As approved at the 1/3/2022 meeting, minutes of 12-6-21 follow:
The Riverside Borough Council met on Monday, December 6, 2021 in the Municipal Building, 415 Dewart Street, Riverside. The meeting was called to order promptly at 7 pm by President John Domanski. In attendance this evening were Vice President Barb Kriner, Council Members Beth Rake, Peter Fleming, Kevin Romansik, Brian Whitenight, and Delavan Whitenight Jr. Also attending were Mayor John LaMotte, Solicitor Joseph Michetti and Secretary Deborah Bausch. In the audience tonight were April and Clark Shuman, Craig Lawler and Joe Neizer. April Shuman stated she was there to observe and also inquire about the Parade of Lights. Her husband, Clark, accompanied her to the meeting this evening. Craig Lawler spoke next and stated the Borough’s last event was so successful and he would like to see more events at the airport; perhaps, a July event with food trucks and fireworks. Mayor John LaMotte noted there was a problem with electrical power at the airport and Craig agreed that he needed to speak to Todd Oberdorf about that situation. Craig also inquired about the tree issue at the airport and was told this would be discussed at a later time. Joe Neizer then took the floor to inquire if a response has been prepared for the letter he submitted awhile back. Solicitor Michetti answered by stating a response would be forthcoming if a decision was made. Joe was assured he would have plenty of time to appeal if he was not agreeable with the response. Old Business began with the approval of the November 1, 2021 minutes. This was accomplished by a Motion made by Brian Whitenight, seconded by Vice President Barb Kriner and approved by all. September Budget Reports were approved on a Motion by Vice President Barb Kriner and seconded by Peter Fleming. All voted for. President Domanski presented a letter received from the Danville Municipal Authority regarding our wastewater high strength discharges. Letter puts time constraints on our reply; we have been working to solve this issue. We have been moving forward in good faith to resolve the problem; however we will need more time to complete the study. A letter will be sent noting we are working on the issue and ask for a extension of time. Beth Rake noted the letter used “industry standard” and felt the municipalities had separate standards in place. This has been tabled at this time. Brian Anderson, Zoning Officer, then presented his November monthly report. It has been a quiet month with only one permit issued. Brian also spoke about the sign previously approved by Council to be placed in the area near The English Garden. Sign is here and once connected will be alerting anyone entering the borough of emergency information or any borough events. Report was approved on a Motion by Beth Rake and seconded by Vice President Barb Kriner. Dan Gable, Street Superintendent, spoke about the Street Department’s activities during the month of November. Leaf Pick Up Season ended today with a total of 60 loads collected. Leaves will need bagged for pick up at this point. Beth Rake inquired when the wreaths will be put up and Dan told it would be happening tomorrow. The department had issues with COVID and vacations cutting the number of employees available to accomplish all that needed done. Delavan Whitenight Jr asked about the status of the new truck; Dan replied he was ordered from his tree stand! Street Department Report was approved on a Motion by Beth Rake and seconded by Vice President Barb Kriner. All voted for. There was no Southside Fire Company report this evening. Vice President Barb Kriner did say there were only 5 Christmas trees left for sale. Chief Kerry Parkes took the floor to present the Police Department report for November. He explained that Officer Andy Rupp has completed a Tactical Handcuffing Instructor training which is step 1 to get him certified to be our Defensive Tactics Instructor. Chief Parkes inquired about the status of the ticketing program;; Solicitor Michetti saw no issues but the ordinance would need advertisied. Vice President Barb Kriner then made a Motion to advertise the Borough Ordinance for Quality of Life Ticketing Program; seconded by Brian Whitenight and all voted in favor. The Police Report for November was then approved on a Motion by Beth Rake and seconded by Brian Whitenight; all voted for. Mayor John LaMotte then presented information on COVID Exposure and Act 17. There was discussion on the ACT 17 requirements and how it is handled. Mayor John LaMotte stated the police are working on a policy for their department to address this issue and the borough may want to look at it for the non-uniformed employees. One last item he addressed was the speed on Boyce Road; he inquired of April and Clark Shuman if they had seen a difference? Average speed was 12.6 mph but it was felt the sign should be moved uphill. Mayor John LaMotte and the Shuman’s will meet to show the placement requested for the speed sign. Mayor’s report was approved on a Motion by Vice President Barb Kriner and seconded by Delavan Whitenight Jr. All voted for. Solicitor Michetti will update council on several items in an Executive Session. His report was approved on a Motion by Vice President Barb Kriner and seconded by Beth Rake with all agreeing on the motion. There was no New Business tonight. The Budget for 2022 was advertised as required. It was approved on a Motion by Brian Whitenight and seconded by Beth Rake. All voted in favor. Resolution 21-12-06, Tax Millage for 2022 was then put before Council. There is no tax increase for 2022. Resolution approved on a Motion by Vice President Barb Kriner, seconded by Brian Whitenight and approved by all. Final agenda item was the Subdivision Plans for Mark and Cassandra Schmidt who are adding a tract of land from the lands of Ronald and Linda Schmidt. Plans have been approved by Northumberland County Planning Commission and Riverside Borough Planning Commission. Council approved the plans also on a Motion by Beth Rake and seconded by Vice President Barb Kriner. All voted for. At approximately 7:34 pm, Vice President Barb Kriner made a Motion to adjourn the council session to an Executive Session for personnel matters. Seconded by Brian Whitenight; all voted for and the Regular Session ended. About 8:11 pm, Vice President Barb Kriner made a Motion to Adjourn the Executive Session; seconded by Peter Fleming with all agreeing to do so. Executive Session ended and Regular Session resumed. The Monthly Meeting adjourned at 8:12 pm by a Motion made by Vice President Barb Kriner, seconded by Beth Rake. All voted for. Following the Council meeting, members enjoyed some fellowship time and good food in celebration of the upcoming Christmas Holiday Season! Kevin Romansik was recognized for his time on Council. Kevin decided to not run for reelection in 2022 . His input has been a great help and Council wishes him well. Respectfully Submitted, Deborah Bausch Secretary
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