Riverside Borough Residents:
The Street Department can not pick up Christmas trees do the fact, there is limited dumping space. The Boys Scouts did pick trees up on Saturday, January 4th. Please call the Office, 570-275-1751 if you still have a tree to be picked up.
Hello Riverside Residents:
If you received a Sewer Easement Notification, it is pertinent that you call the office (570-275-1751) to get the Easement Notarized as soon as possible. They are required for construction of the West End Sewer Project. I Thank you for your prompt attention, Lisa Fritz, Secretary ATTENTION RIVERSIDE RESIDENTS
Merck/Cherokee will be conducting the 'Annual Boiler and Testing Communication' during normal business hours as follows: Tuning is scheduled for the week of January 13, 2025. Testing is scheduled for the week of February 10, 2025. RIVERSIDE BOROUGH COUNCIL
The Riverside Borough Council met in the Municipal Building, 415 Dewart Street, Riverside on Monday, December 16, 2024 at 7:00pm. Meeting was called to order by President, Stephen Wagner. Council members present: Peter Fleming, John Domanski, Barb Kriner and Ken Gardner. Also present was Solicitor Attorney Joseph Michetti Jr and Secretary Lisa Fritz. Absent: Delavan Whitenight Jr, Mike Steimling Sr and Mayor John LaMotte Citizens present: Todd Oberdorf and Drew Mumich Pledge of Allegiance Citizens to be Heard: None. Old business: Barb Kriner made a Motion to approve the 12/2/2024 meeting minutes. Peter Fleming seconded the Motion. All in Favor. Borough Life: Barb said the ‘Parade of Lights’ held on Saturday, December 7th, had a wonderful turn-out. New Business: Ordinance for DCED – Barb made a Motion to adopt the ordinance for approval on borrowing so DCED can approve the grant application and issue the revenue. John seconded. All in Favor. Easement letters were mailed to property owners for temporary construction to install, maintain, inspect and re-route the service line around the existing septic tank, decommission the septic tank by removing the concrete top and back filling the area up to the existing grade of surrounding land. Steve ‘Thanked’ Joe Pfirman with LDG for drafting the project explanation and he also ‘Thanked’ Attorney Joseph Michetti for preparing the letter and Easement to these property owners. Steve stated the generator will be installed on Tuesday, December 17, 2024. The sewer will be shut down during installation. Motion to Approve: 2025 Budget – Ken asked if any correspondence has been received regarding the Union Contract. Steve stated, not as of this date. Ken Motioned that no pay increase for the Street Department due to future Union contract, and a 4% increase for the Secretary, Lisa. He said the Police are in a contract. Peter asked if the increase for the Street Department will be retroactive to January 1, 2025. Ken said it depended on the negotiations, but would be fair to make their pay retroactive to 1/1/2025. Peter seconded Ken’s Motion. John opposed, stating it is not fair to hold off on raised for the Street Department, as the negotiations could go well into the next year. John said to give them a flat rate, he feels they deserve something, he said he cannot, in good faith, not give them anything. Barb stated she felt as if the Street Department and the Union need to make a move. John said you would the Union Representative would contact the Borough. Barb wants to wait to see the contract before increasing the Street Department pays. Peter agreed to wait and not give pay increases to the Street Department. Barb made a Motion to approve the 2025 Budget with pay increases as discussed. Ken seconded. Peter made a Motion to re-appoint Kyle Postupack to the Montour Area Recreation Commission. John seconded. All in Favor. Auctioneer for the seven acres behind the former school building: Barb made a Motion to go with Weaver. Ken seconded. All in Favor. Ken mentioned two comments in the 30 Seconds section of the Press Enterprise, stating that Council should sell the whole property. Action Items: None. Solicitor Michetti stated a property owner in the Borough whom has a group home, requested an Occupancy permit from the Zoning Officer Brian Anderson. Brian told her the permit is not required. Her company needs that statement from Brian Anderson in writing. Attorney stated Brian Anderson should send a letter on the Borough’s letterhead. An Executive Session was not held. Barb made a Motion to adjourn at 7:46pm. John seconded. All in Favor. Respectfully Submitted: Lisa Fritz, Secretary AGENDA
