August 2 – School Purchase signing at the school at 6:00 pm - Riverside Borough Council Meeting at 7:00 pm in Borough Office
August 3 – National Night Out – Washies Playground 5-7 pm August 13 – 3rd Qtr Sewer Bill payments due in the office by 3 PM to avoid late fee August 20 – End of Summer Celebration at Danville Assembly of God Church, Avenue F & 6th Streets – 5 – 8 pm – games, free food, drawings August 21 – 150 Celebration Grand Finale – 1 pm – Car Cruise in, Pig Roast by Grant Fritz, Homemade Ice cream by Glenda and Scott, Scouts serving food and drinks, Inflatables for the kids to enjoy, Radio Controlled Airplane Demonstrations, Drawing for Yeti and an evening light up the night sky Fireworks at approximately 9:15 pm; Come out and enjoy our last event of the summer of celebrating our 150th Anniversary!!! The Committee wishes to Thanks to All who supported our Sesquicentennial and made it truly memorable! August 27 – Danville Schools Open – First Student Day Rebecca Steckley, Tax Collector, will have office hours in the Municipal Building, 415 Dewart Street, on Tuesdays & Thursdays, from 4:30 pm-6:00 pm CONCERT IN THE PARK – Memorial Park, Bloom Road, Danville Aug 3 – KJ & Funshine Band Aug 10 - Danville Community Band
Below you will find the Riverside Borough Agenda for Monday, August 2nd. Meeting is scheduled for 7 pm in the Municipal Building.
Prior to the meeting, the public is invited to go to the Riverside Elementary School for the signing of the School Property from Danville School District to the Borough of Riverside. This will take place at 6:00 pm at the school building. Everyone Welcome! AGENDA BOROUGH OF RIVERSIDE COUNCIL MEETING MONDAY, AUGUST 2, 2021 PLEDGE TO THE FLAG CALL TO ORDER CITIZENS TO BE HEARD: I. OLD BUSINESS A. Minutes of July 6, 2021 II. ZONING OFFICER REPORT III. STREET DEPARTMENT REPORT IV. SOUTHSIDE FIRE COMPANY REPORT V. POLICE REPORT VI. MAYOR’S REPORT VII. SOLICITOR MICHETTI REPORT VIII. STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS A. 2021 Celebration Committee VIII. NEW BUSINESS A. Sewer Issue at the Ray Levan Home B.Cyber Protection Insurance Renewal C.Discussion on Police 24/7 Coverage D.Sewer Billing option E.Danville Municipal Sewer Billling IX. MOTION TO APPROVE A. Proposal for American Rescue Plan Funds Auditor B.Labor Day Open School Session, 1 – 3 pm for Residents to tour school ADJOURNMENT NEXT SCHEDULED COUNCIL MEETING IS TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 2021 @ 7:00 P.M. Bird Florist is seeking a driver for their business! Retirees - great opportunity for you to be active in the community! Hours are normally 11 am - 2 pm depending on business! It would include some Saturday deliveries! If interested, call Bird Florist at 570 275-1751 We have a limited number of glasses from the 150 Year Celebration Beer/Wine Fest held on Saturday, July 10th.
Glasses are $10.00 each and available for purchase in the Borough Office. Just a reminder of this weekend's events!
This is the Third Event in our 150 Year Celebration Summer! Friday, July 9 - MOVIE NIGHT (weather permitting) Times approximate: 8 pm - a treasure hunt for kids attending the movie 9 pm - Movie, The Goonies Saturday, July 10 Trolley Rides begin at 9 am, 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm Trolley leaving from St Peter's UM Church for a guided tour of the Borough; tour guide - Lynn Reichen. There is 1 ticket left for 9 am and 1 for 11am. Beer/Wine Fest at Southside Fire Company grounds begins at 1 pm. Beer and Wine Vendors, Food Vendors, Merchandise Vendors will be on hand to share their wares. Music on stage all afternoon. At 5 pm wine fest sampling ends and vendors are encouraged to remain for anyone who may be coming to hear the band, The Loons, who take the stage at 7 pm! As approved at the 7/6/21 meeting minutes of 6/7/21 follow:
The Riverside Borough Council met on Monday, June 7, 2021 in the Municipal Building, 415 Dewart Street, Riverside. Meeting was called to order at 7 PM by President John Domanski with the following members present – Vice President Barb Kriner, Council members Beth Rake, Peter Fleming, Kevin Romansik, Brian Whitenight, Delavan Whitenight Jr. as well as Solicitor Joseph Michetti and Secretary Deborah Bausch. Absent this evening was Mayor John LaMotte. In the audience this evening were Eric Mayan and Chris Henrie, Steph Fullmer and John Mattesini. Steph Fullmer addressed council with an issue that happened in the early morning hours. A truck was revving the engine and screaming. She called our police but got the answering machine and so called State Police. Her conversation was confirmed with the State Police but was told they only come out for an emergency situation. Her sister lives on 15th Street and also had to call police for an issue. She stated there is lots of activity and issues in their area. Chief Parkes then responded that he had spoken with the truck driver who was very apologetic. Beth Rake explained a time she had to contact state police and they would not come until the third time when it had escalated. State police do not respond to calls. Vice President Barb Kriner stated she should call 911 with an issue; they can page any officer on duty if needed. This led into conversation about police hours and coverages. Most hours are covered. Old business began with approval of the minutes of May 3, 2021 on a Motion by Vice President Barb Kriner and seconded by Peter Fleming. All voted for. Budget Report for April 2021 was approved on a Motion by Vice President Barb Kriner and seconded by Beth Rake with all voting in favor. President John Domanski then clarified the change of 2 holidays, Floating Holiday and First Day of Antlered Deer. These days will be changed to be personal days rather than holidays. The handbook will be updated to reflect this change. Change was approved on a Motion by Vice President Barb Kriner and seconded by Brian Whitenight. All voted for. Zoning Officer