As approved at the April 5 meeting, minutes of 3/15/21 follow:
The Riverside Borough Council met on Monday, March 15, 2021 in the Municipal Building, 415 Dewart Street, Riverside. Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by President John Domanski. Present this evening were Vice President Barb Kriner and Council Members Peter Fleming, Kevin Romansik, Brian Whitenight and Delavan Whitenight; Council Member Beth Rake participated via telephone. Mayor John LaMotte and Secretary Deborah Bausch were also present. The only audience member present was Chief Kerry Parkes who presented Council with a letter for their consideration and response. Chief Parkes also updated council on the property that was gotten from the 1033 program and their status - 4 wheeler and generator both need serviced and he has been reaching out to Jason Van Sickle to have them looked at. The gator is to be junked. Brian Whitenight asked if it could be put on municibid for someone who would want to restore it but it is in too bad a shape to bother. 4 wheeler is in need of some electrical work. Minutes of March 1, 2021 were approved on a Motion by Vice President Barb Kriner, seconded by Brian Whitenight and approved by all. The 2021 Paving List was put before council. To do the entire listing would be $221,800.00. Discussion was held about needing grading done on Mainzer Hill and continuing work on Boyce Road; money needs to be allotted for those projects. Grading is estimated to be about $2,000.00. Mayor John LaMotte said Boyce Road is down to the solid rock surface. Vice President Barb Kriner inquired if we could do paving in blocks rather than pieces here and there. More discussion followed on the roads. It was decided to pave the top four recommendations of Dan Gable, Street Superintendent; those being, Avenue E – SR 4001(Sunbury Rd) to SW Dead End; 9th St at Ave G to H; 5th St – Avenue D to Avenue C and Avenue A - 4th to dead end. Those streets would total $163,800. This was approved on a Motion by Delavan Whitenight and seconded by Vice President Barb Kriner. All voted in favor. Dumpster Day was the next agenda item. Quotes were received from DMS and Fought’s. It was made known last year that Heaps did not wish to continue with Dumpster Day. After comparing quotes, it was agreed to use Fought’s by a Motion of Brian Whitenight and seconded by Vice President Barb Kriner. All voted for. Vice President Barb Kriner then made a Motion to set the date for May 1, 2021 from 7 AM – 1 pm; this was seconded by Kevin Romansik and all voted for. Due to the passing of Nick Fowler, an assistant would be needed; Mayor John LaMotte stated he would handle that position. A final topic was our electricity carrier. Quotes had been received from NRG and Hudson Electric. Hudson is our current carrier and have a current contract with us. We will continue with that company. At approximately 7:34 pm, Vice President Barb Kriner made a Motion to adjourn to an Executive Session; seconded by Peter Fleming. Regular Session Ended. At 8:48 pm, Vice President Barb Kriner made a Motion to adjourn the Executive Session and return to Regular Council again. Peter Fleming seconded the motion and regular session was resumed. President John Domanski spoke on a report received from our LTAP visit last year. Much discussion was held on the crosswalk on Sunbury Road at Avenue D. It was felt this was for the school crossing and no longer necessary. It was noted there is a crosswalk in the West End but it was for a bus stop. Kevin Romansik stated it is located between Blue Development and Sunny Acres. Vice President Barb Kriner made a Motion to respond to the list and disregard the crosswalk at Avenue D & Sunbury Rd; it was seconded by Peter Fleming and all voted for. Reminder was made of the upcoming school tour on Wednesday, March 17th at 9 am. At approximately 8:54 pm, Vice President Barb Kriner made a Motion to Adjourn; this was seconded by Delavan Whitenight. Council Adjourned. Respectfully submitted: Deborah Bausch Secretary Correction notice for March 1, 2021 – Southside Fire Company will bill insurance companies in Rush Township for call outs; Riverside residents will not be charged.
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