The Riverside Borough Council met in the Municipal Building, 415 Dewart Street, Riverside on Monday, November 20, 2023 at 7:00pm. Meeting was called to order by President Barb Kriner. Council members present: Peter Fleming (via audio), Brian Whitenight, Delavan Whitenight Jr, April Shuman and Beth Rake. Also present was Mayor John LaMotte and Secretary Lisa Fritz. Absent: John Domanski Citizen (s) present: Joseph Semiclose, Pam Whitenight, Frank Maciejewski, Stephen Wagner, Ken Gardner and Clark Shuman. Pledge of Allegiance Citizens to be Heard: Pam Whitenight asked Council if a sewer issue on a property, located on Dewart Street, listed by her as a Real Estate Agent could be taken care of so the property can be sold. She was told by Brian Anderson and Adams Sewer & Drain that it would be taken care of months ago. The issue is on part of the private property and part under the roadway in the borough. Pam stated she did speak to Chip Adams about the repair, they have been extremely busy. Barb Kriner stated she will speak with Brian Anderson on the issue. Pam Whitenight and her husband want to start a business on the commercial property owned by the Whitenight family. Brian Anderson told them they will need a variance and to speak with BIU Construction Code Official, Matthew Witmer. Matthew informed Pam he does not do variances, but should contact Brian Anderson. Pam and her husband would like to do the proper thing, but is up in the air with the confusing information. The property is currently zoned commercial. Barb Kriner said she will also touch base with Brian Anderson regarding this issue. Barb congratulated Stephen Wagner for winning a seat on Council in the 2023 General Election. Resident, Ken Gardner, thought the Town Hall Meeting was very informational and would like to see more of those types of meetings. Ken also stated he does not feel the tax payers can afford all the projects the Borough is doing. Barb stated there were Grants received for the two sewer projects and a Grant Writer is currently working on other grants for the construction of the new building on the former School property. Barb said the Borough is working on financing for the new building project and also applying for Grants to help with the funding of the new building. Ken asked Council the status of the root removal under the roadway in front of his house. Dan Gable told Ken several months that Adams Sewer & Drain Company did put it on their schedule. Barb will ask Brian Anderson if the Borough could call another sewer repair company to do the work. Ken Gardner asked if the new 8” main being installed for the sewer would be substantial for future development. Brian Whitenight stated it would be able to handle any future construction of new homes. Old business: Approval of the minutes of November 6, 2023. Beth Rake made a motion to approve the minutes, Brian Whitenight seconded the Motion. Approved by all. Borough Life: Beth stated they are planning for the ‘Parade of Lights’ to be held on December 9th. The parade forms at 5:00pm and moves at 5:30pm. Applications to participate in the parade can be obtained in the borough office. The Boro Life Committee met to update their By Laws. Delavan made a motion to accept the Borough Life By Laws, with Beth seconding. All in favor. New Business: No new business. Motion to Approve: The 2024 proposed Budget was read over by Council Members. Brian made a Motion to approve the Budget, April seconded the Motion. Beth opposed the Motion, as she has some questions on some of the amounts. The rest of Council was in Favor. Barb will sit down with Beth to go over the figures. Action Items: Peter Fleming made Motion to accept the Sewer Contract with Danville Borough. Beth seconded the Motion. Brian opposed. The rest of Council were in Favor. Barb stated Council will look at what our Street Department can do versus using Danville Borough to do all the maintenance and testing. Brian made a Motion to go into Executed Session at 7:41pm, April seconded the Motion. Brian Whitenight asked Secretary Lisa Fritz and Mayor John LaMotte to leave for the Executive Session. All in Favor. At 7:57pm, Brian made a motion to go back into Regular Session, Beth seconded. All in Favor. At 7:58pm, Beth made a Motion to adjourn the meeting, with Brian Seconding. All in Favor. Respectfully Submitted: Lisa Fritz Secretary
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