a car cleaning business on Janice Drive; approval given by Zoning Board to proceed. The Cook property on Avenue F has been sold and settlement will take place this week in Williamsport. Mr. Cook’s request to have time to empty the house was denied. New owners will take possession of the property at the end of this week. Report approved on a Motion by Beth Rake and seconded by Barb Kriner. All voted in favor. John Domanski then questioned about overgrown grass and weeds; he was informed this would be a police issue not zoning. Chief Parkes stated those issues usually start in the spring. Street Department report was read by Council President Carolyn Bausch. Street department crew has been busy with snow plowing and cindering. We have met our CoStars salt quota requirement for the year. The pole barn has been erected at the garage and will soon be totally completed. Dan Gable thanked the Police Department for assistance in placing the bucket truck on Municibid for sale. As of this evening, the current bid was $1576.00. Report approved on a Motion by Barb Kriner and seconded by Kevin Romansik; all voted for. John Domanski inquired about the airport meeting with Penn dot; he feels this is not a borough issue. Peter Fleming is spearheading the meeting that will be held in the office in the near future. Nick Fowler then gave the Southside Report. Red Cross has been to the firehouse to inspect for being a mass care facility. He will provide a copy of their report to Council when received. Barb Kriner made a Motion to approve this report and this was seconded by Peter Fleming. All voted for. Chief Kerry Parkes presented the Police report and spoke of two officers doing flag work for a railroad crossing project. We were reimbursed for this job. All officers have completed mandatory training. Computer issues were discussed. A quote was received from MePush to add quickwatch to the tablets and desktop in the police department. Approval was given to accept the quote on a Motion by Barb Kriner and seconded by Beth Rake. All voted in favor. Police report was approved on a Motion by Barb Kriner and seconded by John Domanski. All voted for. Mayor’s non report was approved on a Motion by John Domanski and seconded by Beth Rake. All voted for. Dumpster Day was our new business for the evening. Date will be May 4, 2019 from 7 am – 12 noon! Newspaper ad will be placed advertising the date and times for residents. Approved on a Motion by Barb Kriner and seconded by John Domanski. All voted for. Barb Kriner then reported on the traffic light timing study being handled by Danville Chief Eric Gill. The grant is in; however other projects have taken precedent at this time. John Domanski questioned the shutdown of Route 54 that was scheduled for April. This has been changed to 2 weekends in September/October and Penn dot will have flagmen handling the traffic so no shut down will take place. Last agenda item was a letter from Todd Oberdorf requesting council approval of a party at his property, 913 Avenue G, on July 5th. Some of the attendees tonight were here in support of the party and had no issues with it. On a Motion by Beth Rake and seconded by Barb Kriner, approval was given for the party. There will be no streets closed for this event and the band will be done by 10 pm. At approximately 7:28 pm, John Domanski made a Motion to Adjourn the council meeting. Council adjourned. Respectfully Submitted: Deborah Bausch Secretary |
Police Department
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