A couple of items have been added to the Lost and Found section -
A child's sippy cup A sweater type hoodie jaclet Items can be claimed in the office, Phone: 570 275-1751
April 1 April Fools Day April 2 – Good Friday - Borough Offices CLOSED April 3 - 10 am Easter Egg Hunt, Southside Fire Co April 4– A Blessed Easter April 5 - Borough Council Meeting - 7:00 pm April 13 – First day of Ramadan April 16 – Administrative Professionals Day April 19- Borough Council Meeting - 7:00 pm April 22 - Earth Day April 23 - Arbor Day Tax Collector, Rebecca Steckley, will have office hours in the Municipal Building on Tuesday and Thursday from 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm. You can reach Beckie at 570-794-1393 with any questions! Is the Easter Bunny making a scheduled stop at your home? Need a last minute basket stuffer? Coffee mugs and tumblers are great to fill with candies! Rather than line a basket with Easter grass that gets scattered about - line the basket with a t shirt or baseball cap upside down and fill! (not sure the visor works so well for this one)
How about some reading material for the basket - we have 2 books available! Office will be CLOSED on Friday so stop in to get your items and support the Borough's Sesquicentennial events of summer! Donations are always welcomed! Riverside residents
Dumpsters will be placed at the Riverside Street Department Garage at 237 Avenue D from 7 am – 1 pm on Saturday, MAY 1, 2021 Riverside is not accepting paint, leaves, limbs, wood, grass, ashes, asbestos, batteries or contractor waste. Charge per Freon appliance is $15.00; tires are $8 each. No tractor tires. Proof of Residency required. Once on borough property, dumpster items become property of the borough. The Riverside Borough Council met on Monday, March 1, 2021 in the Municipal Building, 415 Dewart Street, Riverside. Meeting was called to order promptly at 7 pm by Council President John Domanski with the following members present – Vice President Barb Kriner, Kevin Romansik, Brian Whitenight, and Delavan Whitenight Jr. Beth Rake participated via telephone. Mayor John LaMotte, Solicitor Joseph Michetti and Secretary Deborah Bausch were present. Absent this evening was council member Peter Fleming.
There were no residents present for this meeting. Evening began with the Swearing in of Part Time Police Officer Earl Johnson. Welcome to our Family! Minutes of February 15, 2021 were approved on a motion by Brian Whitenight and seconded by Vice President Barb Kriner. All voted in favor. Budget report for January 2021 was approved on a Motion by Vice President Barb Kriner and Seconded by Brian Whitenight. All voted in favor. Brian Anderson, Zoning Officer, then addressed Council with his February report. He stated it has been a dead month; he had lots of phone calls. He found one pool not in compliance with codes. Report was approved on a Motion by Vice President Barb Kriner and seconded by Kevin Romansik. All voted for. Dan Gable, Street Superintendent, spoke of his crew’s work. They had an issue with the one 2005 truck and the 2019 truck during the snowy periods. Dan praised Sunbury Motor Company for their great commitment to getting our trucks serviced and back on the roads in record time. Dan said they are getting ready to do the street paving list as well as the tree list for this year. Discussion was held as to where to place the Kids at Play signs to alert drivers to slow down! Report was approved on a Motion by Vice President Barb Kriner, seconded by Brian Whitenight and approved by all. There was no Southside Fire Company report. Vice President Barb Kriner did state that they are now billing insurance companies for call outs. Chief Kerry Parkes presented the Police Report for February. He began with speaking about the Lexipol contract to handle policies manual updates. Chief Parkes also presented an in-depth talk on body cams; he is still getting information on contacts and equipment but wanted to give Council a heads up. Beth Rake asked if videos couldn’t be downloaded to USB drives and Vice President Barb Kriner also inquired about this option. This is our last year on the taser contract. When questioned, Chief Parkes stated he had only had his taser out about 3 times in the past year. Chief is looking at other options; one is the “glove” and another is a steel ball wrap around. He stated the new cars are ordered and have ship dates of 3/1 and 3/6 from the factory. Report was approved on a Motion by Vice President Barb Kriner and seconded by Brian Whitenight; all voted in favor. Mayor John LaMotte had no report and his No Report was approved on a Motion by Vice President Barb Kriner and seconded by Delavan Whitenight Jr. Solicitor Joseph Michetti then addressed council regarding the school purchase. He has a signed copy of the agreement. DCED will need to give approval for this purchase and certification of title insurance will need to be obtained. Two bank quotes were discussed and Solicitor Michetti explained that the interest only portion of a loan is a good option since we really have no total figure to work with yet. Vice President Barb Kriner stated she would rather make monthly payments than interest only ones. There were no prepay penalties on either document. Report was approved on a Motion by Vice President Barb Kriner and seconded by Kevin Romansik. All voted in favor. Secretary Deborah Bausch spoke of the update on the 2021 Celebration Committee plans. Things are progressing and a sign will soon be placed on the property of the Knouse family who have approved this to be placed there. 