August 6 – Riverside Borough Council Meeting at 7:00 pm
August 1 - 4 - Montour DeLong Community Fair, Washingtonville Evening Entertainment Schedule – 6 pm & 8 pm 8/1 – Lucky Afternoon 8/2 – The Less Boys 8/3 – Lucky Afternoon 8/4 – Southern Tyde at 7 pm August 4 - 7th Annual Charity Duck Drop – Danville/Riverside Bridge – 11 AM – 1 PM August 7 - National Night Out – 5 pm – Washies Playground, Danville August 8 – Zoning Variance Hearing – 6:30 pm August 11 - Pine Street Lutheran Church Ice Cream Festival, 9 am-2 pm Yard Sale, 8 am – noon, www.pinestreetlutheran.org August 16 - Ice Cream Social, St Peter’s UM Church - 4 pm; Danville Band August 25 - Wine and Brew Fest, Southside Fire Company, 1 - 5 pm August 23 – Danville Schools Open – First Student Day Rebecca Steckley, Tax Collector, will have office hours in the Municipal Building, 415 Dewart Street, on Tuesdays & Thursdays, from 4:30 pm-6:00 pm CONCERT IN THE PARK - Memorial Park, Bloom Road, Danville at 7:00 pm August 7 – Seasoned Sounds – Big Band Swing Era Sounds – FINAL CONCERT
A request for a variance of the property at 2009 Sunbury Road has been requested by Christine Lee. Mrs. Lee is seeking to have a An Addition built on this property. A Zoning Board Hearing will be held regarding this request on Wednesday, August 8. 2018 at 6:30 pm in the Riverside Municipal Building, 415 Dewart Street, Riverside, PA. 3rd Quarter sewer bills have been mailed. Please note amount due is in the left hand column. If not paid by due date, August 10, pay amount on the right hand side. Forms are available for this wishing to have an automatic withdrawl to pay your sewer bill. Return the side of the card with the bar code to the office. There is a drop slot in the office door for those wishing to pay after office hours.
Want your voice to be heard? The Borough has two open council seats to be filled. If you are interested, please submit a Letter of Interest to the Borough Office prior to the next meeting date of August 6th.
As approved at the July 2 meeting, minutes of 6/4/18 follow:
The Riverside Borough Council met on Monday, June 4, 2018 in the Municipal Building, 415 Dewart Street, Riverside, PA. Prior to the official meeting, several council members were present for a presentation by Lisa Krakovitz from the auditing firm of Wagner, Dreese, Elsasser & Associates. She gave a presentation on the Borough’s DCED annual audit and answered any questions concerning the transition to Quickbooks and how things were working at this time. Council President Carolyn Bausch brought the Council meeting to order promptly at 7:00 pm. In attendance this evening were council members Caressa Compton, Barb Kriner, Beth Rake and John Novak. Also attending were Mayor Joseph Oberdorf, Solicitor Joseph Michetti and Secretary Deborah Bausch. Absent this evening were Vice President Peter Fleming and Council Member John Domanski. In the audience this evening were residents of Avenue F - Giselle and Mike Mierzwa, Pat Dewalt, Pat Willard, and Larry St Clair. Clair Andrews from Avenue D was present as were Nick Fowler and J W Snyder. Clair Andrews addressed council concerning a sewer issue he had in his home on Avenue D. Street superintendent Dan Gable stated there had been a blockage on Avenue D but the street crew cleared it. Mr. Andrews stated he has spent money on clean up and has had to destroy clothing and household goods because of the sewer backup in his basement. His home owner’s policy will not cover any of the cleanup costs. Solicitor Michetti stated the Borough would submit the claim to their insurance carrier and it would be up to the insurance carrier if anything would be paid. Mike Mierzwa then spoke on behalf of the residents of Avenue F that were present this evening. One of the main concerns was the Cook property that is falling into a more deplorable condition. Brian Anderson, Zoning Officer, responded that he has been in touch with DCNR and DEP. The ground was found not to be contaminated. He will call the DEP office to see if property can be sold and also will check with the realtor to see the status of the sale. Giselle Mierzwa and Pat Dewalt said several homes in their area are needing cleaned up and weeds cleared. The Cook property has tanks sitting in front yard and porch is slowly collapsing. Chief Parkes said he would check with Cook’s attorney, Greg Moro, to see what is happening with the property. Charges can be refiled if cleanup is not done. Pat Willard then asked about brush pick up and burning. She said an area she mows is littered with dog feces and she has posted her own signs and it seems to have helped stop the issue. She is asking residents to be responsible for animal