The Riverside Borough Council met on Monday, May 1, 2017 in the Municipal Building, 301 Dewart Street, Riverside, Pa. In the absence of President John Novak, the meeting was called to order by Vice President Peter T. Fleming at 7:00 pm. In addition to Vice President Fleming, the following Council Members Carolyn Bausch, Caressa Compton, Beth Hancock, Barb Kriner and John Domanski were present. Solicitor Joseph Michetti, Mayor Joseph Oberdorf and Secretary Deborah Bausch were in attendance.
There was a full complement of attendees this evening to be present for the swearing in of Officer Andrew Rupp. Family included Lisa Collett, Jon Doucette, Linda Fetterman, Doug Fetterman, Craig and Amber Kurzawa as well as Andrew’s twin daughters, Tara and Lexi. Others in the audience included Dale Richard, Nicholas Fowler, Dave Decoteau and reporter Karen Blackledge. First order of business was the Official Swearing in of Andrew Rupp by Mayor Oberdorf. Council took a few minutes to enjoy some refreshments and congratulate Andrew on being our new employee in the Police Department. The family adjourned to another office and meeting resumed at approximately 7:10 pm. Under Old Business, the minutes of April 18, 2017 were approved on a Motion by Barb Kriner and seconded by Carolyn Bausch. All voted in Favor. The Budget Report for March was then approved on a Motion by Barb Kriner and Seconded by Beth Hancock. All voted for. Dan Gable, Street Superintendent, then took the floor to speak about the condition of the lawn tractor and need for a new one. Our current model is about 16 years old and body is rusting away. It is not functioning properly and was serviced with the same issues. Dan has priced commercial models as well as high end residential machines. Costs range anywhere from $3500 - $5700 for residential and from $6000 to $8000 and up for commercial machines. Dan did have some prices of machines they had looked at but did not have that information with him this evening. Carolyn Bausch inquired about warranty. John Domanski asked if there would be a trade in value in our current machine. Caressa Compton mentioned the Skaags models as being very well made. Dan has checked vendors that honor CoStars for pricing. Peter Fleming stated he would do some checking as well with vendors for a good machine at a reasonable cost; this was not a budget item this year but desperately needed. Dan also mentioned the Street Department has been busy emptying the barn on Logan Street. He stated he would like to see that piece of property disposed of and a new pole barn built at the garage location to have all equipment in the same vicinity. Discussion was held with what legal items would need to be handled to dispose of this property. There has been interest generated in ownership of the plot. Resident Dale Richard then addressed council. He would like an Ordinance enacted to ban all open burning in the Borough of Riverside. He stated many surrounding communities have already banned burning in their communities. He said a neighbor lights a fire and it burns/smolders all day creating a fire hazard and toxic fumes. Mr. Richard stated Hometown has a recycle program that he pays $6/month and they take all the recyclable materials; he doesn’t even need to sort papers, bottles, etc. Peter Fleming stated this is a topic that should be addressed in the future. Attorney Michetti stated we have an ordinance now that should be reviewed and could possibly be amended. Dave Decoteau was also present. He was here to update council on his property. He had a sale last weekend and was filing for the demo permit. He is moving forward. Carolyn Bausch asked if he had a time frame for completion of his work. Brian Anderson, Zoning Officer, then presented his report for April 2017. He has been busy with sewer inspections; the last group of inspections had 2 pass and 2 fail inspections. He had also been at the Betty Oberdorf property on Avenue F; property is being sold and home torn down and replaced with a new home. Discussion followed on the Donald Cook properties and where things were with the criminal complaint. Mr. Cook can be charged with public nuisance for his properties. John Domanski inquired about the trucking business working at Whitenight’s property. Brian stated he has just spoken with Delavan Whitenight and the trucking company is disbanding from their property. Zoning Report was approved on a Motion by Barb Kriner and seconded by Carolyn Bausch. All voted in favor. Police Chief Kerry Parkes reviewed the police report for April. The Chief had attended a presentation on License Plate Readers; cost would be approximately $70,000. All officers have completed the CPR and First Aid Certifications classes. Report approved on a Motion by Carolyn Bausch and Seconded by Caressa Compton. All voted for. Nicholas Fowler shared the Southside Report for April. The main item on his report was maintenance which was 76 hours to prepare for receipt of the new engine. The new engine is onboard and went in service on April 15th. Nick reminded everyone of the upcoming Carnival to be held on the grounds, May 23 - 27, 2017. Report approved on a Motion by Barb Kriner and Seconded by Beth Hancock. All voted for. Mayor Oberdorf reported the Memorial Day service is set for Sunday, May 28th. Tents have been ordered and everyone will be able to be under cover and out of the direct sunlight this year. Secretary Bausch will make contact with Rush Township to give them an invitation to attend since it is the Riverside-Rush Township Service. Report approved on a Motion by Caressa Compton and Seconded by Barb Kriner. All voted in favor. Solicitor Michetti said 13 Municipal Liens have been filed against property owners in Riverside for outstanding sewer bills. We will review the list after the next sewer billing for any additions/changes. Report approved on a Motion by Carolyn Bausch and Seconded by Barb Kriner. All voted for. The Sunbury YMCA Bike Ride scheduled for July 8, 2017 was approved on a Motion by Barb Kriner and Seconded by Beth Hancock. Insurance information was provided with the letter and map of the streets that will be used. All voted in favor and motion passed. Extensive conversation then followed regarding a letter received from Shade Mountain Winery. They were seeking approval to hold an outdoor event on the grounds this summer. Discussion focused on having open alcohol containers and parking for any event. Contact will be made by Secretary Bausch with Shade Mountain for some clarification. Contacting the neighbors for their input was also suggested. At approximately 7:59 pm. Barb Kriner made a Motion to Adjourn the Regular Session to an Executive Session; Seconded by Carolyn Bausch. All voted in favor; Council adjourned to an Executive Session. 8:25 pm a Motion was made by Carolyn Bausch, Seconded by Barb Kriner to adjourn the Executive Session and return to a Regular Council Session. Executive Session Adjourned. Regular Council session resumed and on a Motion by John Domanski, Seconded by Carolyn Bausch, Council adjourned for the evening at approximately 8:27 pm. Respectfully Submitted: Deborah Bausch Secretary
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