1 sign will have the celebration logo and dates of events. A second one will be a thermometer to encourage donations to the fireworks for August 21st. Goal is $20,000.00! Report approved on a Motion by Brian Whitenight, 2nd by Delavan Whitenight. All voted for. President John Domanski then inquired if the Borough could use Sewer Account funds to offset the costs of the school purchase? Solicitor Michetti said that was available since the sewer billings and that business would be conducted at the new site. At this point, we do not know the total condition of the school. It has been vacant for many years. It is hoped to retain the façade of the school front but again that will depend on structural conditions. An architect will need to go through the building to see what is salvageable and help with plans for the new office structures. President John Domanski stated we would need to have the property inspected and see the financial costs to bring the structure up to code which will determine how we proceed. After further discussion, Delavan Whitenight Jr made a Motion to pay for the school purchase with $100,000.00 from Money Market Fund Account and the remainder from the Sewer Fund Account. Vice President Barb Kriner seconded the Motion and all voted in favor. Solicitor Joseph Michetti stated there would be no transfer taxes owed. Vice President Barb Kriner made a Motion to pay off the H20 Loan at Fulton Bank. Approximate total owed is slightly under $45,000.00. A pay off cost will be obtained from the bank by Secretary Deborah Bausch and check cut from Sewer Fund to pay off. Motion was seconded by Brian Whitenight. All voted in favor. At 8:00 pm, Vice President Barb Kriner made a Motion to Adjourn the council meeting. Meeting adjourned! Respectfully submitted: Deborah Bausch Sealed proposals will be received by:
Riverside Borough of Northumberland County, PA, at PO Box 307, 415 Dewart St, Riverside, PA 17868 until 7:00 PM, on April 05, 2021, to be opened on April 05, 2021, at 7:30 PM Riverside Borough Municipal Building For the following Contract: Paving Contract Furnish and place approximately 291 Ton Asphalt Wearing Course; 1,161 Ton Asphalt Binder Course; 2 Set Grade Adjustment of Existing Manhole and perform 4,835 SY Milling Asphalt Pavement Surface. Performance bond and payment bond in the amount of 100% of the contract, as well as proof of worker’s compensation insurance will be required from the lowest responsible bidder. Prevailing Wage Rates shall be paid on the project. Bid Bond in the amount of 10% of the contract is required of all bidders. All work and material must meet current Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Specifications Form 408 and its Supplements. Proposals must be upon the forms furnished by the Municipality. The Municipality reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. Riverside Borough By: Deborah Bausch Secretary 570.275.1751 As approved at the March 1, 2021 meeting , thnutes of 2-15-21 follow:
The Riverside Borough Council met on Monday, February 15, 2021 in the Municipal Building, 415 Dewart Street, Riverside, PA. The meeting was called to order at 7 pm by President John Domanski. In attendance this evening were Vice President Barb Kriner, Council Members Peter Fleming, Kevin Romansik and Beth Rake via telephone. Brian Whitenight joined the meeting at 7:05 pm. Solicitor Joseph Michetti and Secretary Deborah Bausch were also in attendance. Absent this evening was council member Delavan Whitenight and Mayor John LaMotte. In the audience this evening was Jon Stassel, Southside Fire Chief. Old business began with approval of the minutes of January 4, 2021 on a Motion by Vice President Barb Kriner and seconded by Peter Fleming. All voted in favor. Budget Report for December was approved on a Motion by Vice President Barb Kriner and seconded by Peter Fleming. All voted for. The official appointment of Kevin Romansik to MARC Board effective January 1, 2021 was approved on a Motion by Peter Fleming and seconded by Vice President Barb Kriner. All voted in favor. Brian Anderson, Zoning Officer, presented his report for January 2021. Report was approved on a Motion by Brian Whitenight and seconded by Kevin Romansik. Dan Gable, Street Superintendent, spoke of his department’s activities during January. Child Play signs will be put up once the weather breaks. He would like to see some restricted signs placed; we have had a lot of issues with large trucks driving on streets they should not be on. He presented council with a map of alley ways in the borough, those maintained and those strictly on paper. Much discussion followed on the alleyways and how to proceed with them. Solicitor Michetti offered some guidance and things the council would need to consider before doing any abandoning