I want to introduce myself as your Council President. My name is Steve Wagner and I apologize for not communicating earlier. It’s been a busy year, and as I was sworn in January 2024 and nominated as President, time has flown by. I hope this communication leaves everyone with a better understanding of what we are doing. Our first project is the sewer, which is a three tier issue. One part is fixing the pump station, which is almost complete. This project was necessary due to contaminants being transferred to Danville, electrical panel malfunction and the use of Danville’s generator during peak flow. The other two tiers are split as East and West Sewer Renovations. Our sewer is old and in desperate need of repair piping. We have a million dollar matching Grant with a loan to complete the West End sewer renovation. The East project has not been financially secured as of yet. Other projects are the auction of seven acres behind our Elementary School, hopefully to be used for renovation. We are also in the process of a Grant for the Guiderail replacement along Pine Swamp Hollow Road. In addition to these projects, we are losing Merck Chemical Company, 39% of our taxable Real Estate income comes from Merck. We will be in a deficit with our budget this year. Council has no choice but to raise our taxes 1 Mill, 11.5 to 12.5. No one likes to raise taxes, we are in need of revenue, so any businesses that you think would like to set up shop in our little town, please send them to us. Riverside Council has the best interest of its’ citizens. We are in some difficult times, losing Merck and fixing our 50+ year sewer are two issues we need to address. Please feel free to attend our meetings and any help is appreciated. Riverside Residents whom received a letter along with an Easement for the West End Sewer Project:
The Borough is under time restraints to Record these Easements, please try to stop in the Borough office to have your Easement Notarized as soon as possible. Hours: 8am to 3pm The Office will be closed on Friday, December 20. The Office will also be closed on Tuesday, December 24 at 11:00am through Friday, December 27. RIVERSIDE BOROUGH COUNCIL
The Riverside Borough Council met in the Municipal Building, 415 Dewart Street, Riverside on Monday, December 2, 2024 at 7:00pm. Meeting was called to order by President, Stephen Wagner. Council members present: Peter Fleming, John Domanski, Barb Kriner, Delavan Whitenight Jr, Ken Gardner and Mike Steimling Sr Also present were Attorney Antonio Michetti, Police Kerry Parkes, Dan Gable and Secretary Lisa Fritz. Absent: Mayor John LaMotte and Zoning Officer Brian Anderson. Citizens present: Todd Oberdorf, Frank Maciejewski, Drew Mumich, Allie Wertz and Girl Scout Troop 33. Pledge of Allegiance Citizens to be Heard: Resident Frank Maciejewski questioned if the Garbage Ordinance is being enforced, as he is noticing bags not in cans particularly on Monday mornings. Kerry Parkes said the Police have issued citations. Girl Scout Troop 33 was in attendance. They are working on a Merit Badge and would like to do some maintenance on the Memorial Garden in the Borough Park. Old business: John Domanski made a Motion to approve the 11/18 meeting minutes. Peter Fleming seconded the Motion. All in Favor. Zoning Officer Report: Steve read over the report. Barb made a Motion to accept the report, with Delavan seconding. All in Favor. Street Department Report: Dan said leaf collection was very dusty this year, due to lack of rain. They collected more loads of leaves this year than previous years. If residents still have leaves, they must be bagged and at curbside. The Street Department will collect the bags. The bucket truck will go out for repairs after the Christmas lights are up. When the generator is hooked up, there will be two pumper trucks lined up. A Code Inspector and PPL will be on site for the generator hook up. Dan stated there was a problem with the sewer line in Hillside Estate. The line was televised to ensure there was not a collapse. Ken Gardner asked if we check to see if people are paid up to date when they have a sewer issue. Dan said the blockage was in the main line and not any fault of the home owner. Ken asked Dan if training for employees on the generator has been scheduled. Dan