The Borough Office will be closed on Friday, March 30, 2018 in observance of Good Friday.
April 1 – A Blessed Easter
April Fools Day April 2 - Borough Council Meeting - 7:00 pm April 16 - Borough Council Meeting - 7:00 pm April 22 - Earth Day April 28 - Arbor Day TAX OFFICE HOURS FOR APRIL: Beckie Steckley, Tax Collector, will hold office hours in the Borough Municipal Building on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons: 4:30 Sealed proposals will be received by: Riverside Borough of Northumberland County, PA, at PO Box 307, 415 Dewart St, Riverside, PA 17868 until 7:00 PM, on April 02, 2018, to be opened on April 02, 2018, at 7:30 PM Riverside Borough Municipal Building For the following Contract: Dirt & Gravel Contract Furnish and place approximately 3,312Ton Drving Surface Aggregate; 360 LF Pipe 15" HDPE N-12 IB; 345 LF Pipe Underdrain: 60 Ton R-4 Rock; 20 Ton ASSHTO #3 Aggregate; 138 SY Geotextile Class 4, Type A; 20 Ton 2A Subbase. Perform 45 CY Class 1 Excavation and 9,200 SY Scarify, Grade and Compact. Performance bond and payment bond in the amount of 100% of the contract, as well as proof of worker’s compensation insurance will be required from the lowest responsible bidder. Bid Bond in the amount of 10% of the contract is required of all bidders. Prevailing Wage Rates shall be paid on the project. All work and material must meet current Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Specifications Form 408 and its Supplements. Proposals must be upon the forms furnished by the Municipality. The Municipality reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. ![]()
The Riverside Borough Council met on Monday, February 19, 2018 in the Municipal Building, 415 Dewart Street, Riverside, PA. The meeting was called to order promptly at 7:00 pm by Council President Carolyn Bausch. In attendance this evening were Vice President Peter Fleming and Council members Caressa Compton, Barb Kriner, John Novak and John Domanski. Mayor Joseph Oberdorf and Secretary Deborah Bausch were also in attendance. Absent this evening was Beth Rake.
Bob Stoudt, Montour Area Recreation Commission, was the only audience member and addressed council about the status of MARC in our area. He had previously provided copies of the 2017 Annual Report. This evening he highlighted the Intergovernmental Agreement of Cooperation that is being presented to all neighboring communities that support MARC. This new agreement is mainly to update the verbiage; last agreement was signed in 2005. A rough 2018 budget was also shared with council. Bob stated MARC is beginning with $0 and will need $16,500 for operating costs. Funds are raised through races which have diminished in attendance due to the popularity of them in this area. Suggestions were put on the table to increase income for MARC such as scavenger hunts and other races. On a Motion by Caressa Compton, council agreed to sign the Intergovernmental Agreement of Cooperation; seconded by Peter Fleming and all voted in favor. Minutes from February 5, 2019 were approved on a Motion by Barb Kriner and seconded by John Novak. All voted in favor. Financial Reports for January 2018 were approved on a Motion by Barb Kriner and seconded by John Novak. All voted for. Dan Gable, Street Superintendent, then addressed council with the street department report. As everyone was aware one of our trucks was damaged in an accident on the bridge; thankfully, employee, Eric Mayan, was not hurt. However, the truck will probably be totaled and the street department will need a replacement one as soon as possible. Dan provided quotes for several types of trucks and requested a crew cab model so that the guys could all ride in one vehicle without crowding each other. His preference was a 4 door crew cab with a 6’ box. It would be 12 - 16 weeks until it would be available. Prices were from a Co Stars vendor who stated if there is a truck out there already, that would be our best option. On a Motion by Caressa Compton and seconded by Barb Kriner, Dan was given the approval to order the crew cab truck. Pricing would be variable based on insurance company payment for destroyed truck. All voted in favor. We will await the information from the insurance company regarding the old truck. Dan then notified council that a grant we had previously requested and did not receive was again available and Riverside Borough has been given a grant that will repair Mainzer Hill Road. Some of the funding has been received and he has been in touch with our Penn Dot representative to get the bid specs together and advertised. The grant will be for approximately $126,000.00 and will be strictly used for Mainzer Hill Road repair. Work to begin this year. Street Department Report was approved on a Motion by Barb Kriner and seconded by Peter Fleming. All voted for. In other business, Caressa Compton made a motion to explore other software options for the office. Motion seconded by John Novak. All voted in favor. It was agreed to have our auditor work with the current software vendor to get our figures in order for annual audit. In closing the new business, John Domanski asked to revisit the agenda scheduling to be one meeting a month. This will be on next month’s agenda for discussion. At approximately 7:44 pm, Barb Kriner made a Motion to adjourn to an Executive Session for personnel business. Seconded by Peter Fleming. All voted for. Council adjourned regular session and began Executive Session. Executive Session ended at approximately 8:20 pm on a Motion by Caressa Compton and seconded by Peter Fleming. Motion approved by all in attendance. 8:21 pm John Domanski made a Motion to adjourn the council’s session; seconded by John Novak. Council Meeting for February 19, 2018 was adjourned. Respectfully Submitted: Deborah Bausch Secretary |
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