As approved at the Jan 15, 2018 meeting, minutes of January 2, 2018 follow:
The Reorganizational Meeting of the Riverside Borough Council took place in the Municipal Building, 415 Dewart Street, Riverside, PA on Tuesday, January 2, 2018. Swearing in of three council members was the first order of business. Mayor Joseph Oberdorf swore into office members Caressa Compton, John Domanski and Peter Fleming. Absent this evening was council member Beth Rake. This evening’s meeting was called to order by Mayor Oberdorf at 7:00 pm. A Motion to reorganize was put on the table by Barb Kriner and seconded by Carolyn Bausch with all voting in favor. Barb Kriner then made a Motion to appoint Carolyn Bausch as President of Council, seconded by Caressa Compton. Peter Fleming then made a Motion to Appoint Caressa Compton as President, seconded by John Domanski. In the interest of the Council, Caressa Compton declined to accept the office and the Motion was withdrawn. All voted for the Motion to appoint Carolyn Bausch as Council President. Motion then made by Carolyn Bausch to appoint Peter Fleming as Vice President; seconded by Barb Kriner and all voted in favor. The Borough Council Gavel was turned over to Carolyn Bausch who took control of the meeting. In the audience this evening were Paula Anderson, observing only, and Karen Blackledge, Danville News Reporter. Barb Kriner recommended Caressa Compton for President Pro Tempore; seconded by John Domanski; all voted in favor. Barb Kriner then made a Motion to Accept the Slate of Officers as filed with their evening’s packet. John Novak seconded the motion and all voted in favor. Minutes of December 4, 2017 were approved on a Motion by Caressa Compton; seconded by John Domanski. All voted for. Budget Report for November 2017 was approved on a Motion by Barb Kriner and seconded by Caressa Compton. All voted for. Brian Anderson, Zoning Officer, then addressed council with the December Zoning Report. His report was accepted on a Motion by Barb Kriner and seconded by Caressa Compton. All voted in favor. Chief Kerry Parkes presented his Police report for December 2017. He spoke of the need for the static IP address and what it will mean to the internet service. He has listed the old tablets on Municibid as well as the old printer. RPOA had good support of their fundraiser with the English Garden. Officer Romansik will be resigning his part time position with the borough. The Mayor spoke of the usefulness of a part time officer for the police department. Chief Parkes also stated he is interested in purchasing a new car this year and will be coming back to council with costs. He was advised Council would consider the information but no formal approval would be given at this time for a new car. Police report was approved on a Motion by Caressa Compton and seconded by Peter Fleming. All voted for. Mayor Joseph Oberdorf had no report this evening. Solicitor Joseph Michetti stated he will have the ads to be published regarding the two properties for sale in the borough for any public interest. We will soon look at the delinquent sewer listings as well. Report approved on a Motion by Caressa Compton and seconded by Peter Fleming. All voted for. Under New Business, President Bausch shared information on an upcoming Columbia Montour CBA meeting at Old Forge Brewery, Mill St, on January 18 at 6 pm. Council member attending should let the secretary know so a reservation can be made. Borough Insurance was then discussed. Two competitive quotes were received from Weiss Schantz and Kilmer Group. After some comparisons in the information, John Novak made a Motion to continue our coverage with Weiss Schantz. Motion seconded by John Domanski and all voted in favor. At approximately 7:36 pm, regular council session adjourned into an Executive Session on a Motion by John Novak and seconded by Barb Kriner. Regular Session adjourned. A Motion was made by Barb Kriner at approximately 7:56 pm to adjourn the Executive Session and return to a Regular Council Session. Motion seconded by Caressa Compton. Executive Session Adjourned. A Motion was then made by John Domanski to adjourn the January 2, 2018 Council meeting; seconded by Caressa Compton. Meeting adjourned at approximately 7:57 pm. Respectfully Submitted: Deborah Bausch Secretary
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