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April 3, 4, 5 - Spring Thaw Art Show, Hawkins Showroom, Danville April 7 - Borough Council Meeting - 7:00 pm April 8 - Town Meeting at 6:30 pm - St Peter’s UM Church, Fellowship Hall April 13 - Palm Sunday April 14 - Passover April 18 - Good Friday - Borough Offices Closed April 19 - Police Dinner Dance Washies Fire Company $20.00/person April 20 - Easter Sunday April 21 - Borough Council Meeting - 7:00 pm April 26 - Tina’s Ride Charity Benefit Poker Run Fundraiser - Registration at Noon Dinner and live bands at 5 pm - $15.00/PERSON Southside Fire Company, 200 Avenue D April 26 - 27 - National Club Softball Association North Atlantic Regional Playoffs Echo Field Complex, Danville TAX OFFICE HOURS FOR APRIL: Tom Summers, Tax Collector, will hold office hours in the Borough Municipal Building on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons: 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Name: __________________________________________ Age (at race date)/gender: _____________________________ Address: ________________________________________ City, State, Zip: ___________________________________ Phone ( ) - _______ - ________ Emergency Contact (name and phone number): ____________________________________ Prizes awarded to the top 3 overall finishers Entry Fee: Please make your check payable to the American Cancer Society, 1948 East Third Street Williamsport, PA 17701. Return form and fee to: Kayla James at PO Box 67, Danville, PA 17821 or [email protected].
Our next North Branch Canal Trail work day will be held tomorrow morning, Saturday 3/22, at 9:00am, meeting at the intersection of River Drive and Mt. Zion Drive in Cooper Township, Montour County. This location is roughly 2.5 miles east of the Danville Soccer Park or 4.5 miles west of the Catawissa Boat Club (please see map below). Please look for my silver Toyota Tundra with a silver cap parked on the river side shoulder of the road. Please plan to arrive between 8:45am and 9:00am tomorrow if possible so that we can walk together to the day’s work site. Please remember, we will be parking and walking near private property, so it is very important we respect the neighboring landowners’ properties. We will work until no later than 1:00pm.
Tomorrow’s work will involve woody debris and small tree clearing along the trail corridor. No earthmoving work of any kind will be done, so shovels, picks and other similar tools are not needed, though pruning shears and tools of that nature may be useful. Volunteers should wear sturdy work boots, heavy-duty (briar resistant) clothing and work gloves. Only MARC staff and veteran trail crew volunteers will be permitted to operate chainsaws or other power equipment. All volunteers will be required to sign liability waivers before beginning any work. Because trail conditions are still very rough, we ask that children not attend this session. Additionally, because of the legal agreement governing trail construction and access, please understand volunteers may only be on site during the times listed above, in the presence of MARC representatives. The trail corridor remains closed to public access until further notice. Weather permitting, the next work day is scheduled for Saturday, March 29th, from 9am – 1pm. After that, we’ll be doing a work day at the Hess Recreation Area in Danville on Saturday, April 5th, from 9am – 11am and then taking off the weekend of April 12/13 for the opening weekend of trout If you have any questions or need more information, please email me at this address or call me on my cell phone at (570) 336-2060. Thank you for your interest in the North Branch Canal Trail project. Sincerely, Bob Stoudt | Director, Montour Area Recreation Commission / River Towns Race Series | PO Box 456, Danville, PA 17821 (570) 336-2060 | [email protected] | http://www.MontourRec.com Here is the release issued by PennDot this date:
News for Immediate ReleaseMarch 20, 2014Public Meeting Scheduled for Riverside Railroad Crossing Replacement ProjectMontoursville – A public meeting will be held to discuss a Canadian Pacific Railway project to replace its aging crossing at Route 54 in Riverside Borough, just off the Danville-Riverside Bridge in Northumberland County.The meeting will be held at St. Peter’s Fellowship Hall, 240 Sunbury Road, Riverside, PA starting at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 8, 2014.The meeting will gather further public input and provide updates on the continuing coordination with local stakeholders on the best timeframe and method to construct the project in order to minimize traffic impacts.PennDOT’s role is to coordinate traffic control with Canadian Pacific and facilitate communication with stakeholders.Media contact: Rick Mason, 570-368-4202 PennDot officials will be holding a meeting on Tuesday, April 8, 2014 in the Fellowship Hall, St Peter's UMC, Sunbury Road, Riverside beginning at 6:30 pm. This will be in regards to the PUC mandated replacement of the railroad tracks at Route 54 crossing.