of alleys. Peter Fleming added the street crew did a great job with the snow plowing and salting during our recent storms. President John Domanski then read a note from resident Dolores Blasick thanking the street crew for their work. Street report was approved on a Motion by Vice President Barb Kriner and seconded by Beth Rake. Jon Stassel, Southside Fire Chief, addressed council with the fire company report. He questioned where the electronic sign that was previously approved by council could be put. He asked about the property near the bridge – where is that borough property? Dan Gable explained it is near the railroad tracks and there are some bushes there. Brian Anderson sated they are filing a grant to help recruit more firefighters. Council President John Domanski spoke about a letter we received from Montour County regarding donations for the Friendship Fire Company ladder fund; he wanted to let Jon know of the council’s previous vote to not support this issue as the borough has no tall building to warrant the use of the ladder truck. Jon then said they are able to reach most buildings and can always contact other companies if needed plus Merck has a truck also. Report was approved on a Motion by Vice President Barb Kriner and seconded by Brian Whitenight. All voted in favor. Chief Kerry Parkes presented the police report for January. His first item was the introduction of Earl Johnson who he is asking council to hire as a part time fill in officer for the department. Eamon Shoff has taken the 32 hour/week spot and if hired, Earl would be the fill in officer. Vice President Barb Kriner made a Motion to hire Earl Johnson on the recommendation of Chief Parkes for the fill in officer position; seconded by Brian Whitenight and all voted in favor. Chief Parkes stated residents should lock their cars as there are break ins happening. This is our last year with the taser contract and Chief is looking at other options; he is also looking at body cams at a cost of $49/month. The police report was approved on a Motion by Vice President Barb Kriner and seconded by Brian Whitenight. All voted in favor. President Domanski relayed the Mayor’s input for his report. He is questioning putting names in the newspaper for delinquent sewer bills. Solicitor Michetti said this is something that can be done; however in the past it was not very effective. He spoke of alternatives such as judgements and municipal liens. We currently can place a lien for any property that owes $500.00 in sewer payments. Due to the COVID issue, it was suggested we hold off publishing names. Secretary Debbie Bausch will compile a list of those owing over $500 for the next meeting. Report was approved on a Motion by Vice President Barb Kriner and seconded by Brian Whitenight; all voted for. Solicitor Michetti then addressed council with concerns about the borough’s purchase of the Riverside Elementary School. On a Motion by Vice President Barb Kriner and seconded by Brian Whitenight, an updated appraisal will be done. All voted in favor. Peter Fleming was designated as the point of contact for this appraisal. Solicitor Michetti then referenced the alley way map previously presented by Dan Gable. He spoke on the issues of handling vacating alleyways and explained the steps necessary to take to leave the alleyway unopened or vacate back to land owners. Brian Whitenight suggested a physical look and see be done for the alleyways that are not maintained before we would proceed. Any changes would be subject to an easement clause. President Domanski inquired about the property owners and it was clarified that all property owners would need to be in agreement; if any disagreed, the property cannot be vacated. The Solicitor also reminded council of the costs involved to do any vacating – survey, deed, etc. Report was approved on a Motion by Vice President Barb Kriner, seconded by Kevin Romansik and approved by all. Secretary Debbie Bausch updated council on the 2021 celebration committee events. A written report was presented in the council packets. Vice President Barb Kriner stated the fire company has a large turn table to use for a ring toss with the Catawissa Bottling Company; they also have the rings. Vice President Barb Kriner asked about the food trucks – will there be a cost. As of last discussion we were looking at $50.00 per event but that has not been finalized as yet. President John Domanski then suggested a finance committee be formed to handle the banking needs for the purchase of the school. Peter Fleming has been in contact with the DCNR grant people who have suggested we request a 2022 grant since the ones for this year have pretty well been depleted. Committee will be Vice President Barb Kriner, Brian Whitenight, Kevin Romansik, Beth Rake and Debbie Bausch. Brian Whitenight posed the final item for discussion which is an upcoming PGI course and fireworks shoot on March 20, 2021. This will be a busy day. At approximately 7:48 pm, Vice President Barb Kriner made a Motion to Adjourn. Seconded by Beth Rake. Council Meeting adjourned. Respectfully Submitted: Deborah Bausch, Secretary |
Police Department
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