The Riverside Borough Zoning Board will hold a meeting on Monday,September 29th at 6:30pm. Residents at 1 Sunbury Road are requesting a variance to erect a garage on a non conforming lot.
Good morning everyone,
I’m pleased to announce the next round of North Branch Canal Trail work days scheduled for early October. As most of you know, we’ve taken some time off from the North Branch Canal Trail to focus our efforts on the new mountain bike trail network at the Hopewell Park/Danville Borough Farm site. I’d like to extend a sincere thanks to all our volunteers who worked so very hard to get those trails ready and open before the River Towns Cycling Classic event on September 6th and 7th. The new trails are an exceptional addition to our regional trail network and a great new asset for our community. To learn more about the Hopewell Park/Danville Borough Farm Trails, please visit The page is a work in progress, but it will give you some idea of the scope of work which has been accomplished. I’m also happy to report work has continued on the North Branch Canal Trail during the last few weeks, though in a slightly different manner. MARC has secured the necessary approvals to continue with our vegetation clearing near the Montour County/Columbia County line. We have also worked with an Eagle Scout candidate and his family and friends to grade, seed and cover with straw the first 0.6 miles of trail in Montour Township, Columbia County, extending from PA-42 beside the Catawissa Boat Club nearly to the Rohrbachs’ barn where we have been meeting on past work days. An updated chart of our progress is copied below for your reference. As the growing season rapidly draws to a close, we are going to make one last push to finish some additional trail in Mahoning Township, Montour County. The plan is to begin grading and seeding at the point where we left off earlier this year and work eastward as far as possible until either time or conditions dictate. Please mark your calendars now for the week of October 6th – 9th at the following times: · Monday, October 6th, from 8:30am to 2:15pm · Tuesday, October 7th, from 11:00am to 2:15pm · Wednesday, October 8th, from 8:30am to 2:15pm · Thursday, October 9th, from 8:30am to 2:15pm We will be parking at the temporary trailhead along River Drive in Mahoning Township, roughly one mile east of the Danville Soccer Park, immediately before the North Shore Railroad crossing. I will plan to be on site with my tractor, chainsaw and other supplies during those times, weather permitting. Because we will be moving dirt, in the event of hard rains, we will have to postpone or cancel the work. Volunteers are asked to bring the following items if possible: · Garden rakes · Shovels · Picks · Pry bars · Pruning shears Our work will be a three-step process this time, involving: 1. Clearing of briars, woody debris and any other items which may still exist along the trail corridor 2. Grading of the trail surface to the extent possible with my tractor 3. Hand-tool fine grading of the final trail surface, followed by seeding and straw covering All volunteers should wear sturdy work boots, long (briar resistant) pants and work gloves. Poison ivy is terribly abundant along this portion of the trail corridor, so please prepare accordingly. As before, only MARC staff and veteran trail crew volunteers will be permitted to operate chainsaws or other power equipment. All volunteers will be required to sign liability waivers before beginning any work. Because trail conditions are still very rough, we ask that children not attend this session. Additionally, because of the legal agreement governing trail construction and access, please understand volunteers may only be on site during the times listed above, in the presence of MARC representatives. The trail corridor remains closed to public access until further notice. This will be our final trail grading work of the year. The growing season is rapidly coming to an end and hunting seasons will be opening in coming days, so we want to respect the adjacent landowners and the requirements of our work permits. Additional trail work days will be scheduled in coming weeks and months to continue the vegetation clearing work near the county line and perhaps begin the installation of some of the required culverts, but all work will be scheduled on either weekday mornings or Sunday afternoons to minimize hunting-related conflicts. Trail grading work is expected to resume next spring as weather conditions allow. If you have any questions or need additional information, please call me at (570) 336-2060 or email me at [email protected]. On behalf of MARC and our many project partners, thank you again to all those who have donated more than 500 volunteer hours so far to make the North Branch Canal Trail a reality. We have made fantastic progress so far and I’m very much looking forward to opening sections of the trail in the not too distant future. We’ll hope to see some of you out on the trail on October 6th – 9th. Bob Stoudt | Director, Montour Area Recreation Commission / River Towns Race Series | PO Box 456, Danville, PA 17821 (570) 336-2060 | [email protected] | As approved at the Sep 15 meeting, the minutes from 9-2-14 meeting follow:
The Riverside Borough Council met on Tuesday, September 2, 2014 in the Municipal Building, 301 Dewart Street, Riverside, PA. Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by President John J Novak. Present were Vice President Peter T Fleming, Council Members Caressa Compton, Barb Kriner, and John LaMotte. Solicitor Joseph Michetti, Mayor Joseph Oberdorf and Secretary Deborah Bausch were also present. Absent this evening were council members Lori Steele and John Domanski. Carolyn Bausch was the first citizen to be heard. She stated there is a stop sign at Meadow Lark Lane and Blue Hill Circle that is being ignored by drivers. She has witnessed many drivers not stopping and is concerned for residents in the area. Craig Lawler then inquired about a drain project and also airport trees. No information was provided for a drain project and tree issue will be addressed later in tonight’s meeting. Minutes from August 4, 2014 were reviewed and approved on a Motion by Peter Fleming and seconded by Barb Kriner. All voted in favor; motion passed. Financial Reports for July were also reviewed and approved on a Motion by Caressa Compton and seconded by Barb Kriner. All voted for the motion and it passed. Brian Anderson then presented his Zoning Report. He also provided a newspaper clipping regarding a pool electrocution in the Philadelphia area. He stressed that is the reason the borough is strict on pool policy and guidelines. Report was approved on a Motion by John LaMotte and seconded by Barb Kriner. Motion passed as all voted in favor. Police Chief Isaac Ramer presented the police report. His report was approved on a Motion by Caressa Compton and seconded by John LaMotte. All voted in favor; motion passed. Dan Gable then presented the Street Department Report. Employees have been busy with grass cutting, cleaning up storm damage, trimming brush and most recently painting the crosswalk markings. Paving work on Beishline has been completed and Eastern Industries were very good to work with. Dan then presented several prices and information on Chippers. 12” chippers were $30,313 for Morbark and $36,670 for Bandit; 9” Bandit would be $30,063. 8” Morbark is $25,215 and what we would be interested in. Deacon in Bloomsburg was highly recommended as a reputable dealer for the Morbark machine. Storage is one other problem that would need to be addressed with purchasing any new equipment. Council told Dan to put it in his budget for 2015. Report was approved on a Motion by John LaMotte and seconded by Peter Fleming. All voted in favor; motion passed. Barb Kriner then read the Southside Fire Company Report. Question was raised if the Community Service included the Firefighting Camp and Barb stated it did include that event. Report approved on a Motion by John LaMotte and seconded by Caressa Compton. All voted in favor and Motion passed. Mayor Joseph Oberdorf gave his report. He distributed a note sheet he made from a meeting held for Municipal Leaders in Sunbury last month. Meeting was also attended by Council Members Barb Kriner and Caressa Compton. Mayor Oberdorf addressed some road questions to Don Free. Mayor was advised Liquid Fuels funding may go up as much as 7% for 2015. He questioned council regarding the Evaluation form for police department as well as a new uniform policy. Both will be discussed at a later meeting. Report approved on a Motion by John LaMotte and seconded by Barb Kriner; all voted in favor; Motion passed. Solicitor Joseph Michetti spoke on how to proceed with some delinquent sewer bills. Jacqui Andress has a judgment at this time for $950.00; current sewer balance is now at $1690.00. He stated he can file mechanic liens on properties. Council wishes the Solicitor to proceed with levy on personal property of Ms Andress. There is an approximate cost of $300 for legal filing fees; costs can be added to lien amount. Discussion followed as to what could be included in the collection. Sewer billing report will be reviewed for properties that need to be recorded and papers filed. Discussion was held on the Cormell lot which is scheduled for a Northumberland County Tax Claim judicial sale. Solicitor Michetti has taken paperwork to follow up with this filing; however, Attorney Michetti stated this is not a Borough issue. New Business items included Leaf Collection for the fall. Leaf collection dates will be October 20 - December 5, 2014. Residents will be reminded to have their leaves along the road but not in storm drains for pickup. Dates approved on a Motion by John LaMotte and seconded by Barb Kriner. All voted for motion. Second item under New Business was Trick or Treat Night in the Borough. Trick or Treating will be allowed in the Borough on Friday, October 31, 2014 from 6 pm to 9 pm. Discussion then proceeded regarding the number of meetings per month. It was decided to continue with two meetings per month due to upcoming budget meetings. First of our Motions to Approve this evening was the Agreement with Attorney John Mihalik regarding the airport tree issue. It was agreed we would hire Attorney Mihalik for a fee not to exceed $2500.00. We had previously allotted $1,000.00 for legal fees. Attorney Michetti has a conflict of interest in this issue and therefore an outside attorney must be hired. Agreement was approved on a Motion by Peter Fleming and seconded by Caressa Compton. All voted for and Motion passed. Police Pension Fund was then put on the table. Resolution 14-09-02 addresses the Police Pension Plan. Police and Non Uniformed Minimum Municipal Obligation were also signed for submission. All voted in favor of the Motion made by John LaMotte and seconded by Barb Kriner to sign the documentation; motion passed. The new Agreement between the Boroughs of Danville and Riverside for Code Enforcement Officer Jacqueline Hart was tabled until the next meeting on September 15, 2015. This was done on a Motion by John LaMotte and seconded by Caressa Compton. Motion passed on a favorable vote by all. Final Motion for Approval this evening was the Sewer Wastewater Service Agreement with Danville Borough. President Novak spoke in length of the details of this agreement which has been in the works for several months and reviewed many times. It will be a cost savings to Riverside; however, we will take possession of the Pump Station We will be taking over the electric bill and 911 service charge and will need to get a property and flood insurance policy in place. A separate agreement was made for Danville to do the pump station maintenance at an estimated cost of $1390.00 per month (approximately $17,000/year). It is felt the first year of service our Street Department could shadow the Danville employee at the pump station and possibly resume the duties in another year or an additional person be hired to take the position. These Agreements will take place effective January 1, 2015. Motion by Peter Fleming and Seconded by Barb Kriner to approve both parts of the Agreement. All voted in favor; motion passed. At 7:55 pm, Peter Fleming made a motion to adjourn the council meeting; seconded by John LaMotte. Respectfully Submitted: Deborah Bausch Secretary Tom Summers, Tax Collector, will have office hours at the Municipal Building on Tuesday, September 16 and Thursday, September 18 from 1:30 pm to 4 pm.
