The Riverside Borough Council met in the Municipal Building, 415 Dewart Street, Riverside on Tuesday, September 3, 2024 at 7:00pm. Meeting was called to order by President, Stephen Wagner. Council members present: Peter Fleming, John Domanski, Barb Kriner, Ken Gardner and Mike Steimling, Sr. Also present was Solicitor Joseph Michetti Jr. Police Chief Kerry Parkes, Street Superintendent Dan Gable and Zoning Officer Brian Anderson. Absent: Secretary Lisa Fritz, Mayor John LaMotte and Delavan Whitenight, Jr Citizens present: Todd Oberdorf, Sherry Oberdorf and Rob Rickard. Pledge of Allegiance Citizens to be Heard: Old business: Ken Gardner questioned the comment about the Borough replacing sewer pumps in the 8/5 Meeting Minutes. The Borough has been repairing or replacing pumps. Ken read over the Ordinance, but could not find where it states the Borough is responsible for replacing or repairing the pumps. Ken would like to further discuss it at a future meeting. Ken asked the status of the Per Capita Collection. Steve met with Ruth Peck, Tax Collector. Northumberland County signed with Keystone versus Statewide Tax Recovery as the collection agency for delinquent Per Capita Tax payments. Riverside Borough is in a contract with Statewide Tax Recovery. Both Ruth Peck and Secretary Lisa Fritz have made several attempts to speak with someone at Statewide Tax Recovery regarding relinquishing the contract with them, receiving no return calls or responses to emails sent to them. Solicitor, Attorney Michetti stated to send them an email requesting they respond by September 13th. If no response from Statewide Tax Recovery by 9/13, Attorney Michetti will send a certified letter. John Domanski made a Motion to approve the 8/5/2024 Meeting Minutes. Mike Steimling seconded. All in Favor. Zoning Officer Report: Brian Anderson presented his report. Steve mentioned the generator project. Electric plans and drawings are now approved through working with Matt Witmer with Building Inspection Underwriters of Pa Inc and Brian Anderson, Zoning/Code Officer. Barb made a Motion to accept the Zoning Report, Ken seconded. All in Favor. Street Department Report: Dan Gable presented his report. Dan said he is looking for some documentation regarding the Right-of-Ways for Alley’s; as he needs to know who is responsible for cleaning up branches, etc in the Alley ways. Attorney Michetti stated it could be costly to have the Right-of-Ways surveyed. Leaf season will start on Monday, October 14th and run through Wednesday, November 27th. After 11/27/2024, leaves must be bagged and placed at the edge of properties for pick up. Bridge lights were delivered and will be installed on September 16th and 17th. Dan stated they have been down two (2) men at times over the summer months and said he appreciates how hard his fellow employees work. Peter made a Motion to accept the Street Department report. Ken seconded. All in Favor. Southside Fire Company Report: Report for the month of July was submitted. John made a Motion to accept the Southside report. Peter seconded the Motion. All in Favor. Police Report: Kerry presented his report. National Night Out had a good turnout. Kerry stated a resident complained about Officer Eamon turning around in his driveway, it is a dead-end road. Kerry said Eamon patrols every Street/Road in the Borough. Mike Steimling agreed that the Officers should be patrolling every Street. Kerry stated there is an issue with the traffic light on the right at the bridge not triggering, especially at night. The office cleaning was scheduled, but had to be delayed due to flooding clean-up in Williamsport. Steve said there is an ordinance requiring garbage trucks to register with the Borough, Kerry has a list of Garbage collectors that come into the Borough. Ken noticed our Officers assist in other areas and questioned how many times other departments assist in Riverside. Barb made a Motion to accept the Police Report. Ken seconded the Motion. All in Favor. Mayor’s Report: Nothing to report. Solicitor Michetti Report: Attorney Michetti mentioned the discussion of selling the former school property from the previous meeting. He asked Council if they want to bid the property or have an Auctioneer sell it. Attorney Michetti contacted three (3) Auctioneers. None of them have an affiliation with Attorney Michetti, he felt all three Auctioneers have an understanding of the area market. He said Auctioneers could develop a brochure, advertise and show the property. Council will discuss at the next meeting. Pine Hurst Venue sewer proposal was accepted on condition of the DEP Plan. DEP wants a ‘No Conditional Vote’ to appoint the Borough Secretary and Council