The Riverside Borough Council met at the Municipal Building, 415 Dewart Street, Riverside, PA on Monday, February 7, 2022. The meeting was called to order at 7 pm by Council President John Domanski with the following council members present: Vice President Barb Kriner, Beth Rake, April Shuman, Peter Fleming, Brian Whitenight and Delavan Whitenight Jr. Also present were Mayor John LaMotte, Solicitor Joseph Michetti and Secretary Deborah Bausch. In the audience this evening were Clark Shuman and Brian Bird. Brian Bird addressed council first. He wanted to revisit a topic that had previously been discussed about adding a pipe in a ditch line on his property. He had previous approached council about the problem and wishes to go forward with purchasing materials before prices rise. Much conversation was held about the issue. Dan Gable stated 12” pipe is the standard but all ditches are different and can use different size pipes; the pipes need to match up with any other existing pipes. Brian Whitenight felt it should be up to the discretion of the Street Department. Brian Anderson, added our zoning covers pipes in driveways only. Solicitor Michetti said an application form should be made for pipes in yards and other areas which could then be coordinated with homeowner and Street Department. Brian Bird stated at this point he was only interested in purchasing materials not installation. Clark Shuman then mentioned the tractor trailer problem and said bigger signs are needed as you come off the bridge so truckers can see where the roads go; i.e., Route 54. Chief Kerry Parkes talked about this same issue when the railroad crossing was being done; large signs stating no trucks on the bridge were placed in several areas and there were still 8 trucks on the bridge. Delavan Whitenight Jr. has a contact at PennDot and will follow up with the sign problem. Old Business began Approval of the Minutes of January 17, 2022. This was done by Motion by Brian Whitenight, seconded by Peter Fleming and all voting in favor. The Budget Report for December 2021 was then approved on a Motion by Brian Whitenight, seconded by Delavan Whitenight Jr and approved by all. Brian Anderson, Zoning Officer, presented his report for January. It has been another quiet month in the borough. There is a Zoning Variance Hearing scheduled for Wednesday for the property at 509 Postal, a non forming lot that the owner wants to build a home on. President John Domanski inquired how this differed from a previous zoning board action? Solicitor Michetti clarified the previous hearing was for a subdivision; this is just a non conforming lot. Zoning Report was approved on a Motion by Vice President Barb Kriner, seconded by Beth Rake and approved by all. Dan Gable, Street Superintendent, addressed council with his department’s report. All are aware of the ice and snow we had recently. One truck is at Bradco for repairs. He has been busy forming the tree list for this year and the tree at the corner of Kipps Run and Sunbury Road is on the list for removal. He is also working on the Paving List so we can get good prices this year. Scrap was removed from the school and cashed in for $208.00. President John Domanski asked Dan what he thought about moving dumpster say to the school and Dan replied that was an awesome idea. We are looking at May 14 as the date but that is pending until the Secretary reaches out to the dumpster company to confirm date is available. Beth Rake asked if more streets could be salted/cindered rather than just intersections and hillls. Delavan Whiteinight Jr said the ice was all over the place and created lots of problems. Conversation then continued on past practices and our salt bin supply/stock. Dan stated our salt bin needs redone and a larger salt bin would be helpful. President John Domanski stated we need to check about any permits needed to change things before we proceed further. The Street Report was approved on a Motion by Vice President Barb Kriner and seconded by Beth Rake. All voted in favor. The Southside Fire Company report was presented and reviewed by Vice President Barb Kriner. On a Motion by Brian Whitenight and seconded by Delavan Whitenight Jr, the report was approved. All voted in favor. Chief Kerry Parkes offered his Police Department report for January 2022. Officer Andy Rupp is now certified for the State Mandated Defensive Tactics Instructor role. A class to be held here is being scheduled for March 4th. Chief Parkes then warned council about a check washing theft in a resident’s mailbox. He stressed monitoring expense accounts for checks that are cashed for more than written. His report was approved on a Motion by Vice President Barb Kriner and seconded by Brian Whitenight; all voted for. The Mayor had no report this evening; his non report was approved on a Motion by Brian Whitenight, seconded by Delavan Whitenight Jr and approved by all. Solicitor Joseph Michetti began his report with discussing Whitenight Fireworks Display Shooters Certification class and Pyrotechnic Night Shoot which is scheduled for March 26, 2022. Solicitor Michetti will be doing a formal letter for next council meeting; Brian will need to abstain from any voting; Delavan Whitenight Jr can vote since he has no vested interest. His next topic was the sewer issue the Borough has with the Danville Municipal Authority. We have been moving forward to get some answers; April Shuman has taken charge of this issue. We will reach out to LDG, the borough’s engineer firm, to have them work with April to see what should be done to go forward with understanding the data we have and possibly doing sampling again with Pace. April had received a proposal for sampling from August Mack for a cost of $10,200.00. Beth Rake made a Motion to move forward to engage LDG and Pace with April Shuman as the point of contact for the project; seconded by Brian Whitenight; all voted in favor. Solicitor’s report was approved on a Motion by Beth Rake and seconded by Brian Whitenight. All voted for. This issue will be placed on our action items on the next agenda. Boro Light Committee provided a copy of a flyer for our upcoming community event – A Night at the Races. This will be held on March 12, 2022 at Southside Fire Company. Cost of $25.00/ticket gets you in the door to a fun evening of horse racing, raffles, food, beer and soda. You can also sponsor a horse for $20.00 and that was explained. Brian Whitenight said he had spoken with Jarod Curry and he will emcee the evening. Report was approved on a Motion by Vice President Barb Kriner, seconded by Beth Rake and approved by all. There was no new business this evening. A letter from Tax Collector Ruth Peck was shared with council asking to retain the current fees for duplicate bill reprints and tax certifications that she processes. On a Motion by Vice President Barb Kriner and seconded by Delavan Whitenight, fees of $10.00 for duplication bills and $15.00 for tax Verifications was approved. All voted in favor. At 8:14 pm, Vice President Barb Kriner made a Motion to Adjourn the Regular Council session and go into an Executive Session. Motion was seconded by Brian Whitenight; council adjourned. Executive Session was adjourned on a Motion by Peter Fleming, seconded by Brian Whitenight and regular Council resumed. Beth Rake then made a Motion to Adjourn Council for the evening. Seconded by Peter Fleming. Council Adjourned. Respectfully Submitted: Deborah Bausch
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