As approved at the March 16 meeting, minutes of March 2 follow:
The Riverside Borough Council met on Monday, March 2, 2015 in the Municipal Building, 301 Dewart Street, Riverside, PA. The meeting was called to order by Vice President Peter Fleming; President John Novak was present but not feeling well enough to handle meeting. Council members present included Caressa Compton, Barb Kriner, John Domanski and John LaMotte. Solicitor Joseph Michetti, Mayor Joseph Oberdorf and Secretary Deborah Bausch were in attendance as well. Absent this evening was council member Lori Steele. In the audience this evening were Carolyn Bausch, Nick Fowler, Dean McCahan, Laurie and Megan Fitzpatrick. Megan Fitzpatrick took the floor first this evening. She had returned at the request of Council to discuss a Silver Award Project. Several suggestions were made; her mother, Laurie Fitzpatrick was present and stated they were not sure which project they would do but will get back to the Borough if they decide to do something in our area. Next item addressed was the request by Southside Fire Company to have the Borough help with the cost of a generator. Much discussion was held on this topic with an Motion put on table to pursue an ad hoc committee to study the best place for a generator; this was made by John Novak. The Motion was amended to do a study of the feasibility of a generator for St Peters UMC which is the EMA designated shelter in the case of disaster; this motion was made by John LaMotte and seconded by John Domanski. Motion carried as all were in favor. Southside Fire Company would not be willing to get a generator to use at the church; would only like use at the fire company. Carolyn Bausch then addressed the Street Department. She thanked them for their dedication to keeping the roads clear and safe for our residents. The minutes of February 2, 2015 were accepted on a Motion by John Domanski and seconded by John LaMotte. All voted in favor. Financial Reports for January were approved on a Motion by Caressa Compton and seconded by Barb Kriner; all voted in favor. Solicitor Michetti then reviewed Ordinance 2015-1 - Merger of Beishline Sewer District effective with the billing effective April 1, 2015. Beishline rate will be $115.00 per quarter in alignment with the main sewer district. Ordinance approved on a Motion by Barb Kriner and seconded by John LaMotte. All voted in favor. Solicitor Michetti then reviewed Ordinance 2015-2 with is the establishment of Montour County COG Board of Appeals for UCC. Approved on a Motion by Caressa Compton and seconded by John Novak. Motion carried with all present voting in favor. Brian Anderson presented the Zoning Report for January. Approved on a Motion by John LaMotte and seconded by Caressa Compton. All voted in favor. Chief Kerry Parkes gave the Police report. He stated they have rearranged the police department office. He discussed selling some property/equipment but not guns. He was requested to put an inventory together of the items available. Report was accepted on a Motion by John LaMotte and seconded by John Domanski; all voted in favor. Chief Parkes then discussed Temporary General Order #1 regarding Newborn Protection Act. Chief Parkes was authorized to present the policy in its final form to council at another meeting. Authorization given via Motion by Caressa Compton and seconded by John LaMotte; all voted for the motion. Chief also stated a Temporary General Order #2 would be available soon regarding domestic violence; policy will be reviewed and presented at a later day. Dan Gable, Street Department Superintendent, gave the Street Department report. He stated they have been out a lot with snow plowing = about 15 times; had to do some truck repairs also. Dan stated they have ordered 170 tons of salt compared to 184 in 2014. Street Department Report was approved on a Motion by John Domanski and John Novak. All voted in favor. Dan also requested to have the garage insulated for possible addition of heat at some time. Barb Kriner then presented the Southside Fire Company Report for January and February 2015. John Novak inquired as to what the truck committee is responsible to do. Barb stated that they are looking at adding a truck and need to see size and availability. Report was approved by a Motion made by Caressa Compton and seconded by John Domanski. Mayor Joseph Oberdorf then presented his report. He stated he is busy coordinating the Memorial Day Service for May 24th. Report approved by Motion made by John LaMotte and seconded by Barb Kriner. All voted in favor. Solicitor Michetti stated the municipal liens have been filed for those residents owing over $500 in delinquent fees. Three accounts have been paid in full and their liens lifted. Report was approved on a Motion by John Domanski and seconded by John LaMotte. Under New Business, John Domanski gave an update on the gas company. Engineering is moving forward to spring but this weather has made a hardship on the gas company. John also stated he had been contacted by some residents of Kipps Run Road and they have issues with the 911 address and mail delivery also. Solicitor Michetti stated the residents should contact the 911 center to confirm the address; mail delivery issue should be handled by the post office. House numbers cannot be reassigned, they would need to rename the street. At 8:25 pm John Domanski made a Motion to adjourn the regular session to an Executive Session; seconded by Barb Kriner. Regular Session adjourned. 8:40 pm John LaMotte made a Motion to adjourn the Executive Session and return to Regular Council Session. Seconded by Barb Kriner. Barb Kriner, Code Enforcement Committee stated Dave Decoteau has posted that he is doing blueprints for how he is going to proceed with his property. Blueprints are supposedly with the architect. At 8:45 pm, John Domanski made a Motion to Adjourn the evening meeting; Barb Kriner seconded the Motion and meeting was ended. Next meeting is scheduled for March 16, 2015 at 7:00 pm. Respectfully submitted: Deborah Bausch, Secretary
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