President to execute all documents. Pine Hurst will put $1,500.00 in escrow to make sure bills are paid the Sewage Enforcement Officer. John Domanski has a concern regarding the entrance being on a curve in the road. Discussion was held about how to address traffic concerns. Dan said he will contact the Rush Township Secretary to get the planning information for the Pine Hurst Venue, as part of the property is in Rush Township. John Domanski said he will talk with the Rush Township Planning Committee regarding entrance/exit plans. Barb made a Motion to appoint Secretary, Lisa and Council President Steve Wagner to execute all necessary documents for DEP pertaining to the Pine Hurst Venue sewer. Peter seconded. All in Favor. Ken Gardner made a Motion to adopt the ordinance for Amusement Devices and Taxes. Mike seconded. John Domanski opposed due to the exemption of the Southside Fire Company from the Amusement Devices and Taxes ordinance. Barb Kriner stated the fire company uses the money received from the skills machines to fund equipment and trucks. Steve made a Motion to appoint Secretary, Lisa to send letters regarding permits for the amusement devices. Mike seconded. All in Favor. Steve made a Motion to have the Code/Zoning Officer, Brian Anderson take the permits and stickers for on the machines to stores, with Mike seconding. All in Favor. Attorney Michetti reviewed the Lateral Ordinance with Joseph Pfirman, Engineer from Larson Design Group. Dan Gable asked if the language could be revised to state the Borough is only responsible for the Main trunk. He said only the Main can be marked on a PA One Call, not the lateral. Barb made a Motion to approve the new lateral ordinance, Mike seconded. John Domanski opposed due to main and lateral discrepancy. West End – Steve recommended a smoke test prior to work on the West End Sewer. Steve said all Council members should go out to see the work that will be done on the West End. John said the Borough needs to include warranty on the pumps. Council will have Secretary send reminder notices for delinquent sewer accounts. Barb made a Motion to accept the Solicitor’s report. Ken seconded. All in Favor. Borough Life: Barb made a Motion to set Trick-or-Treat Night for Thursday, October 31, 2024 from 6:00 o’clock pm until 9:00 o’clock pm. Mike seconded. All in Favor. New Business: None Motion to Approve: Barb made a Motion to approve the updated sewer inspection fee schedule forms with revisions to add home owners name and parcel number and also to remove the wording of Riverside Borough Authority. Ken seconded. All in Favor. John Domanski made a Motion to make Wednesday’s a permanent work from home day for the Secretary. Ken seconded. All in Favor. Action Items: Chickens/Roosters – Ken said he researched the ecodes and only found one section regarding chickens. There are roosters in the Borough crowing all day long. Ken said for instance with the dog ordinance, a dog can only bark for 30 minutes and poop must be picked up and removed from the property. Resident Sherry Oberdorf has chickens and composts the manure. Council will discuss chickens at a future meeting. Personnel Review Forms – Ken feels the forms need reviewed and Council should start doing evaluations yearly. 2025 Financial Municipal Obligation (Pension plan for employees) – John made a motion to stay with the current obligation versus the market value. Barb seconded. All in Favor. Executive Session: Peter made a Motion to go back into regular session at 9:34pm, John seconded. All in Favor. John made a Motion to adjourn at 9:35pm. Ken seconded. All in Favor. Respectfully Submitted: Lisa Fritz Secretary
BOROUGH OF RIVERSIDE COUNCIL MEETING September 16, 2024 PLEDGE TO THE FLAG CALL TO ORDER CITIZENS TO BE HEARD: I. OLD BUSINESS A. Minutes of 09/03/2024 meeting. B. Update on progress for the pump station. II. BORO LIFE COMMITTEE III. NEW BUSINESS A. Select interview date for Street Department new hire. IV. MOTION TO APPROVE A. Auctioneer for sale of former School property B. New Ordinance: All septic system residential sewage pumps will be maintained by property owner. V. ACTION ITEMS VI. EXECUTIVE SESSION ADJOURNMENT NEXT SCHEDULED COUNCIL MEETING IS Monday, October 7, 2024 @ 7:00 P.M. RIVERSIDE BOROUGH COUNCIL
