September 6 – Labor Day Holiday Borough Offices Closed - Danville Area Schools Closed
September 8 (TUESDAY) – Borough Council Meeting – 7 PM September 11 – Patriot Day September 12 - Danville Arts and Craft Fair - 9am - 5 pm September 14 – Rosh Hashanah September 21 – Council Meeting September 23 – Autumn Begins Bloomsburg Fair Begins - September 26th – Oct 3rd TAX COLLECTOR HOURS FOR SEPTEMBER By Appointment only! Phone 570 764-1393 to meet with Rebecca Steckley
Beginning Monday morning, Aug. 31, Railroad Street in Danville will close from Route 11 to Market Street due to water/sewer repairs between Route 11 and the railroad tracks, in addition to road repairs and paving between the railroad tracks and Market Street. According to contractor R.C. Young, this road closure will be in effect Monday through Friday, Aug. 31 through Sept. 4, from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
To avoid travel disruption, motorists should avoid this area and plan alternate routes. Thank you for your cooperation. Beginning Monday, August 31, 2015, road work will begin in the Borough. Pine Swamp Hollow road will be the first work zone. Hillside Drive will be the next target zone. Residents are reminded to use caution when traveling in these areas while the road work is being done!
UPCOMING NORTH BRANCH CANAL TRAIL WORK DAYS AND PARTIAL GRAND OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT It's time to get this trail open to the public. Please read on to learn more about how you can help make that happen. trail work days Monday, 8/31 - Friday, 9/4 8:00am - 2:00pm We're planning a week-long push to kick off a month of trail preparations. Please join us Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and/or Friday (all weather permitting) for brush and small tree trimming, weed whacking, trail grading and seeding along the Mahoning Township (Montour County) and Montour Township (Columbia County) sections of the trail. Meet at the temporary trailhead on River Drive, one mile east of the Danville Soccer Park (adjacent to the North Shore RR crossing). Please bring gloves, boots, picks, shovels and rakes if you have them (as well as a drink and snack to help keep you going). additional September trail work days (all 8:00am - 2:00pm, weather permitting) We're tentatively planning additional work days in September on:
North Branch Canal Trail signage coming soon! Thanks to the support of the Susquehanna Greenway Partnership and the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR), official trail signage will be installed along the North Branch Canal Trail corridor this month. We'll be installing mileage markers at each 0.1 mile mark, as well as various caution and information signage where needed. Watch for new trailhead kiosk signage as well. $146,000 grant to support the North Branch Canal Trail The Susquehanna Greenway Partnership and Montour Area Recreation Commission were recently awarded $146,000 in grant funding from the Williams Transco Pipeline Atlantic Sunrise Project / Conservation Fund Environmental Stewardship Program to support the construction of the North Branch Canal Trail between Danville and Catawissa, as well as planning for the Catawissa to Bloomsburg portion of the trail. Watch for culverts, bridges and other trail features in coming months made possible by this grant. GRAND OPENING CEREMONY THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1 12:00PM - 2:00PM The day we've been waiting for is nearly here! MARC is planning a partial opening of the first 0.4 mile-long portion of the North Branch Canal Trail in Mahoning Township, Montour County on Thursday, October 1, 2015 from 12:00pm - 2:00pm. Details for this and related events are now being planned, so watch for future updates as they become available. Donate now to help build the North Branch Canal Trail Even if you can't volunteer on one of the trail work days, you can still help build the trail. Please consider making a donation to help support our efforts. Online donations are being accepted through the Montour Area Recreation Commission's fund at the Central Susquehanna Community Foundation. Click here to donate online (Look for 'Montour Area Recreation Commission Agency Fund' under the 'Organization Endowment and School Foundation Funds' header.) To learn more about any of the upcoming events, please contact Bob Stoudt, MARC Director, at (570) 336-2060 or [email protected]. More information about the North Branch Canal Trail project can also be found on MARC's website. Copyright © 2015 Montour Area Recreation Commission, All rights reserved. You are receiving this email because you asked to be kept informed of North Branch Canal Trail updates. If you no longer wish to receive updates of this nature, please unsubscribe below. Our mailing address is: Montour Area Recreation Commission PO Box 456 Danville, PA 17821 Add us to your address book unsubscribe from this list update subscription preferences As approved at the 8/3/15 meeting, minutes of 7/6/15 follow:
The Riverside Borough Council met in the Riverside Municipal Building, 301 Dewart Street, Riverside, PA on Monday, July 6, 2015. Meeting was called to order by President John J Novak at 7 pm. Present this evening in addition to President Novak were Vice President Peter Fleming, Council Members Carolyn Bausch, Caressa Compton, Barb Kriner, Lori Steele and John Domanski. Mayor Oberdorf, Secretary Bausch and Solicitor Antonio Michetti were also in attendance. Citizens to be heard included Susan Robishaw from 11 Kipps Run Road. She presented a box of medications that had to be destroyed due to a delay in delivery by the U S Post Office. There is a problem with addresses on Kipps Run Road and the Trailer Park. Ms Robishaw stated she had spoken with postmaster who suggested adding a 3rd digit to the addresses in the Mobile Home Park. Brian Sterner, 13 Kipps Run Road, also voiced his concerns of the address problems for Kipps Run Road and the mail mix ups that occur there. President Novak stated we have been aware of this issue and had asked residents of the Trailer Park to be sure to use Mobile Home Park in their address but we could not enforce that. Changing the addresses for the trailer park would be a lot of work for residents there to change all their mailings. Lori Steele stated she is not comfortable with just changing one digit in the address to correct the problem. Contact will be made with Danville Post Office to ascertain what can be done to alleviate the problem. Mrs. C. Vanderlick then addressed council. She spoke of smoking issues at her property and also the use of marijuana in the borough. She had an article written by Montel Williams and published in the Press Enterprise on June 13, 2015 regarding legalizing marijuana. Solicitor Michetti told her the issue she has with neighbor smoking would be a civil matter and nothing to be addressed by Council. Our next citizen to speak was Marie Bleiler, 1115 Avenue G. Marie stated there is an issue with the lane exiting onto Avenue G. This area was trimmed by the street department last year to aid in visibility to enter the roadway. Mrs. Bleiler is requesting Hidden Driveway signs be placed above and below the area to alert drivers to the residents exiting from that lane. She also spoke of placing a mirror across the street for added safety. She stated their motorcycle has almost been struck several times trying to get out the lane onto Avenue G. Solicitor Michetti said to contact Penn Dot. Secretary Bausch will contact Barry Garverick, our Penn Dot representative for assistance with this issue. Mr. Bob Stoudt was in the audience with his 3 children. He addressed council on behalf of MARC, Montour Area Recreation Commission. Riverside’s representative to MARC, Mike Maize, had resigned at their May meeting due to schedule conflicts. Mike was thanked for his service and dedication to MARC. President Novak then addressed council members to ask if anyone would like to be on the MARC board in Mike’s place; there were no members interested in applying for the seat. Mr. Stoudt then introduced Bill Lavage, 11 14th Street, to Council as a potential board member. Bill had volunteered to be on the board. Bill said he has been a resident of Riverside since 1981 and enjoys the interaction of MARC with our residents. MARC has done a wonderful job to promote activities in our area. Caressa Compton inquired about more focus on water activities since we are right along the Susquehanna. Kayaking is very popular in this area and may be worth checking into for some activities. Lori Steele made a Motion to accept Mike Maize’s resignation and appoint William Lavage to the MARC board; seconded by Barb Kriner. All voted in favor. Minutes of June 1, 2015 meeting were approved as presented on a Motion by John Domanski and seconded by Carolyn Bausch. All voted in favor. Zoning Report was read by President Novak in the absence of Zoning Officer Brian Anderson. Report was approved on a Motion by Caressa Compton and seconded by Peter Fleming. All approved. Mayor Oberdorf presented the Police Report in the absence of Police Chief Kerry Parkes. Council was advised to review the report. John Domanski questioned the number of complaints listed. Discussion was held and agreed we are more active now with a full complement of police officers on staff. Activity picks up in the summer months as well. Report was approved on a Motion by Caressa Compton and seconded by Lori Steele. All voted in favor. Dan Gable, Street Department Superintendent, gave the Street report. Catch Basin at Merck entrance has been completed. There remains one more catch basin to be redone. The street department crew has been busy handling PA 1 calls along with weed control and canvasing the area for trouble spots from rainfall. The right of way off Hillside Drive was again discussed. Resident had contacted President Novak about the area; it was decided to do one fix at this time. Ownership of the land is currently in question. A private citizen wanted to take care of the problem; however, the contractor would not do the work without some proof of ownership of the land. Report was approved on a Motion by Lori Steele and seconded by Barb Kriner. All voted in favor and motion passed. Barb Kriner presented the Southside Fire Company Report for council to review. She stated the one call to 10 Kipps Run Road at the Jeffrey’s property, was called in several times. This was a pole fire and the power had to be shut off by PPL before anything further could be done. Report was approved on a Motion by Lori Steele and seconded by Peter Fleming. All voted for. Insurance payment was then put on table for discussion. It was decided to pay the $9,000.00 in the budget to the Fire Company this year and next year will ask for the invoice to pay insurance company directly. Budget will be adjusted to show increase in coverage costs. It was also discussed to ask Rush Township to put an annual amount in their budget to make the budget process easier for both communities. We send a letter each year requesting a contribution from Rush Township since a majority of our fire calls are to that area. If something could be set up to be a yearly amount, budget would be easier to manage. Barb Kriner gave the Code Enforcement Report. 