June 4- Borough Council Meeting at 7:00 pm
June 6 - D Day June 8 - Last Day of School for Danville School District June 8 -DanvilleHighSchool Graduation7:00 pm June 9 – Berry Berry Fun BBQ – Whitenight Farm Market June 14 - Flag Day June 17 - Father’s Day June 21 - Summer Begins June 23 – Bring in Summer with A Bank Fireworks, Whitenight Farm Market TAX COLLECTOR HOURS FOR JUNE Rebecca Steckley, Tax Collector, will have office hours in the Municipal Office BY APPOINTMENT ONLY- Call her to make arrangements to meet her. 570 764-1393 Concerts in the Park - Danville Memorial Park at 7 pm 6/05 – Van Wagner – Good Samaritan Fundraiser – Series Opener 6/12 – Danville Community Band 6/19 - Celtica – Celtic celebration of the Summer Solstice 6/26 – Jim McClincy – Classic country, folk, gospel & soft rock to edit.
The Annual Riverside/Rush Township Memorial Day Service will be held Sunday, May 27th at the Riverside Park. Danville Community Band will be providing music starting at 11:15 am with the program starting at 11:30 am.
BOROUGH OFFICES WILL BE CLOSED MONDAY, MAY 28TH IN OBSERVANCE OF THE HOLIDAY. Street or Sewer EMERGENCIES - please call the borough garage 570 275-5338. A hooded sweatshirt jacket was found in the pavilion at the Riverside Park. It has been added to the other items on the Lost and Found table. Stop in and claim the sweatshirts, glasses, etc that have been found in the park!
The Regular Council Meeting scheduled for May 21, 2018 has been cancelled. Next meeting will be held on Monday, June 4, 2018 at 7:00 pm.
Sewer bill payments are due in the office prior to 3 PM today, Monday, May 14th. those left in the drop slot after hours will have the late fee charged.
The Annual Riverside-Rush Township Memorial Day Service will be held at the Riverside Park on Sunday, May 27 beginning around 11 am. The Danville Community Band will play at 11:15 am. Guest Speaker will be Jason Bedisky.
As approved at the May 7th meeting, minutes of April 2, 2018 follow:
The Riverside Borough Council met on Monday, April 2, 2018 in the Municipal Building, 415 Dewart Street, Riverside, PA. Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Council President Carolyn M. Bausch. In attendance this evening were council members Barb Kriner, Beth Rake, John Domanski and John Novak as well as Solicitor Joseph Michetti and Secretary Deborah Bausch. Absent this evening were Vice President Peter Fleming, Council Member Caressa Compton and Mayor Joseph Oberdorf. In the audience this evening were Nicholas Fowler, Rebekah Lenig, Hope and Frank Gearhart and Danville News reporter Karen Blackledge. Rebekah Lenig took the floor first regarding her recent bid purchase of property that abuts her current home on Third Street in the Borough. Solicitor Michetti provided her with the Settlement Sheet and the Quit Claim deed. Balance of payment was received for the bid. Ms. Lenig then stated she was willing to rent the property and borough shed that is on it back to the borough. Following some discussion, a Motion was made by Beth Rake to rent the property/shed for $1.00; seconded by John Novak. All voted in favor. A Lease Agreement was then signed by all parties. Hope Gearhart then spoke to Council about the wedge of property that she had been seeking to have incorporated into her property. She was not aware the property had gone out for bids; no bids were received during the bidding process for this land. It is a small wedge and not able to be developed; Mrs. Gearhart stated they had to pay $2,000.00 to have the trees removed from that section when building their home and will be having the land hydroseeded at a cost to them so was not wanting to pay much more money for the piece of land. Discussion of the wedge of land was held; Solicitor Michetti said there were no official measurements of the area. Mrs. Gearhart then offered the borough $5.00 for the land. On a Motion by John Domanski and Seconded by Beth Rake, the property was sold to the Gearhart family for $5.00. All voted in favor. Solicitor Michetti explained the Quit Claim deed and will be here for the May 7th meeting with documents for the Gearhart family. Minutes of March 19, 2018 were reviewed; no discussion was requested. On a Motion by Barb Kriner and seconded by John Novak, minutes were approved. All voted in favor. Brian Anderson, Zoning Officer, gave his report for the month of February. The oil tanks at the Cook property on Avenue F have been removed. Dave Decoteau has removed a wing of the building on his property on D & H Avenue. This is a busy time for permits with residents adding sheds, etc. to their properties. Mr. Bloch will be continuing to remove the debris from his property behind the English Garden. With no further discussion being held, the report was approved on a Motion by Barb Kriner and seconded by John Domanski. All voted in favor. Police Chief Kerry Parkes then addressed council with the police report for March 2018. Officer Brad Harvey has completed a 3 day Interview school. The new cruiser has been ordered and is in the building stage. The Chief has been contacted regarding SWAT team participation with the Columbia/Montour SWAT team. It would be $1500.00 initially and a $500.00 per year cost after that. He is still gathering information on the program. There was only 1 complaint about the fireworks at Whitenight’s. Chief Parkes also reminded residents that his office will be watching for out of inspection vehicles as well as those that have been in the same place for 72 hours. After discussion, a Motion was made by Beth Rake and seconded by John Novak to approve the Police Report. All voted for. Nick Fowler, Southside Fire Chief, then gave the fire company report for March. He spoke of the training that has been held so far and the hours yet to be completed for those wishing to be volunteer firefighters. The annual carnival will be held on the grounds, May 22 – May 26, 2018. No discussion was requested. On a Motion by Barb Kriner and seconded by John Novak, the report was accepted. All voted for. There was no Mayor report due to the absence of the mayor at tonight’s meeting. Solicitor Michetti then opened the bids for the Dirt and Gravel Project. Results are attached to this report. On a Motion by Barb Kriner and Seconded by Beth Rake, the bid submitted by Sudol Paving was accepted for the project. All voted for. A motion was made by Barb Kriner and seconded by John Novak to accept the Solicitor report. All voted in favor. A letter was then placed on the table from Shade Mountain Winery. They are requesting to host an outdoor event on their property on Juy 14. Discussion of previous event and any concerns were addressed. On a Motion by Barb Kriner and seconded by John Novak, request was approved for July 14, 2018. A Motion to adjourn to an Executive Session was made by Barb Kriner and seconded by Beth Rake. All voted in favor. Regular Council session ended and Executive Session began. At approximately 8:29 pm, Barb Kriner made a Motion to adjourn the Executive Session and return to regular council. Seconded by John Novak. Regular Council session resumed. On a Motion by John Novak and seconded by Beth Rake, an amended memo will be distributed to employees regarding medical reimbursement costs. Repayment cost section for 2018 will be withdrawn. All voted in favor. At approximately 8:32 pm, John Domanski made a Motion to Adjourn which was seconded by John Novak. Council Session ended. Respectfully submitted: Deborah Bausch Secretary |
Police Department
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