June 2- Borough Council Meeting at 7:00 pm
June 5 - Danville High School Valediction at 7 pm June 6 - D Day June 13 - Danville Area High School Graduation at 7:00 pm June 14 - Flag Day June 15 - Father’s Day June 16 - Council Meeting at 7 pm June 21 - Summer Begins TAX COLLECTOR HOURS FOR JUNE Tom Summers, Tax Collector, will have office hours in the Municipal Office during the month of June on Wednesday and Thursday, 1 - 3 pm
Borough Secretary will be out of the office until June 6, 2014. Phone calls and correspondence will be answered at that time.
Shade Mountain Winery will be having a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony on Wednesday, May 28th at Noon at their Riverside Store. Come out and officially welcome them to the Borough of Riverside!
The 49th Annual Riverside-Rush Township Memorial Day Service will be held Sunday, May 25 beginning at 11:30 am at the Monument at the Riverside Park. Speaker will be Randy Keister, U S Air Force. Michael Benjamin, U S Navy, will be leading the audience in singing.
Danville will have a Memorial Day Service on Monday, May 26 beginning with a bridge ceremony at 10 am followed by parade through town to the Memorial Park. Take time to remember this holiday weekend! Borough Offices will be closed Monday, May 26th in observance of the Memorial Day Holiday. Stay Safe and Enjoy the weekend. Voting takes place at the Municipal Building, 301 Dewart Street, Riverside. Polls open 7 am - 8 pm
This evening, enjoy the beginning of the Southside Fireman's Carnival, 200 Avenue D As approved at Council Meeting on May 19:
The Riverside Borough Council met on Monday, May 5, 2014 at the Municipal Building, 301 Dewart Street, Riverside. Meeting was called to order shortly after 7 pm by President John Novak. Also in attendance were Vice President Peter Fleming, Barb Kriner, Caressa Compton, John Domanski and John LaMotte. Solicitor Joseph Michetti, Mayor Joseph Oberdorf and Secretary Deborah Bausch were also present. Council Member Lori Steele joined the meeting at approximately 7:10 pm. First on the floor for the evening was Denise Onderko who presented information on AFLAC at the request of several employees. She explained the programs available and savings to not only the employee but also the employer. AFLAC is a supplement insurance program and does not affect our current policies in any manner. On a Motion by Caressa Compton and second by Barb Kriner, approval was given for AFLAC to be offered to the Borough employees. All voted in favor of the Motion. Minutes from April 21, 2014 were reviewed. John Domanski questioned a notation in the April 7 minutes regarding a vote taken at that meeting. It was discussed and clarified. Minutes from April 21, 2014 were approved on a Motion by Caressa Compton and Seconded by Lori Steele. All voted in favor. Financial Reports for March were reviewed. Approval was done on a Motion by John LaMotte and seconded by Barb Kriner. All voted for approval. John Domanski then gave an update on the natural gas lines coming to Riverside. He had previously met with a UGI representative. He explained that 356 residents would need to sign up for the gas program. He provided cards with a website link and phone number for residents to contact UGI to support the program and say YES to natural gas. A waiver was discussed for residents to use for the permit for the cutting fee to install the gas line to their residence. Solicitor Michetti will be writing a Resolution for the cutting of borough roadways; this was approved on a Motion by John LaMotte and seconded by Caressa Compton. Northumberland County Assessment Office will be contacted to get a set of maps for the use of the gas line company to determine where lines will be cut. A letter was discussed to be mailed to the residents that previously indicated a desire to have natural gas. On a Motion by Caressa Compton and seconded by John LaMotte, the mailing has been authorized. There will be a monthly surcharge of $44.90 charged to the homeowners for the UGI lines; this surcharge will run for a period of 10 years but homeowners will have the option to pay off in advance. UGI feels the annual savings to a homeowner would be $1,500.00 which offsets their surcharge costs. Brian Anderson presented his report for the month of April. Report approved on a Motion by John Domanski and seconded by Caressa Compton. All voted in favor of accepting report. Police Chief Isaac Ramer presented the Police Report for April. He stated the Cub Scout Soapbox Derby was held and well attended on Sunday afternoon. Report was approved on a Motion by Lori Steele and seconded by Caressa Compton. Motion carried. Dan Gable then took the floor with the Street Department Report. The Street Department has been busy cleaning ditches and clearing debris. He discusssed two tree issues in the Borough. Brewery Hollow Road has a tree overhanging the power lines and roadway. A tree on Gearhart Street has upheaved the sidewalk making for dangerous conditions. Motion was made by Lori Steele to top the tree on Brewery Hollow Road as well as remove tree on Gearhart Street with a fix to sidewalk at the discretion of the Street Department; Motion was seconded by Barb Kriner and carried by all council members present. Renewal of Winter Service Agreement will be due this year. We should see a 3% increase in our payment but have not got the paperwork in writing as yet. Secretary Debbie reported the Borough will be receiving a check in the amount of $2,720.00 as a Severe Winter Weather Adjustment. Dan then presented the report from Dumpster Day; he said they received many complements on this service to the community. 