100 D & H Avenue is not in compliance; currently there are bags of fertilizer stored in the building which is not secured. This property could be classified as “attractive nuisance”. This building is zoned A-2 and only for restaurant business so nothing else can be there unless it pertains to a restaurant. Attorney Michetti clarified that by stating it is zoned commercial not necessarily limited to restaurant business. Building should be posted and closed up in a set amount of time. Barb will check with Jackie Hart and Brian Anderson about posting property. The property at 101 Elysburg Road will need a Variance to continue progress there. Mr. Bloch wishes to demo the property but not rebuild for several years. 302 Gearhart Street is going forward and progressing nicely. D & H Avenue and Avenue F property owned by Mr. Cook are ready for citations to be issued. Mr. Jon Ferguson had spoken with Mr. Cook to purchase the Avenue F home; however Mr. Cook has stopped answering his phone calls. 330 Avenue E, Oberdorf property is being handled by law office of Marks, McLaughlin and Dennehy. Mrs. Oberdorf is asking $60,000.00; it was suggested bids be taken for the property. Sunbury Road property has taxes paid by Thomas Bostian; Jackie is working on this one. An ambulance call led to the property at 7 Boyce Road being condemned until it is cleaned up. Code Enforcement Report was approved on a Motion by Caressa Compton and seconded by Carolyn Bausch with all voting in favor. Mayor Joseph Oberdorf then gave his report. His first agenda item was the siren battery quote from Keystone Communications which he previously provided to council. He felt there is a real need for the batteries to be purchased and installed. At this time, he is not considering the yearly maintenance contract. Caressa Compton questioned if the batteries can be purchased elsewhere at a better price. Joe stated Keystone was the only vendor they had found. Batteries to be purchased was done on a Motion by Barb Kriner and seconded by Lori Steele. All voted in favor. Second item was to add EMA information on the Riverside Borough webpage which will be done. Last concern was the carpets being shampooed. It was previously discussed with no outcome noted. There are stains in the police department carpet which may be oil and have not been able to be removed. It was decided to get quotes and put carpet in the budget for next year. Solicitor Antonio Michetti was here in place of Attorney Joseph Michetti Jr. He stated Municipal Liens are being satisfied. The O’Neil hearing will be held on July 10, 2015. Report was approved on a Motion by Lori Steele and seconded by Caressa Compton. All voted in favor. Prior to this evening’s meeting, PSAB made a presentation on their retirement plan, MRT - Municipal Retirement Trust. At this time the borough has 2 of the 3 pieces of our retirement plan with MRT and one piece with Mockenhaupt. Linda Costa from PSAB MRT had explained the background of the plan and where our plan stands right now as far as funding - 92.3% which is very good. It is being requested to move the part of the plan from Mockenhaupt to MRT to have it all together. Motion was made and amended to find out if the Mockenhaupt group is currently working on anything for the Borough or if we have any costs incurred; if not proceed with switching to MRT; if something is in work, table issue until completed and then switch. Motion/amendment was made by Caressa Compton and seconded by Lori Steele; all voted in favor. Vice President Peter Fleming then spoke of the upcoming fireworks for the Danville Heritage Festival. Fireworks were purchased by former resident, Glady Magill, in memory of her late husband, Jack Magill. Display will be set off behind English Garden as has been the past practice. They have insurance coverage and it has been cleared with the Danville authorities. On a Motion by Lori Steele and seconded by Carolyn Bausch, it was voted to support the fireworks display on July 18, 2015. All voted in favor. Our New Business this evening was addressed earlier with the appointment of Bill Lavage to MARC. John Domanski spoke further on the address issue at Kipps Run. John also said UGI has made positive strides in getting gas in Riverside. They are awaiting an easement from Merck and the Railroad. Regular Session of Council was adjourned to an Executive Session at 8:45 pm on a Motion by Barb Kriner and seconded by Caressa Compton. At 9:00 pm, Regular council resumed after ending the Executive Session and was then adjourned on a Motion by John Domanski and seconded by Peter Fleming. Respectfully submitted: Deborah Bausch Secretary |
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