said it has not been, it will be after the generator is set up. Barb suggested contacting Justin Skavery to apply for a Grant for a new backhoe. Barb made a Motion to accept the Street Department report. Delavan seconded. All in Favor. Southside Fire Company Report: None submitted. Police Report: Kerry said the new department computer has been installed and it is much faster than then previous one. Kerry would like to see $12,000.00 put into the Budget for the purchase of a new vehicle. John made a Motion to accept the Police Report, with Delavan seconding. All in Favor. Mayor’s Report: None submitted. Solicitor Michetti Report: Will discuss in Executive Session. Borough Life: Barb said the ‘Parade of Lights’ will be held on Saturday, December 14th. There will be treats in the Park. The Christmas tree is set up in the Park. Anyone wishing to put an ornament on it, may do so. The ornaments are saved each year and put back on the tree. Delavan made a Motion to accept the Borough Life report. Barb seconded. All in Favor. New Business: None Motion to Approve: 2025 Budget will be approved at the 12/16 meeting. There is a $95,000.00 deficit. Ken said the Budget is based on low income from Merck. Merck makes up 39% of the taxable Real Estate income. The Earned Income might also decrease. Merck is demolishing buildings and decontaminating the grounds. Production will stop in 2025. Steve asked, do we raise taxes. Ken suggested ‘no’ tax increase. Peter suggested a 1 Mill tax increase. Barb and Delavan were not in favor of a tax increase. John Domanski made a Motion to increase Real Estate taxes by 1 Mill, effective January 1, 2025; with a committee to find out where we can cut the Budget. Peter seconded the Motion. All in favor. Discussion was held on the Tax Collector’s commission. John made a Motion to set the Tax Collector’s commission at 2.5%. Ken said we need to keep the job attractive. John amended his Motion to set the Tax Collector’s rate at 3%. Mike seconded. All in Favor. Barb made a Motion to accept a proposal from Whistle Stop Fence Company for fencing around the generator at the pump station. Delavan seconded the Motion. All in Favor. John made a Motion to re-appoint Sewage Enforcement Officer, Robert Fugate Jr. Peter seconded. All in Favor. Ken asked where we are at with an Auctioneer. Weaver is going to send a proposal and also Dustin Snyder will be sending a proposal. Attorney Antonio Michetti stated, Auctioneer’s sell ‘As IS’ and will state so in their contract. Action Items: None At 8:12pm, Barb made a Motion to go into Executive Session. John seconded. All in Favor. Council went back into Public Session at 8:45pm. Peter made a Motion to hire a Labor Attorney. Mike seconded. All in Favor. Ken made a Motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:47pm. Mike seconded. All in Favor. Respectfully Submitted, Lisa Fritz Secretary "Hello and Merry Christmas Riverside Borough Residents"
"Year End is coming quickly and we have several Real Estate, Danville Area School District and Per Capita Taxes outstanding. I know, life is hectic and bills sometimes get put on the backburner because they are sent out earlier in the year, so please do not hesitate to call or text me at 570-850-5870 to make arrangements to pay taxes by December 31st. Any unpaid Real Estate and School District Tax will be sent to Northumberland County to collect after the 31st of December. Riverside Borough has contracted with "Keystone" to collect all Unpaid Per Capita. Additional Fees will be added to these unpaid bills. FYI, Per Capita Tax is NOT escrowed so please contact me if you are unsure if they are paid." "You can also email me at [email protected] if you need a copy of your tax bill emailed." "Best Wishes, to all, for the New Year!" Ruth Peck AGENDA
BOROUGH OF RIVERSIDE COUNCIL MEETING December 16, 2024 PLEDGE TO THE FLAG CALL TO ORDER CITIZENS TO BE HEARD: I. OLD BUSINESS A. Minutes of 12/02/2024 meeting. II. BORO LIFE COMMITTEE III. NEW BUSINESS A. Pennvest and adoption of ordinance for DCED approval on borrowing. IV. MOTION TO APPROVE A. 2025 Budget A1. Pay Increases B. Re-appointment of Kyle Postupack to MARC (Montour Area Recreation Commission) C. School Auction V. ACTION ITEMS VI. EXECUTIVE SESSION ADJOURNMENT NEXT SCHEDULED COUNCIL MEETING IS Monday, January 6, 2025 @ 7:00 P.M. |
Police Department
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