He will not be available on Wednesday, September 17 as previously listed. As approved at the September 2 meeting, minutes from August 4, 2014 follow:
The Riverside Borough Council met on Monday, August 4, 2014 in the Municipal Bulding, 301 Dewart Street, Riverside. President John Novak called the meeting to order promptly at 7:00 pm with the following member present: Vice President Peter Fleming, Caressa Compton, Barb Kriner, John LaMotte and Lori Steele. Also in attendance were Solicitor Joseph Michetti, Mayor Joe Oberdorf, and Secretary Deborah Bausch. Absent tonight was John Domanski. Citizens present this evening were Dave Decotau and Carolyn Bausch. Carolyn Bausch inquired about a phone call she received soliciting for the Policeman’s Dance? Chief Ramer responded with a yes; that is an event but she should ask which lodge is seeking the donation to be sure it is a local one. Minutes of July 7, 2014 were reviewed and approved on a Motion by Caressa Compton and seconded by John LaMotte. All approve the Motion. Financial Reports for June were reviewed and approved on a Motion by Peter Fleming and seconded by Barb Kriner. All voted in favor. Brian Anderson then presented his Zoning Report for July. He stated several residents have been caught without having zoning permits for projects. 3 residents reported on the June report have gotten the required permits. Report was approved on a Motion by Lori Steele and seconded by Caressa Compton. Motion carried on a vote by all present. Chief Isaac Ramer presented the Police Report for July. President Novak asked for a definition of an incident which Chief Ramer stated was a call where they go out to handle and speak to residents; all information is documented for the records. Lori Steele made a Motion to accept the Report which was seconded by Caressa Compton. All voted in favor. Dave Decoteau then took the floor to speak about an upcoming race day on September 6, 2014. MARC is now handling the races; there will be 2 held in the Borough. MARC will provide insurance certificates. Chief Ramer stated he has no issue with the race as long as residents are notified of the event. Races were approved on a Motion by Lori Steele and seconded by John LaMotte. Dan Gable then presented the Streets Department report. He stated their department has been busy with general maintenance from storm damage clean up. He said approximately 40 t tag truckloads of brush were removed from properties. They have been busy trimming alley ways. Discussion was held on purchasing a chipper. Dan will look into some prices and report what he finds at the September meeting. Report was approved on a Motion by Caressa Compton and seconded by Peter Fleming. Motion passed on approval by all present. Resolution 14-08-04 was then put on the table. This Resolution covers the Winter Services Agreement Contract for the 4.57 miles of roadway the Borough maintains for the State. Resolution was passed on a Motion by Lori Steele and seconded by Barb Kriner. All voted in favor. Barb Kriner then presented the Southside Fire Company reports for June and July. June report was not given previously due to a computer/printer problem. Both reports were approved on a Motion by Caressa Compton and seconded by John LaMotte. All approved reports. Mayor Joe Oberdorf then gave his report. He passed around a flyer promoting Emergency Preparedness. Flyers will be available in the office and some will be available at the Post Office. Mayor also reminded Council of a Bike Race this Saturday sponsored by Sunbury YMCA that will be using some of the Riverside Streets. Report was approved on a Motion by Lori Steele and seconded by Caressa Compton. All approved motion. There was no report from the Code Enforcement Officer. She is on vacation. Solicitor Joseph Michetti stated his only comment was that there had been a meeting regarding the proposed sewer agreement between Riverside and Danville. Contract had some language to be “spruced” up and things are moving forward. Conversation was also held regarding the delinquent sewers. One resident is not complying with a previous agreement to pay on her account. Account will be reviewed by the Solicitor for the next step. Report was approved on a Motion by Lori Steele and seconded by Caressa Compton. All voted in favor of the motion. There was no New Business for discussion this evening. On a Motion by Barb Kriner and seconded by Peter Fleming, Council adjourned the Regular Session into an Executive Session at 7:45 pm. All voted for motion. Executive Session was ended and Council returned to Regular Session at 8:40 pm on a Motion by Lori Steele and seconded by Caressa Compton. All voted for motion. A motion was made by Lori Steele to advertise for eligibility list for regular patrolman for the borough due to a retirement and tentative resignation. Motion was seconded by Barb Kriner. All voted in favor of the motion. On a Motion by Caressa Compton and Seconded by Lori Steele, meeting adjourned at approximately 8:45 pm. Next meeting will be TUESDAY, September 2, 2014 at 7:00 pm. Respectfully Submitted: Deborah Bausch Secretary |
Police Department
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