20 Dumpsters were used during the day and $311.00 was received for freon appliances, tires and donations. Peter Fleming then stated he had watched the action at the dumpsters and was happy to see our employees jumping in to help unload vehicles for our residents. Dan then reported he had been checking into the trees at the Hoffa property. The State had planted 30 trees initially and only about 3 are alive. Contact was made by Secretary Debbie with PennDot and they will take full responsibility of the trees and replace as necessary. On a Motion by Peter Fleming and seconded by Caressa Compton, Street Department Report was approved. All voted in favor. Barb Kriner presented the Southside Fire Company report. She presented a letter regarding the Southside Fire Company Carnival and their annual Pet and Toy Parade which will be held on Wednesday, May 21st beginning at 6 pm. This event was approved on a Motion by Lori Steele and Seconded by Caressa Compton. The Southside Fire Company Report was approved on a Motion by Caressa Compton and Seconded by Barb Kriner and approved by all in attendance. Mayor Oberdorf then stated he is working on the Memorial Day Service for May 25, 2014 beginning at 11:30 am. Everyone is encouraged to attend. He had a speaker but that person has opted out at the last minute and he was awaiting a call from another possible speaker. Report was approved on a Motion by Lori Steele and Seconded by Caressa Compton. All voted in favor. Solicitor Michetti had no new items to report. The next agenda item was the Street Paving. Dan Gable stated the priority roads would be Beishline and Hillside Drive. Dan explained the streets that were noted by Barry Garverick, our PennDot Representative and their approximate costs. We have approximately $30,000.00 marked for paving this year. Beishline is a priority and estimated to be at a cost of $49,000.00. A motion was made by Lori Steele and seconded by Barb Kriner to go out to bid for two separate bid actions - one would be for Beishline only; a second bid would be for Beishline as well as 15th Street. Second bid would only be feasible if there was enough difference in costs for Beishline paving. President Novak then presented information for approval of Council for a bike race sponsored by the Sunbury YMCA. Event is scheduled for August 9th and is an annual event. Event was approved on a Motion by John LaMotte and seconded by Barb Kriner. Motion carried on approval by all. President Novak then opened the floor for formation of a Police Negotiating Committee for our police contract that expires this year. Lori Steele and John Domanski have volunteered to serve on the committee with Mayor Oberdorf; an Alternate Member will be Barb Kriner. They will be working with Officer Kerry Parkes on terms of the new contract. Council Member Lori Steele exited the meeting at 8:30 pm. Code Enforcement issues were then discussed. Code Enforcement Officer Jackie Hart has provided packets on each of the properties currently on the blighted property list. President Novak explained the steps involved with the enforcement process. Two properties are in stage 3-4 and the next step would be citations issued. After discussion it was agreed Jackie Hart should proceed with the citations being issued; she will be contacted to proceed with the two citations. Other properties were reviewed and updated for council. On a Motion by Barb Kriner and Seconded by Caressa Compton, report was approved; all present voted in favor. Police Department cruiser was questioned. This item had been previously tabled and was tabled again at the Motion of John LaMotte and seconded by Barb Kriner. All voted for. Item will be on agenda for May 19th. John Domanski made a Motion to Adjourn at approximately 8:40 pm. Motion was seconded by Barb Kriner and Council Meeting was ended for May 5, 2014. Next meeting will be on Monday, May 19, 2014 at 7:00 pm. Respectfully SubmittedDeborah Bausch Secretary As approved at the 5/5/14 Council meeting; minutes from 4/21/14 follow
The Riverside Borough Council met on Monday, April 21, 2014 at the Municipal Building, 301 Dewart Street, Riverside, PA. Due to the absence of President John Novak, the meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Vice President Peter Fleming. Council members present were Barb Kriner, Lori Steele, Caressa Compton and John LaMotte. Mayor Joseph Oberdorf and Secretary Deborah Bausch were in attendance. Absent this evening in addition to President Novak was council member John Domanski. In the Audience tonight was Carolyn Bausch. She stated she was very satisfied with the meeting held recently regarding the work to be done on the Rt 54 railroad crossing. It will only be 3 days and she is not unhappy with that at all. This topic led to a lengthy discussion about police coverage while the work is in progress in June. Mayor Oberdorf will work with the police department to provide best coverage we can. Minutes of April 7, 2014 meeting were reviewed and approved on a Motion by Lori Steele and seconded by Barb Kriner. All voted in favor of approval. Discussion was held regarding appointing Chad Betts as an IT consultant for borough computer equipment. Chad has stated he will charge $25.00 per hour for his time to work on computers. This was approved on a Motion by Caressa Compton and seconded by Barb Kriner. All voted in favor. Mayor Oberdorf then provided a printout from the speed machine which showed multiple data including number of vehicles and the speed ranges they were traveling. Replacement batteries for the machine were once again brought up and it was noted this topic has been tabled for further research. John LaMotte then stated he was sharing a message from John Domanski who could not make the meeting this evening. A meeting is being held on April 30 with UGI representatives at 2 pm. The meeting place was not known but will contact John Domanski for that information if interested in attending. At 7:25 pm, John LaMotte made a Motion to Adjourn the meeting; this was seconded by Caressa Compton. Next meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 5, 2014 at 7:00 pm. Respectfully submitted: Deborah Bausch, Secretary Residents interested in having natural gas lines in the Borough are urged to contact UGI to get their property on the list! Visit the UGI website of www.ugi.com/getgas or call UGI at 1-800-276-2722 to support the gas line service! We will need at least 356 residents to support the gas lines to proceed with the pilot program.
Shade Mountain Winery is now open in the former Village Sampler Train Depot, 1 D & H Avenue, Riverside. Store hours are Monday through Thursday and Saturday, 11 am - 6 pm; Fridays 11 am - 7 pm and Sundays 1 - 5 pm! Stop in and Welcome them to our Community!
Police Department
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