As approved at the February 5 meeting, minutes of January 15 follow:
The Riverside Borough Council met on Monday, January 15, 2018 in the Municipal Building, 415 Dewart Street, Riverside, PA. Meeting was called to order by President Carolyn Bausch. In attendance tonight were Council Vice President, Peter Fleming and council members Barb Kriner, Beth Rake and John Domanski and John Novak. Absent this evening was Council member Caressa Compton. Also in attendance were Mayor Joseph Oberdorf and Secretary Deborah Bausch. Our audience this evening consisted of Matt Kalcich, Larson Design Group and Karen Blackledge, the Danville News. Matt Kalcich addressed council with an update on the sewer mapping system that has been done by Larson Design Group. This mapping was in coordination with the MS-4 Waiver application which LDG processed on behalf of the Borough. He reviewed additional costs to upgrade and purchase additional software and licenses. Dan Gable, Street Superintendent, was present this evening and stated he was going to be receiving a wall map which will be invaluable to his staff; it will show the manholes and flows in the lines. On a Motion by Peter Fleming, it was decided to stay with the package we currently have; seconded by John Domanski. All voted in favor. On another issue with LDG, a Motion was made by Barb Kriner to retain LDG as the Borough Engineer; seconded by John Domanski. All voted in favor. Minutes of January 2, 2018 were approved on a Motion by John Domanski and seconded by Barb Kriner. All voted in favor. Budget report for December was approved on a Motion by Barb Kriner; seconded by John Novak and approved by all in attendance. Nick Fowler, Southside Fire Chief, then addressed Council with the Southside Fire Company report for December and also presented the Year to Date Statistics. Tree sales were the majority of the report and discussion was held regarding home owners not properly identifying their homes which can be an issue for first responders. It was recommended homeowners list both new and old addresses until the GPS systems have been updated. John Domanski inquired about why other ambulance services were responding to our area rather than Danville. Nick stated Danville is called first; however, if they are not available other areas are contacted to assist. Nick stated he had 2 questions for council. First question concerns the bridge to the Kipps Run Mobile Home Park. He asked if the weight limit was known since this is a safety factor for firetrucks that may need to respond to calls there; street is now renamed to Creekside Circle. His second issue is that GPS maps are not updated and it is causing confusion for responders. John Novak responded that it was to be at least 4 months until the updates were in place. Nick stated donation money had been received and radios were purchased. In June 2019 new high band radios will be needed and will cost between $4000.00 and $5000.00 each. Southside Fire Company report was approved on a Motion by John Domanski and seconded by Barb Kriner. All voted for. Dan Gable, Street Department Superintendent, then took the floor to address council. He stated the gas company is doing well installing lines for residents but due to current weather work has come to a standstill. The Street Department has been busy checking lights and removing snow and ice. Our stockpile is in good shape for any upcoming storms. Report was approved on a Motion by Beth Rake and seconded by Peter Fleming. All voted in favor. Council President Carolyn Bausch then recapped an email received from Ethan Benjamin. He is going to work on his Eagle Scout project and would like to make the park a geocache spot. He will be present at the February 5 meeting to present his request. New Business included the Northumberland County Hazard Mitigation Plan Resolution as provided by our EMA Director, M Todd Oberdorf. Resolution will be reviewed and voted on at the next council meeting. John Domanski inquired about the need for 2 meetings each month and felt the second meeting may not be necessary. It was noted that if the agenda is limited, meeting can be cancelled. At approximately 7:33 pm, a Motion was made by Barb Kriner to adjourn the Regular Council session to an Executive Session. Seconded by John Novak. Regular Council adjourned. Barb Kriner made a Motion to adjourn the Executive Session at 8:08 pm and return to a Regular council Session. Seconded by John Domanski. Executive Session adjourned. At 8:09 pm, immediately after Executive Session adjourned, John Domanski made a Motion to adjourn council for the evening. Seconded by Barb Kriner. Council adjourned. Respectfully submitted: Deborah Bausch Secretary
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