The Riverside Borough Council met on Monday, November 16, 2015 in the Municipal Building, 301 Dewart Street, Riverside, PA. In the absence of President John Novak, the meeting was called to order at 7 pm by Vice President Peter T. Fleming. In attendance this evening were Council members Caressa Compton, Barb Kriner and John Domanski. Mayor Joe Oberdorf and Secretary Deborah Bausch were in attendance. Absent this evening were Council Members Carolyn Bausch and Lori Steele. President John Novak joined the meeting at 7:10 pm.
The Meeting started off with the Oath of Office being administered to Officer Kevin Romansik by Mayor Joe Oberdorf. Police Badge was pinned on by his wife, Sarah Romansik with sons, Callaghan and Jaxson beside her. Kevin was welcomed to the Riverside Borough Police Force and Borough Family. He was congratulated by family members in attendance, Paul Kort and Laura Richards. First citizen to be heard was Ben Snyder of Avenue G. Ben stated someone is trying to put a driveway across his property. He said pins were placed part way up his driveway for a drive to cross his. He is not sure who is doing it; said he had spoken with the surveyor but wasn’t sure of his name. Ben’s brother, Jim Snyder, Bloomsburg, also spoke about the family property and the threat of this driveway crossing their property. The Snyder’s were informed nothing has been filed with the Borough and there would need to be paperwork filed and approved by the Riverside Borough Planning Commission as well as the Northumberland County office. Council assured them we would notify them immediately if anything was filed. Ben Snyder left his phone number in case something should develop. Other citizen in the audience this evening was Beth Hancock who has been elected for a council seat in 2016. Minutes of November 2, 2015 were approved on a Motion by Barb Kriner and seconded by John Novak. All voted in favor. Financial Reports for October were also approved. Motion was made by Barb Kriner and seconded by Caressa Compton. All voted for and motion passed. Dan Gable, Street Department Superintendent, then presented his streets report. The street department crew has been very busy with leaf collection as well as storm damage. Three trees were downed in the winds recently. So far 52 loads of leaves have been taken from the borough streets. Report was approved on a Motion by John Domanski and seconded by Barb Kriner. All voted in favor. There was no Southside Report. Report will be given at next meeting for the two month period. Barb Kriner then presented the Code Enforcement Report. First property at 330 Avenue F is owned by Betty Oberdorf who is in an assisted living facility in Shamokin. House is in a state of disrepair and littered with trash. Ms. Oberdorf had hoped for a sale but it fell through. Anyone wishing to purchase property should contact the law office of Marks, McLaughlin and Dennehy. The two properties of Don Cook, 196 D & H Ave and 413 Ave F, have been cited; there are 19 citations on the properties to date. Warrants have been issued for Mr. Cook. Discussion was held on Act 34 which is a new House Bill addressing blighted properties. Article is published in PA Borough News magazine. 100 D & H Avenue, property of Dave Decouteau is still under a stop work order. Brian Anderon is working with this property owner. Mr. Bloch has been working on demolishing his building at 101 Elysburg Road. The last property reviewed was 912 Sunbury Road owned by Tom Bostian Jr. He is working on selling this property. Report was approved on a Motion by Caressa Compton and seconded by John Novak. All voted in favor. Under New Business John Domanski stated UGI has received the Right of Way from Merck to go forward with the gas lines. John Novak thanked John Domanski for all his work on getting the gas lines in the borough. Meeting dates for 2016 Council meetings were approved by Motion made by Caressa Compton and seconded by Barb Kriner. All voted in favor. Dates will be published in the newspaper. There was a question about the Reorganization Meeting; this will take place at the January 4, 2016 council meeting. Proposed budget was put on the table; accounts were recapped. Advertising of preliminary budget was discussed including ad content and figures. Approval of the Preliminary Budget was put on the table via Motion by Barb Kriner and Seconded by Caressa Compton. All voted in favor except John Domanski who voted no. Motion passed by majority vote. John Domanski then made a motion to increase the library contribution to $500.00; seconded by John Novak. After further discussion on the subject, John Domanski rescinded his previous motion; seconded by Caressa Compton. All voted for. The increase to the Library will be done in a meeting in 2016 and budget will go forward as proposed. Another topic of discussion was new flooring in the Police Office. One bid had been received for laminated flooring; one was received for carpeting. Council is seeking more bids and information. Flooring has been tabled for a later meeting on a Motion by Barb Kriner and Seconded by John Novak. At 8:05 pm, Barb Kriner made a motion to adjourn the regular meeting to an executive session; seconded by John Novak. The Executive Session was ended at 8:50 pm on a motion by Barb Kriner and seconded by John Novak. Regular Council Session was resumed. Discussion of a new Leaf Box was put on the table. The second box was ordered due to the street department taking leaves to a different disposal spot. They have been able to work with the one box; however it was too late to cancel the new box. There is a money market account at FNB which is to be moved to Service 1st. It was suggested to take the cost of the leaf box from those funds and deposit the remainder into a CD at Service 1st. This was approved on a Motion by John Domanski and seconded by Caressa Compton. All voted in favor. The Council meeting was adjourned at 8:58 pm on a Motion by John Novak and seconded by John Domanski. Respectfully Submitted: Deborah Bausch Secretary
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