Below are the approved minutes from the July 15, 2013 council meeting.
Riverside Borough Council met on Monday, July 15, 2013 at 7 PM in the Municipal Building, 301 Dewart Street. President Peter Fleming called the meeting to order with the following Council Members present: John Novak, Vice President, Bob Betts, Barb Kriner, John LaMotte, and Mike Maize. Council Member Lori Steele joined the meeting at approximately 7:15 pm. Secretary Deborah Bausch was present; Mayor Dale Erb was not in attendance this evening. Wes Fahringer, DCNR, and Craig Lawler, Riverside Airport, gave a presentation on a proposed Walking Path to be established on the perimeters of the airport. Several options were discussed and Mr Fahringer explained some of the process of obtaining grants to offset the costs of the path. This would be a matching funds grant. Since the Borough is a member of MARC it was suggested we go through them for the planning/funding of this proposed project. Mike Maize is the Riverside representative to the MARC Board and he will contact them regardingthis proposed project. Mr. Fahringer also stated oil and gas money from Northumberland County could be used towards funding of this project if we could obtain any of those funds. Dan Gable, Street Department Superintendent, then presented his report. He stated he checked into renting a roller; for a 54” roller cost would be $245.00/day. Report then moved onto discussion of the pumps of West End and River Hill. West End pump recently had a service call due to corroded wires resulting in some electrical issues. All is corrected now; however, Dan has requested a quote to move the electrical box up away from some of the moisture of the well. He also presented a quote from RAM Industrial Services for a new pump at a cost of $7,072.00. Street Department Report was approved on a Motion by Barb Kriner and seconded by John LaMotte. Northumberland County Conservation District is conducting a watershed study with a meeting scheduled for July 29th. Peter Fleming volunteered to be the Borough’s representative on this panel. He will complete the study worksheets for this meeting. Discussion was then held on work session vs. council meeting for the second meeting of the month. After discussion back and for with pros and cons, the matter was table for further study on a Motion by John Novak and seconded by Lori Steele. Non Uniform Employees Handbook was reviewed. Lori Steele put on the record to thank all who contributed to this handbook, especially John Novak who did the major part of this work project. Handbook was adopted on a Motion by Barb Kriner and Seconded by Bob Betts. Copies will be distributed once some minor typing issues are corrected. Code Enforcement was on the agenda next. Jackie Hart, Code Enforcement Officer, had provided copies of letters sent to 4 homeowners of blighted properties. She also provided information about fees to charge for any appeal to the Board of Appeals; we will be using the Danville Board for our appeals. A suggested fee of $400.00 will cover the costs of advertising, solicitor fee and board member payments. The report was accepted on a Motion by Bob Betts and seconded by Lori Steele. Minutes of the July 1, 2013 meeting as well as the Financial Reports for June were reviewed. Both were approved on a Motion by Mike Maize and seconded by John Novak. Sewer authority update was given; Peter Fleming said we are getting closer to a Regional Sewer Authority but will still be awhile until it is in place. Discussion was held on the required licensed certified sewer operator; Don Shobert will be contacted with a list of duties he would perform for the borough if hired. Pumping Bids were then put on the table for 20 homes in the West End Sewer district. Lori Steele read the quotes. Those bidding were: Chip Adams - $0.15/gallon Beaver Valley - $0.185/gallon Bee Kleen – had different size tanks listed at separate prices with a discount if they could take more than one tank at at time. Bid went to Chip Adams. Acceptance of bid is contingent on review by the Solicitor Michetti; Motion made by John LaMotte and seconded by Barb Kriner. Go Joe 16, to be held in the Park on July 24th at noontime, was discussed briefly. Bob Betts suggested arrow signs be put up for people to park at St Peter’s Church for this event. Barb Kriner stated she thinks Danville just prints something off the internet to use. Several vendors have signed up and still recruiting other groups to participate. This is a fundraiser done by Joe Snedeker, weatherman on Channel 16 for the St Joseph’s Children Hospital, Wilkes-Barre. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm on a Motion by Barb Kriner and seconded by John LaMotte. Next meeting will be Monday, August 5, 2013 at 7:00 pm. Respectfully Submitted, Deborah Bausch Secretary
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