The Riverside Borough Council met in the Municipal Building, 415 Dewart Street, Riverside on Monday, August 5, 2024 at 7:00pm. Meeting was called to order by President, Stephen Wagner. Council members present: Peter Fleming, Barb Kriner, Delavan Whitenight, Jr., Ken Gardner and Mike Steimling, Sr. Also present was Solicitor Joseph Michetti Jr. Police Chief Kerry Parkes, Street Superintendent, Dan Gable and Secretary Lisa Fritz. Absent: John Domanski and Mayor John LaMotte. Citizens present: Brenna Gable, Nathan Waite, Todd Oberdorf, Rob Rickard, J.W. Snyder and Drew Mumich from the Press enterprise. Pledge of Allegiance Citizens to be Heard: Resident, Nathan Waite asked Council the status of the sewer issue, he stated he has been to Council Meetings and has made several attempts to resolve the sewer issue at the property he lived at in Riverside, but has recently sold. Mr. Waite said he paid $150.00 for the re-inspection. Brian Anderson stated the $150.00 inspection fee was for the initial inspection, not a re-inspection. Solicitor, Attorney Michetti stated the Borough’s insurance carrier sent a letter of denial to the Waite’s claim. A discussion was held regarding an amount to pay Mr. Waite. Ken Gardner made a Motion that the Solicitor prepare documents for Nathan Waite to settle the outstanding sewer issue and pay a total of $1,400.00, which includes $400.00 for over payment. Peter seconded. All in Favor. Attorney Michetti said he will review the information. Old business: Delavan made a Motion to accept the Minutes of the July 1, 2024 Meeting. Ken seconded. All in Favor. Barb made a Motion to accept the minutes of the 7/9/2024 Special Meeting. Peter seconded. All in Favor. Pump Station – Steve, Brian Anderson, Dan Gable, Zartman Construction, TRA Electric and Engineer Joe Pfirman met at the site to discuss the new generator process. Steve stated the panel started out at $70,000.00 and is now down to $16,000.00. During installation of the new generator, the pump station will be down for several hours. Danville Borough will be on hand with their generator. Dan suggested to have a meeting with Council members and everyone who will be working on the generator installation. Former School Property – Steve asked if Council wanted to keep or sell the seven (7) acres behind the school building. Solicitor Attorney Michetti stated a public bidding process must be held or hire an Auctioneer. Steve said a total renovation of the building is not an option due to costs. Ken Gardner stated renovation would cost $125.00 to $150.00 per square foot. Barb stated 1.2 million was the estimate to renovate or build new. The footprint needed to be moved, leaving the school building standing. The estimate to tear down was $200,000.00 to $300,000.00 from Larson Design Group. Midd-Penn’s estimate was 10 million. Peter made a Motion to sell the seven (7) acres. Barb seconded the Motion. Ken suggested holding another meeting to discuss in detail what to do with the former school property. Selling the property put on hold until further discussion. Zoning Officer Report: Brian Anderson presented his report. Brian said a person complained about a resident having 40-50 chickens on their property. Brian went to the property, he stated there approximately one dozen chickens. Brian Anderson said regarding sewer inspections, he will draw up a revision on the Sewer Application with a change to add a statement that if a sewer line fails in the initial inspection, then automatically another camera inspection must be done after the work is completed, at the cost of the homeowner. He will provide Council with the revision for approval. The property located at 9th Street is being cleaned up by the owner. Brian informed the owner that a business cannot be run out of a home. A property located at 145 Kipps Run Road that was abandoned has been sold. The garbage outside the property will be cleaned up. Barb made a Motion to accept the Zoning Report, Peter seconded. All in Favor. Street Department Report: Dan Gable presented his report. Barb told Dan there is two (2) pieces of concrete sticking up by the bench at the far end of the park, Dan said he will take care of it. Barb made a Motion to accept the Street Department report. Peter seconded. All in Favor. Southside Fire Company Report: Report for the month of June was submitted. Delavan made a Motion to accept the Southside report. Barb seconded the Motion. All in Favor. Police Report: Kerry presented his report. National Night Out will be held on Tuesday, August 6, 2024 at the Southside Fire Company. They have prizes to give out to kids. Police have been giving warning to kids riding bicycles without helmets. Kerry stated the PACE yearly fee was taken out of the Police account and asked if it could be taken out of the General business account. Steve asked Kerry how many trash haulers come into the Borough. Steve said there are trash bags falling out into the streets from the trucks with sides on. Steve asked Kerry and Dan to come up with a list of trash haulers. Delavan asked Kerry what the status of the new police vehicle was. Kerry said