As approved at the March 7, 2022 meeting, minutes of 2/21/22 follow:
The Riverside Borough Council met in the Municipal Building, 415 Dewart Street, Riverside, PA on Monday, February 21, 2022. The meeting was called to order promptly at 7 pm by President John Domanski. In attendance this evening were Vice President Barb Kriner, Council members Beth Rake, April Shuman, Peter Fleming, Brian Whitenight, Delavan Whitenight Jr. In addition to the council members, Mayor John LaMotte and Secretary Deborah Bausch were present. There were no residents in the audience this evening. Old Business began with the Minutes of February 7, February 11 and Budget Report for January 2022 being put on the table for review. On a Motion by Brian Whitenight and seconded by Delavan Whitenight Jr, all three items were approved. Everyone was in agreement. New Business began with the Police Contract for 2022 through 2025. The new contract incorporates a Step pay scale program. It includes a full time officer and eliminates the part time position. Vice President Barb Kriner explained some of the language changes such as part time hours will count towards probation time. Peter Fleming asked if the step program aligned with other municipalities. In response, Vice President Barb Kriner gave figures of two local surrounding offices. President John Domanski added that the officers will be compensated for virtual calls when they are off duty. They will be given 2 hours with a max of 4 hours in a calendar day for business calls when they are not working. Delavan Whitenight Jr inquired about the step program and what happens when they run out of steps. He was informed that will be addressed in future contracts. On a Motion by Peter Fleming, the Police contract for the 4 years through 2025 was approved; seconded by Vice President Barb Kriner and all voted in favor. Brian Whitenight then asked if the borough had a boom mower; one that would go on the John Deere tractor? There are a lot of areas in the borough that need attention – Sunbury Road, Blue Hill Drive, Avenue G to name a few. Trimming would be necessary for safety as well as cleaner and neater areas. Action Items began with discussion of the Airport and ongoing litigation there. Much conversation was held regarding the past practices and enforcement of the Borough Ordinances. Mayor John LaMotte talked about the height of the trees in areas that make for unsafe aircraft landings. Another meeting will be held with Craig Lawler of the Airport Authority to see what can be settled. Peter Fleming mentioned that we have had no cooperation from the Judicial System in this matter. Brian Whitenight spoke about the original runway and the changes that happened when the new runway was installed. Our Sewer issue was updated by April Shuman. She has been in touch with Joe Pfirman of Larson Design Group. She explained he felt we should do 4 testings per year and coordinate one to coincide with Danville testing time and spot to see that we are on the same page. Matt Kahlich from Larson can do an electronic map to follow these tests. It was questioned if Heeter’s has a grease trap in place and if the car wash has any filters. April Shuman will check with both of them to confirm. She further explained the issue was in the Rules and Regulations of the Wastewater Management Program. Another topic was the Route 54 signage. Vice President Barb Kriner has been in touch with PennDot about the signs. The signs on the bridge will be moved back on polls to give drivers more time to see the upcoming road changes. Peter Fleming brought up painting on the roadways. April Shuman said Northumberland County says that is our responsibility. President John Domanski said we will draft a letter to the Montoursville District Office of PennDot regarding the problem with our Route 54 signs. It will be copied to Representative Lynda Schlegel Culver and Senator John Gordner. Vice President Barb Kriner that remarked she had asked to have the LDG Quote for West End Sewer Project as well as the Northumberland County Grant Requests put in the packets for all to review. Last year Northumberland County gave out several large grants. President John Domanski then shared he felt we should hire a grant writer. Beth Rake said she would look into becoming a grant writer. She would have time this summer to pursue that goal. At approximately 7:58 pm, Beth Rake made a Motion to adjourn the Regular Council session to an Executive Session. Seconded by Vice President Barb Kriner and approved by all. Regular Council Adjourned; Executive Session in progress. At 8:25 pm, Council returned to Regular Session on a Motion by Beth Rake and seconded by Brian Whtienight. All approved. There was a request on the table by Whitenight Fireworks to hold an Open Shoot training on March 26, 2022. The shoot was approved on a Motion by Vice President Barb Kriner, seconded by Beth Rake. April Shuman, Peter Fleming and Delavan Whitenight Jr voted in favor. Brian Whitenight abstained from voting. A Motion to Adjourn was made by Beth Rake at 8:40 seconded by Vice President Barb Kriner and the final note was added by President John Domanski; meeting adjourned. Respectfully Submitted: Deborah Bausch
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