Brian Anderson was absent this evening. His report was put on the table by President John Domanski. Report approval given on a Motion by Beth Rake and seconded by Vice President Barb Kriner. Dan Gable, Street Superintendent, then presented Council with the Street Department Report for May. He stated he would like to change their work times to summer hours for the period of May 1 to August 31; they would work 6 am – 2:30 pm so they can get work accomplished before the heat of the day hits. He was told this is his call. Dan spoke about the grading of Mainzer Hill by Rodger Wintersteen and that project is now completed. Another topic was the request to add a full time employee to the Street Department. Nathan Apple has been a big asset to their department and would like to see him moved to a full time position. Beth Rake stated this was a great idea since there is a lot to do with each season. Dan said it was a stress reliever to have an extra guy available for leaf season and plowing this past season. Our community is growing and will soon have the school property to take care of as well – another 14 acres of mowing. Council will discuss and look at the budget. Street Report was approved on a Motion by Beth Rake and seconded by Brian Whitenight. There was no Southside Fire Company Report this evening. Chief Kerry Parkes gave the Police Department Report and highlighted his department’s completed trainings. He is about done with the Lexipol policy book. There is a collection of bicycles in the basement that have been abandoned, etc. He would like to see them auctioned off and had contacted 3 auctioneers unsuccessfully. After some discussion, it was decided to auction them off at the next Borough Celebration event on June 19 at Southside Fire Company. Chief will be the auctioneer. Another topic of discussion was glock guns. New ones have been received and our 4 old ones can be traded in; their trade in value would be $305.00 each. The officers would like to keep the guns and would buy at the trade in price. On a Motion by Vice President Barb Kriner and seconded by Brian Whitenight, police department employees were authorized to purchase the guns for $305.00 each. All voted for. Police Department report was approved on a Motion by Kevin Romansik and seconded by Brian Whitenight with all voting in favor. There was no Mayor report this evening. Solicitor Michetti said his only item was to report is that the school sale is still on for mid-July. Report was approved on a Motion by Vice President Barb Kriner and seconded by Brian Whitenight. All voted for. The Celebration Committee report update was presented. Vice President Barb Kriner stated there was left over ice cream that can be sold on the 19th of June. Beth suggested doing ice cream sundaes and she will take that on! Vice President Barb Kriner stated beer distributors will usually do banners. The thermometer has gone up and looks good; Brian Whitenight said we still need to reach the goal but has some vendors still interested in donating. Report was approved on a Motion by Beth Rake and seconded by Vice President Barb Kriner. New business began with a letter from Danville Municipal Authority regarding sewage flows. A survey was done with our limits going over on 20 of 27 months. This was our first time hearing this information. We have been asked to investigate this problem which we have begun to do. We are looking to do our own sampling in several areas and do a comparison. We will then set up a meeting with the Authority to discuss this issue. Estimate for the school study was shared with council. LDG has submitted a letter with the cost to be about $30,000.00. This figure was needed to begin a request for grant assistance. It was suggested to get other firms figures such as Kimball. At 8:18 pm, Vice President Barb Kriner made a Motion to Adjourn to an Executive Session for personnel matters. Council adjourned. Approximately 8:38 pm, Vice President Barb Kriner made a motion to return to regular session; seconded by Peter Fleming. Council resumed regular council session. Meeting was adjourned for the evening about 8:40 pm on a Motion by Vice President Barb Kriner. Council adjourned. Respectfully Submitted: Deborah Bausch, Secretary July 4 - Independence Day -
July 5 - Borough Offices Closed for Independence Day Holiday July 6 - Borough Council Meeting at 7:00 pm Municipal Building, 415 Dewart Street July 10 –Borough 150 Year Celebration Events (Tickets available in the office, 570 275-1751) Trolly Tours – 9 am, 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm from St Peter’s UMC Church Parking Lot Southside Fire Company, 1 – 5 pm for Beer/Wine On Stage –Eastern Harvest Men, Van Wagner & Buffalo Valley Railroad and The Loons take stage at 7 pm Concerts in the Park - Tuesdays at 7:00 pm - Memorial Park, Danville July 6 – West Branch Barbershop Chorus July 13 – Strawberry Ridge July 20 – Elise Mark & Friends July 27 – Clickard Consortium Tax collector, Rebecca Steckley, will have office hours in the Municipal Building on Tuesdays & Thursdays, 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm, beginning July 6th. 3rd Qtr Sewer Bills were mailed today! Watch your mailbox for that little blue card! Amount due is the left hand column until 8/13/2021 and then amount due is in right hand column. Due in the office by close of business (3 pm) on August 13. Those residents placing payments in after hours door slot, if you want a receipt be sure to leave a return envelope with your billing card. If you mail your payment or use a bill payer service please allow ample time for delivery! With slower mail deliveries, many are getting charged a late fee. Forms are available in the office for automatic withdrawal of the payment. Those already having ach will see the payment withdrawn on August 12th. Any billing questions, call the office: 570 275-1751
Police Department
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