it was delivered and they are just waiting for the full install to be completed. Ken asked what is being done with the old one. Kerry said they traded one vehicle in. Barb made a Motion to accept the Police Report. Delavan seconded the Motion. All in Favor. Mayor’s Report: Nothing to report. Solicitor Michetti Report: Pinehurst Community Septic – the property is located in Rush Township; however, the sewer system is in Riverside Borough. The SEO is involved. The ‘Community Onlot Sewage Facilities Maintenance, Repair & Escrow Agreement for Pine Hurst Acre Properties, LLC Residences’ will be reviewed by DEP. Peter made a Motion to accept the sewer system pending DEP approval. Delavan seconded the Motion. All in Favor. Amusement Device Tax Resolution – will have finalized for the October Council Meeting. Sewer Ordinance – Attorney Michetti would like to have the Borough’s Engineer look over it before finalizing. Ken mentioned that several pumps around town must be pumped up to the sewer line. If the pump goes bad, the Borough is required to repair or replace it. Ken feels this needs to be discussed. Resident, Robert Rickard questioned if he would be responsible for the swale/ditch. Dan Gable stated the homeowner is responsible up to the pavement/street, the swales and ditches are part of the street. Borough Life: Barb reported we were working with the Police and Fire Department on National Night Out on August 6th and voted to pay a DJ for the night at a cost of $200.00. Barb mentioned Trick-or Treat Night will be held in the Park, waiting to see what night Council will choose for Trick-or-Treating. Last year trick-or-treat night was moved to Saturday, October 28th at the request of parents whom did not want their children out late on a school night. Resident Rob Rickard said you can only trick-or-treat until 9:00 o’clock pm and feels Trick-or-Treat Night should be on 10/31. Todd Oberdorf also stated it should be on Halloween night. Barb said it will be discussed at future meeting. Delavan made a Motion to accept the Borough Life report. Mike seconded. All in Favor. New Business: Barb made a Motion to approve the ‘Municipal Winter Traffic Agreement Resolution’. Delavan seconded the Motion. All in Favor. Motion to Approve: Office Cleaning – Barb made a Motion to accept Service Pro’s estimate to clean the entire Municipal office, with Peter seconding the Motion. All in Favor. 2025 PennDot Municipal Winter Traffic Agreement was accepted by Council and signed by Council President and the Secretary. Action Items: Peter nominated John Domanski for Pro Tem. Barb seconded. All in Favor. Executive Session: Barb made a Motion to move into Executive Session at 8:35pm. Delavan seconded. All in Favor. Council moved back into Regular Session at 9:21pm. Steve discussed a part-time, as-needed position for the Street Department. Mike Steimling suggested a permanent part-time position, as the hours would be set and the person could be called in if needed at other times. Ken made a Motion to hire a part-time employee for the Street Department on an as-needed basis, with no benefits, at the pay rate of $20.00 per hour. Peter seconded. All in Favor. Steve mentioned moving to one meeting per month. Council will discuss at a future meeting. Barb made a Motion to authorize the Solicitor to construct a letter releasing the Borough of a summons disclosed to Council. Ken seconded. All in Favor. Barb made a Motion to authorize the Solicitor to seek an Auctioneer for the sale of seven (7) acres of vacant land. Ken seconded the Motion. All in Favor. Barb made a Motion to authorize Ken Gardner to negotiate with Joseph Pfirman, Engineer for Larson Design Group for the pricing of the contract for the sewer project. Mike seconded. All in Favor. Barb made a Motion to adjourn at 9:29pm. Mike seconded. All in Favor. Respectfully Submitted: Lisa Fritz Secretary AGENDA
BOROUGH OF RIVERSIDE COUNCIL MEETING September 3, 2024 PLEDGE TO THE FLAG CALL TO ORDER CITIZENS TO BE HEARD: I. OLD BUSINESS A. Minutes of 08/05/2024 Meeting II. ZONING OFFICER REPORT III. STREET DEPARTMENT REPORT IV. SOUTHSIDE FIRE COMPANY REPORT V. POLICE REPORT VI. MAYOR’S REPORT VII. SOLICITOR MICHETTI REPORT VIII. BORO LIFE COMMITTEE A. Treat-or-Treat Night IX. NEW BUSINESS X. MOTION TO APPROVE A. Updated Sewer Inspection Fee Schedule Forms B. Secretary to work from home Wednesday’s on a permanent basis. XI. ACTION ITEMS A. Chickens/Roosters B. Personnel Review Forms C. 2025 Financial Municipal Obligation XII. EXECUTIVE SESSION ADJOURNMENT NEXT SCHEDULED COUNCIL MEETING IS Monday, September 16, 2024 @ 7:00 P.M. For those residents that have Auto-pay Sewer, payments were processed Tuesday, August 20th.
