The Riverside Borough Council met on Monday, December 3, 2018 in the Municipal Building, 415 Dewart Street, Riverside, PA. Meeting was called to Order at 7:00 pm by Vice President Peter T. Fleming; President Carolyn Bausch was serving as Acting Mayor at the beginning of the meeting. Council members in attendance included Barb Kriner, Beth Rake, John Domanski, Michael Leibel and Kevin Romansik. Also attending were Solicitor Joseph Michetti Jr and Secretary Deborah Bausch.
Audience this evening consisted of Mayor Candidates, John LaMotte and Brian Whitenight. Mainzer Hill residents attending were Caitlin Patrow, Stephanie and Dorsey Hauck, Rod and Angie Kerstetter and Lisa Jones; Paula Anderson attended from Avenue D. Nick Fowler from Southside Fire Company and Karen Blackledge from the Danville News were also present. Dorsey Hauck spoke first under Citizens to be heard. The residents are very unsatisfied with the condition of Mainzer Hill after the roadwork that has been done on it. There are dangerous spots and materials were put down wet making it not good to travel on. Dan Gable, Street Department Superintendent, was present and addressed their concerns. The road has been a problem and the weather was not conducive to the project. Our County representative, Mr. Mike McCleary, was pleased with the work done on the roadway. The residents would like to meet with Mr McCleary and Mr Sudol from Sudol Paving to discuss how this will be corrected. Lisa Jones spoke of a drainage issue near the bridge causing serious erosion issues. The residents were thanked for coming to the meeting and voicing their concerns. Paula Anderson asked about the leaf collection be ended with so many leaves still dropping. Dan Gable explained the problem with collecting and dumping on Bald Top Road. Next order of business was the selection of Mayor. Questions were posed by Carolyn Bausch to both John LaMotte and Brian Whitenight. Carolyn Bausch asked the candidates why they wanted the seat? John LaMotte stated he had been on council for about 6 years and wanted to take the next step up to the office of Mayor. Brian Whitenight responded that he wanted to become more involved in the community. John Domanski and Michael Leibel also asked questions of the candidates. Barb Kriner asked about the term of office; appointee will serve all of 2019 and need to run for reelection for 2020 for a 2 year term. Beth Rake then made a Motion to Appoint John LaMotte to the Mayor office; seconded by John Domanski. By show of hands, Barb Kriner, Beth Rake, John Domanski and Kevin Romansik voted for the Motion; Michael Leibel voted No and Peter Fleming Abstained from voting. Carolyn Bausch was serving in the Mayor seat and not able to vote. Motion Carried and John LaMotte was sworn into office by Carolyn Bausch. At approximately 7:47 pm, Carolyn Bausch then resumed her title of President of Council and took over the meeting proceedings. Minutes of November 19, 2018 were approved on a Motion by Barb Kriner and seconded by Peter Fleming. All voted in favor. Brian Anderson, Zoning Officer, then presented his report for the month of November. Discussion followed on the Cook Property. Brian Anderson stated Janet Hummer of Villager Realty has a buyer but she has been unable to get in touch with Mr. Cook who does not maintain a mailing address. John Domanski stated we need to go back to citing Mr. Cook if he is not complying. Solicitor Michetti stated he would speak to Attorney Moro who previously represented Mr. Cook. Report approved on a Motion by John Domanski, Seconded by Barb Kriner and all voted in favor. Chief Kerry Parkes then took the floor with the Police Report for November. He stated all officers have been recertified with weapons and tasers. At this point, Solicitor Michetti spoke on a previous concern council had regarding large trucks going on roads and creating problems. Solicitor provided a copy of a rough ordinance for the council and chief to look over to see if it would fit our needs. Kevin Romansik stated the roads to be considered were Avenue C, South Mill St and Chestnut Street at Third Street. Discussion ensued about truck sizes, definite streets involved and fines and penalties to be imposed. Barb Kriner asked Chief Parkes about the part time officer position. Chief has spoken to Eamon Shoff, a constable who may be interested in applying for the 40 hrs/month position. Report was approved on a Motion by Barb Kriner and seconded by Beth Rake; all voted for. Dan Gable, Street Superintendent, addressed council with the Street Department Report. He explained about the leaf collection issue. His crew will continue to pick up bagged leaves at any time. The West End Pump station is still having issues. Dan then asked for clarification on what Council is seeking as far as a spreadsheet for the truck repairs/maintenance. John Domanski explained what he thought would be good for truck replacements. Dan then presented two quotes for a new dump truck. John Domanski asked if he had gotten a price on a Dodge vehicle; Dan will request a quote for the next meeting. Report was approved on a Motion by Barb Kriner; seconded by John Domanski. All voted in favor. Solicitor Michetti commended Dan on his answers this evening and how well he handled the questions presented. Nick Fowler, Southside Fire Company Chief, offered the Southside Fire Company report. He said Christmas tree sales are progressing. They have not gotten an updated quote for a generator. John Domanski made a Motion to accept the report and it was seconded by Barb Kriner. All voted in favor. Solicitor Michetti has requested an Executive Session for his report. Next agenda item was to nominate a President Pro Tem; position was vacant due to Caressa Compton moving from the Borough and the seat had not been filled. Peter Fleming made a Motion to nominate Barb Kriner to fill the position; seconded by John Domanski; all voted in favor. The 2019 Budget was adopted on a Motion by John Domanski, seconded by Barb Kriner. All voted for. A One Mill Increase Resolution was signed to balance the 2019 Budget. Approved on a Motion by Beth Rake and seconded by John Domanski with all voting in favor. A final action item on the agenda was the reappointment of James Sanders as Sewage Enforcement Officer for the Borough with an Alternate Appointee of Kevin Young. Fees were also approved. Barb Kriner made the Motion for the reappointments and fee approval; seconded by Beth Rake. All voted in favor. At approximately 8:30 pm, Barb Kriner made a Motion to Adjourn the Council Session to an Executive Session. Seconded by Peter Fleming. Council Adjourned. A Motion to return to the Regular Council Session was made at approximately 8:44 pm by Beth Rake and seconded by Barb Kriner. Regular Council Session Back in Order. A Motion to Adjourn was made by John Domanski at 8:45 pm; seconded by Barb Kriner. Council meeting of December 3, 2018 adjourned. Respectfully Submitted: Deborah Bausch Secretary
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