As approved at the July 6, Meeting, minutes of 6/1/2020 follow:
The Riverside Borough Council met on Monday, June 1, 2020 in the Municipal Building, 415 Dewart Street, Riverside, PA. Present in the building this evening were President John Domanski, Vice President Barb Kriner, Council members Peter Fleming and Brian Whitenight. Solicitor Joseph Michetti and Secretary Deborah Bausch were also present. Participating via teleconferencing were Council Members Beth Rake and Kevin Romansik. Absent this evening were Carolyn Bausch and Mayor John LaMotte. Meeting was called to order at 7 pm by President Domanski. There were no citizens present nor on the teleconference line. Minutes of May 4, 2020 were on the table. Approved by Motion of Peter Fleming and seconded by Barb Kriner. All voted in favor. Budget Report for April 2020 was presented next and approved on a Motion by Barb Kriner and seconded by Peter Fleming. All approved. Next old business item on the agenda was the opening of the Park/Playground. President John Domanski felt it was time to open the park; Vice President Barb Kriner and Brian Whitenight agreed. Vice President Barb Kriner stated she had recently been to Bloom town park and all was open. Beth Rake stated the beaches in her area were open with no caution signs posted. Brian Whitenight made the Motion to Open the Park; seconded by Barb Kriner and all voted in favor. Yellow caution tape was immediately removed. President John Domanski then spoke about the moving of the tennis courts; previous meeting with Merck had to be cancelled. Peter Fleming stated we need the room at our present park to expand. Vice President Barb Kriner stated she would speak to the Southside Fire Company to see what they have for space availability. President John Domanski then read a message from Bill Lavage who will be ending his term on the MARC board on 12/31/2020. He was thanked for his time and participation on the board and we will check with Bob Stoudt about a replacement for him Secretary Deborah Bausch stated we are still working on grants for playground renovation but will need to come up with drawings and costs for some of them. The Zoning report was submitted by Brian Anderson. President John Domanski then stated as part of the Zoning Report, he and Vice President Barb Kriner took a drive around the borough looking at blighted and unsightly properties. Hillside Estates has property that looks like a campground; Brewery Hollow Road has an issue; and a major eyesore is along Sunbury Road – property needs weeds cut back and fence repaired. The former Nooning House property has had a porch added but a permit had been obtained for it. Kipps Run Road and Sunbury Road intersection has a home that needs tending to; Council member Brian Whitenight said someone has been in the home. There is also a second property further down Kipps Run Road with debris that needs removed. Vice President Barb Kriner will get in touch with Brian Anderson and see the best way to approach these properties. President John Domanski was concerned about downed trees on properties that don’t get cleaned up; however, Chief Kerry Parkes cautioned about being on a slippery slope with handling them as there are many out along the bank beyond the Delavan Whitenight property for Penn Dot. Property on Sunbury Road was discussed again and Solicitor Joe Michetti said even in bankruptcy, citations can be filed against the property owner. The Zoning Report was approved on a Motion by Brian Whitenight and seconded by Peter Fleming. All voted for. Street Department report was prepared by Dan Gable. President John Domanski stated we had budgeted $212,000.00 for paving. HRI was the low bidder at $166,000.00 and their final bill came in at $151,000.00. We would have approximately $60,000.00 left over. President asked how council wished to proceed. Carry over until next year or possibly do some other repairs? Vice President Barb Kriner stated we had allotted the money and felt it should be spent and more repairs done. Peter Fleming stated there are several areas that could use fixed: mainly, a dip in the roadway/swale at Avenue G and 9th Street. Cars bottom out when crossing the roadway. President John Domanski stated that where we repaired manholes on Avenue G with cold patch, they are sinking a bit and could use a better surfacing. The section of Avenue E from Sunbury Road to 9th Street is also a roadway to consider. Secretary Deborah Bausch will be in touch with Penn Dot Representative, Barry Garverick to take a look at our options and then we will go out to bid if needed. President John Domanski stated Dan was very pleased with the work and cooperation of HRI in the paving this time. Fall Dumpster Day was approved for Saturday, October 10, 2020 from 7 am until Noon! Street Department Report was approved on a Motion by Vice President Barb Kriner and seconded by Brian Whitenight. All voted for. Southside Fire Company Report was submitted by Nicholas Fowler, Fire Chief and reviewed by Vice President Barb Kriner. She stated there is no carnival this year since we are still in the yellow phase for reopening. They are looking at a possible Band Fest or other activity later this summer. Report was accepted on a Motion by Peter Fleming and seconded by Barb Kriner. All voted for. Chief Kerry Parkes was present and gave his Police Report for May. He began with a Thank You to Merck and Company for a grant to purchase a laptop and projector for Officer Harvey to teach his class on taser recertification. Thursday, June 4, there will be a webinar presentation on automatic license plate readers and Chief Parkes invited anyone who wanted to see it to come to his office. His final presentation was an update from a previous meeting regarding the salary of the officers. He presented a form of computations of local area offices for comparison. It was distributed for consideration at a later meeting. Current contract could be changed. Report was approved on a Motion by Peter Fleming and seconded by Brian Whitenight. All voted for. The Mayor was not present this evening. Solicitor Joseph Michetti said he had nothing to report but was glad to be back in person at the meeting. For New Business, Peter Fleming stated he has had calls regarding the speed on Avenue D; felt the speed limit was too high for the area. Kids are playing in the area and some places you can’t see over the crest of the road. President John Domanski agreed and felt the streets should all be looked at. We will check with Barry Garverick as the best way to proceed. Under our Motion to Approve we began with a correction to the Waiver of Real Estate Tax Penalty previously passed. The correct date should be September 30, 2020 for waiver of late penalty fee. We had listed it as December 31, 2020. Penalty is waived if paid before September 30, 2020 by Motion of Brian Whitenight and seconded by Peter Fleming. All voted in favor. Second item was discussion of the fireworks being held on Friday, June 5, as a salute to the DHS Class of 2020. Brian Whitenight explained the change in venue and what the process would be. He had approval from Craig Lawler to use airport area which will allow for better social distancing. Officer Brad Harvey works with Brian and will be present. They will be shot from the runway area. Passes will be issued to those to get on the grounds. Donations are being made to a bank account to offset the cost for the fireworks. It will be a fast and furious show. Brian stated Deanna Force has been a tremendous help in this endeavor. Show approved on a Motion by Peter Fleming and seconded by Barb Kriner. All voted for. Next item is to Rescind our Resolution 20-03-25 – Declaration of Disaster Emergency for the Borough of Riverside. Motion to Rescind made by Vice President Barb Kriner and seconded by Brian Whitenight. All voted in favor. Final Motion item was to pay the HRI paving bill of $151,075.91. Secretary Deborah Bausch stated we had allotted $75,000.00 from Liquid Fuels for this paving; remainder will come from General Fund. Motion to pay was made by Vice President Barb Kriner and seconded by Peter Fleming who highlighted a conversation with Dan and how pleased he was with the work done by HRI. Motion approved by all. Final item of the evening was put before council by Brian Whitenight. In March he was to hold some PGI Certification Classes for his fireworks business. They were cancelled due to COVID 19. He will now be holding this approved class on June 13th with about 18 people in attendance. This is not open to the public. Office Brad Harvey is taking the course. Each student will be required to shoot two shells off to show their knowledge/skills. This will be during afternoon hours. At approximately 7:52 pm, a Motion was made by Vice President Barb Kriner to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully Submitted: Deborah Bausch Secretary
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