The Riverside Borough Council met in the Municipal Building, 415 Dewart Street, Riverside on Monday, July 1, 2024 at 7:00pm. Meeting was called to order by President, Stephen Wagner. Council members present: Peter Fleming, John Domanski, Barb Kriner, Delavan Whitenight, Jr. and Ken Gardner. Also present was Solicitor Joseph Michetti Jr. Police Chief Kerry Parkes, Mayor John LaMotte and Secretary Lisa Fritz. Absent: Street Superintendent, Dan Gable. Citizens present: Michael Steimling, Robert Rickard, Christa Guenther, Nathan Waite, Todd Oberdorf, Sheri Oberdorf, Andy Knouse and Drew Mumich from the Press enterprise. Pledge of Allegiance Citizens to be Heard: Resident, Andy Knouse proposed to have a border installed around the ‘Welcome to riverside’ sign in his yard. Resident, Nathan Waite asked Council the status of the sewer issue. Steve Wagner did contact the insurance company and said he will follow-up with another phone call. Resident, Todd Oberdorf ‘Thanked’ the Police for their fast action regarding speeding in the Borough. Old business: John made a Motion to accept the Minutes of the June 3rd Meeting. Barb seconded. All in Favor. Appointment of a Council Member – Four (4) residents, namely Robert Rickard, Christa Guenther, Michael Steimling and Todd Oberdorf submitted letters of interest for the position. Barb Kriner nominated Robert Rickard. Delavan Whitenight Jr seconded the nomination. Peter Fleming nominated Michael Steimling. Steve Wagner seconded the nomination. Ken Gardner nominated Todd Oberdorf. John Domanski seconded the nomination. Each Council Member voted how they motioned, which left a three (3) way tie vote. Solicitor Attorney Michetti stated there is a tie vote for three (3) potential candidates, we will comply with the Law and defer the vote to the Mayor, John LaMotte. Mayor LaMotte chose to take the ten (10) days permitted by Law to cast his vote. Council will reconvene on Tuesday, July 9th, 7:00 o’clock at a Special Meeting for the only purpose of the Mayor to vote on one of the nominated person(s) to fill the vacant Council seat. Council President, Steve Wagner ‘Thanked’ all whom submitted letters of interest. Appointment of Pro Tem was deferred until the next Council Meeting. Zoning Officer Report: Brian Anderson presented his report. Barb made a Motion to accept the Zoning Report, Peter seconded. All in Favor. Street Department Report: Peter Fleming read over the Street Department report. Barb made a Motion to accept the Street Department report. Delavan seconded. All in Favor. Southside Fire Company Report: Reports for March, April and May were submitted. John made a Motion to accept the Southside reports, with Delavan seconding the Motion. All in Favor. Police Report: Kerry presented his report. National Night Out will be held on August 6, 2024 at the Southside Fire Company. Resident, Andy Knouse suggested a Dump Tank for National Night Out. Andy also ‘Thanked” Kerry for moving the motorcycles through the Borough quickly. Kerry presented Council with quotes for cleaning the Municipal building. Council will review the quotes and make a decision. Resident Todd Oberdorf stated there is a dip in the roadway, he questioned if PennDot had someone looking into it. Kerry stated they are not finished with the road work. Barb made a Motion to accept the Police Report. John seconded the Motion. All in Favor. Mayor’s Report: Nothing to report. Solicitor Michetti Report: Will discuss some issues in Executive session. Borough Life: The Community yard sale will be held on Saturday, July 13th. Barb stated addresses will be posted on a map so people know which homes