cleanup of their pets. Pat Dewalt asked about UGI repair on streets, especially Line Street. Dan Gable, Street Superintendent said UGI will be restoring/repairing areas. Pat Willard asked the phone number be posted of our UGI contact which will be done. J.W. Snyder stated he was just here to observe. Minutes of May 7, 2018 were reviewed and approved on a Motion by Barb Kriner; seconded by Caressa Compton. All voted in favor. Budget reports for the months of March and April were discussed; approved on a motion by Barb Kriner and seconded by John Novak. All voted in favor. Brian Anderson, Zoning Officer, then presented his report for the month of May. He stated Mr. Bloch will have his clean up done by the end of June. There was discussion of a lot on 16th Street in the borough that is for sale. Solicitor Michetti explained what would have to happen to have the lot sold and incorporated into the homeowner’s deeds. Caressa Compton made a Motion to allow combination of the plots with deeds delineated as combined; seconded by John Novak. All voted for. The Zoning Report was approved on a Motion by Barb Kriner and seconded by John Novak. All voted for. Chief Kerry Parkes then provided his Police Officer report for May. He had previously emailed council members with the Complaint log for the month. The new cruiser has had a VIN number issued but not sure of the build status at this time. He also gave a big Thank You to the newspaper delivery carrier who reported papers not being picked up and a resident’s life being saved because of the carrier’s observance. The discussion then switched to the SWAT team and involvement by Riverside officers. Solicitor Michetti stated he has been in touch with Al Breach for information. Ralpho Township is not in the program and no insurance has been received as yet. Cooperative police agreement was reviewed and will be forwarded to council members for all to see. The Mayor spoke about insurance and the costs; he had done up a sheet discussing the costs incurred by the borough for police participation. On a Motion by Caressa Compton and seconded by Beth Rake, the SWAT proposal was tabled for more information and review. Police report was approved on a Motion by Barb Kriner; seconded by John Novak and approved by all. Dan Gable then gave the Street Department Report. He said all the rain lately and storms have them behind but they are getting caught up with mowing and filling in back roads. There was discussion on the road being fixed by the gas company who did a good job restoring areas; however, residents have been driving in the soft areas leaving serious ruts. Who will be responsible for repair? Dan gave the quotes for the proposed pole barn as follows: Pioneer - $11,400.00; Kashner - $11,500 and Timberline - $11,650. On a Motion by Caressa Compton, it was approved for Dan to move forward with the quote from Pioneer to erect the pole barn. Seconded by Beth Rake, all voted in favor. Street report was approved on a Motion by Barb Kriner, seconded by Caressa Compton and approved by all present. Next up was Nick Fowler, Southside Fire Company Chief. He highlighted the Southside report for May. He thanked the Riverside Police department for their presence during the carnival. It provided good PR for our force. Report approved on a Motion by Barb Kriner and seconded by Caressa Compton. All voted for. Blighted Property Committee didn’t have a report. There were questions regarding updating a new list. The Decoteau property was also questioned as to the status of what will become of the property. Report was approved on a Motion by Beth Rake and seconded by John Novak; all voted for. Mayor Joseph Oberdorf didn’t have a report but was very pleased with the Chief’s new reporting system. There was no further discussion. Report approved on a Motion by Beth Rake and seconded by Caressa Compton. All voted for. Solicitor Joseph Michetti had only the correspondence on a property in the borough that is being sold; Sheriff will need to be given the sewer bill for payment when sale is processed. Report approved on Motion by Barb Kriner and seconded by John Novak. All voted in favor. There was no New Business this evening. Last agenda item for the evening was a bike ride sponsored by the Sunbury YMCA on July 14th. On a Motion by Barb Kriner and seconded by Beth Rake race was approved; YMCA will need to provide proof of insurance to the borough. All voted for. At approximately 8:28 pm, Beth Rake made a Motion to adjourn the meeting; seconded by Barb Kriner. Council meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted: Deborah Bausch, Secretary |
Police Department
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