A charity benefit poker run and dinner will be held on April 26, 2014 at the Southside Fire Company Grounds. Benefit event for Tina, a wife, mother of 3, grandmother and RN who is battling Sqaumous Cell Throat Cancer as well as Diabetes. Motorcycles, Hot Rods, Classic, Trucks and anything street legal is eligible to participate in this 46.8 mile ride fundraiser. Registration starts at 12 Noon and riders must be back by 5 pm. Cost is $15.00/person plus $10.00 poker fee. You don't need to ride to be a part of this fundraiser - dinner and live bands at 5 pm with lots of gift certificates to be awarded. Poker Run prizes - $500-1st, $250 - 2nd and $100 for third place.
Donations can be made to Central Susquehanna Credit Union, 510 Market Street, Danville, PA 17821 in the name of Tina's Ride. For preregistration or further information, please call, 570 764-7611 The sewer billing for second quarter, 2014, have been mailed.
There are corrections to this mailing. The period bill date months are correct; however the year defaulted to 2000 rather than 2014. Also the due date is listed at 4/15/2014. Late fee will not be assessed on the second quarter billings until May 9, 2014. Residents of West End are reminded to check their bills for the changed rate. If you have any questions, please contact the office at 570 275-1751. As approved at the March 3, 2014 Council meeting the minutes from February 17, 2014 follow:
The Riverside Borough Council met on Monday, February 17, 2014 at the Municipal Building, 301 Dewart Street, Riverside, PA. President John J Novak called the meeting to order at 7 pm. Present were Vice President Peter Fleming, council members Caressa Compton, John Domanski, Barb Kriner and Lori Steele. Secretary Deborah Bausch was present. Mayor Joseph Oberdorf was absent this evening. Citizens in attendance this evening were John LaMotte, Carolyn Bausch, Kayla and Ryan James. Kayla James spoke about an upcoming Relay for Life event that is in the planning stages; she wishes to have Council approve the event. It will be a 5K run on borough streets beginning at 9 am on Satuday, May 17th. She provided a certificate of insurance as well as a planned route for the runners. Council took it under advisement and requested she return to our March 3rd meeting when the Police Department and Streets Department would be present in case of any further information needed by those departments for the run. She stated she would be able to return. Minutes of February 3rd were approved on a Motion by Peter Fleming and seconded by Lori Steele. Motion passed on unanimous vote Financial reports were distributed for January 2014 for review by council. Approval will take place at the March 3rd meeting President John Novak then addressed the vacant council seat; three residents had shown interest in the council position. John Domanski inquired about the term of this seat. The Vacancy will be a 2 year term since it is an appointment rather than election. Nominations were then put on the table. Lori Steele nominated Carolyn Bausch. Barb Kriner nominated John LaMotte; Peter Fleming seconded the Motion for John LaMotte. There was no second for Carolyn Bausch. Vote was taken by a show of hands; Barb Kriner, Caressa Compton, Peter Fleming and John Domanski voted in favor of John LaMotte; Lori Steele voted no. Appointment of John LaMotte to Council carried on a 4 - 1 vote. Peter Fleming then thanked Carolyn Bausch for her willingness to be a part of council and sees a seat on council in her future. Lori Steele also thanked Carolyn for her enthusiasm and interest at council meetings. Due to the absence of the mayor, swearing in was not done at this meeting but will be done on March 3rd. Discussion was then held regarding the Gas Line Committee. On a motion by Barb Kriner and seconded by Peter Fleming, John Domanski was appointed to lead a subcommittee to follow up with gas line introduction into the Borough. Motion was approved unanimously by Council. John LaMotte and Caressa Compton agreed to help on the committee. John Novak stated John Domanski could seek assistance from other residents with this committee. Council meeting adjourned at 7:15 pm on a Motion by Barb Kriner and Seconded by Caressa Compton. Respectfully Submitted Deborah Bausch Secretary Tom Summers, Tax Collector, will be in the office on Tuesdays and Thursdays for the first two weeks in March during the hours of 3:00 pm - 5:30 pm.
Tax hours for the last two weeks of March will remain as listed above - Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3:00 pm to 5:30 pm. |
Police Department
570-275-4305 Emergency Dial 911 Non Emergency Dispatch 570-784-6300 Street Department 570-275-5338 Borough Office 570-275-1751 Quick InfoExternal LinksDemographics (CityData.com)
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