are participating. MARC volunteers deferred until the next meeting. Barb made a Motion to accept the Borough Life report. Delavan seconded. All in Favor. New Business: Ken Gardner stated that UGI has messed up the Borough Street’s. John Domanski made a Motion to authorize UGI to run the gas line for the generator. Delavan seconded. Ken Gardner opposed. Remaining Council members voted in Favor. Office Cleaning was deferred until the next meeting for Council to review the estimates. Sale of seven (7) acres of former school property. Attorney Michetti stated this will be discussed in Executive Session. Motion to Approve: Nothing. Action Items: Discussion held on revisions of Ordinances: Sewer, Solid Waste, Amusement Tax, Vehicles and Trees. No Action will be taken on the Solid Waste and Tree ordinances. ECode (online electronic codes) ordinances are enforceable; therefore, the Vehicle ordinance will remain as is. Sewer: A vote was taken on the following – Ken said to be fair to the 750 property owners, he feels the Ordinance should remain as written; homeowner is responsible from the Lateral to the Main. John said the home owner should be responsible to the end of the property line. Barb made a Motion for property owners to be responsible to the Street. Steve seconded the Motion. Ken abstained from voting. The remaining Council Members were in Favor. Amusement device tax will be set at $100.00 per device per year. Barb made a Motion to exempt the Southside Fire Company from Amusement taxes. Ken seconded. John Domanski opposed. Council President, Steve Wagner abstained from voting. Ken made a Motion to send notices to businesses that have skills games, stating they must apply for a permit according the Ordinance. Barb seconded the Motion. John opposed. All other Council Members were in Favor. The Solicitor will draw up the revisions for Sewer and the Amusement Tax ordinances. Executive Session: Delavan made a Motion to move into Executive Session at 8:25pm. Barb seconded. All in Favor. Council reconvened back into Regular Session at 8:51pm. A discussion was held regarding advertising in a local newspaper the delinquent sewer accounts. John LaMotte suggested Ball Valves on sewer laterals. John Domanski asked where will the ball valves be placed, at the property line or the road. John made a Motion to adjourn at 8:54pm. John seconded. All in Favor. Respectfully Submitted; Lisa Fritz Secretary There are fresh garden vegetables in the Sharing Kiosk by the Municipal Building for your taking.
Hi! This is Ruth Peck, Riverside Borough Tax Collector.
I will not be in the office on Thursday, August 15th, due to a surgical procedure. As always, you may call me at 570-850-5870, if you would like to set up an appointment to pay your taxes in person. Thank you. Ruth AGENDA
BOROUGH OF RIVERSIDE COUNCIL MEETING August 5, 2024 PLEDGE TO THE FLAG CALL TO ORDER CITIZENS TO BE HEARD: I. OLD BUSINESS A. Minutes of 07/01/2024 Meeting B. Minutes of 07/09/2024 Special Meeting C. Pump Station Schedule D. Former School Property II. ZONING OFFICER REPORT III. STREET DEPARTMENT REPORT IV. SOUTHSIDE FIRE COMPANY REPORT V. POLICE REPORT VI. MAYOR’S REPORT VII. SOLICITOR MICHETTI REPORT A. Pinehurst/Community Septic VIII. BORO LIFE COMMITTEE IX. NEW BUSINESS A. Municipal Winter Traffic Agreement Resolution X. MOTION TO APPROVE A. Office cleaning company B. PennDot Municipal winter Traffic Agreement XI. ACTION ITEMS A. Appointment of Pro Tem XII. EXECUTIVE SESSION ADJOURNMENT NEXT SCHEDULED COUNCIL MEETING IS Tuesday, September 3, 2024 @ 7:00 P.M. |
Police Department
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