November 1 – All Saints Day November 4 –Daylight Savings Time Ends-Set your clock- FALL BACK 1 Hour November 5 – Regular Council Meeting at 7:00 pm November 6– Election Day - VOTE November 11 – Veterans Day November 13 – Sewer Bills due in office by 3 PM November 19 – Regular Council Meeting -7:00 pm Nov 21 - Leaf Collection Ends November 21 - November 26 - Thanksgiving School Break November 22 – Thanksgiving Day Borough Offices Closed TAX COLLECTOR HOURS FOR NOVEMBER - By Appointment only! Phone 570 764-1393 to meet with Rebecca Steckley
The Riverside Borough Council met on Monday, October 1, 2018 in the Municipal Building, 415 Dewart Street, Riverside, Pa. The meeting was called to order by President Carolyn M. Bausch at 7:00 pm. In attendance this evening were Council Members Barb Kriner, Beth Rake, and Kevin Romansik. Solictor Joseph Michetti and Secretary Deborah Bausch also attended. Absent this evening were Vice President Peter Fleming, Council Members Michael Leibel and John Domanski as well as Mayor Joseph Oberdorf.
The audience this evening consisted of Angie and Rod Kerstetter, Anthony Knight, Rebekah Lenig, Nick Fowler, Matt Sudol and Karen Blackledge, Danville News reporter. Rod Kerstetter of Mainzer Hill Road addressed Council first with an issue regarding the road work being done on that road. He stated the way it is now, his yard will be inundated with water runoff and requested an additional cross pipe be placed to divert the water issue. He also spoke of crowning the roadway away from his driveway area. Dan Gable of the Street Department responded that we do have pipe available that could be used. Matt Sudol who is doing the current project was also present and said it would be an additional $1250.00 to add the pipe and repair work. Matt suggested that the Kerstetter’s put a swale in their yard to also help in water diversion. Rebekah Lenig that spoke on the stray cat issue. Zoning states a home is allowed to have 5 cats and she is dealing with about 9 at this time as well as a new litter of 4. She was advised to speak with the homeowner to ascertain ownership of the cats. She will work with the Zoning Officer regarding the problem. Matt Sudol then spoke about the Mainzer Hill Project and the roadblocks he has run into,i.e., not being able to get in touch with the DCNR representative and additional rainfall. He asked for an extension of the contract. On a Motion by Beth Rake and Seconded by Kevin Romansik, extension was granted for the work to be completed by November 5, 2018 as well as the extra pipe work for $1250.00 previouly discussed. All voted in favor. Dan Gable then told Council Sudol’s Paving should be commended for going above and beyond on the work they have done so far. Old Business included approval of the minutes of September 17,2018 ; this was done on a Motion by Kevin Romansik and seconded by Beth Rake. All voted for. Prohibited truck signage was the last old business for discussion. Kevin Romansik stated the signs he had seen and shared with Dan Gable were not PennDot signs. Dan will look into these signs and see how many we would need in the borough. Brian Anderson then presented the September Zoning Report. There were 2 Zoning Variance Hearings held in August, Christine Lee and Keith McRee. Both projects were approved. Brian spoke of Eminent Domain for blighted properties. Solicitor Michetti explained the procedures for proceeding with this course of action which does take months. He will look into this further and report at the next meeting. Zoning Report was approved on a Motion by Beth Rake and seconded by Kevin Romansik. All voted for. Chief Kerry Parkes presented the Police Department report for September. He recapped the monthly report including the sale of the Crown Vic vehicle and our 1st Riverside DUI checkpoint. He is interested in hiring at least one part time officer next year and will work on the budget for that. Report approved on a Motion by Kevin Romansik and seconded by Barb Kriner. All voted in favor. Dan Gable, Street Department Superintendent, updated council on their activities in September. Bridge lights were replaced by Seidel and Cero. Gas line restorations are complete and the gas company is starting a new phase of gas line on Avenue F to Beishline and Riverhill developments. He was told they would be boring rather than trenching the new lines. He discussed the truck maintenance being done in preparation of leaf collection. On a Motion by Barb Kriner and seconded by Kevin Romansik, leaf collection will take place in the Borough during the period of October 22 to November 21, 2018. All voted in favor. Street Department report was approved on a Motion by Barb Kriner and seconded by Beth Rake. All voted for. Nick Fowler gave the Southside Fire Company report. He reviewed his report of calls for the month. He also stated a visit had been made to Hower Road and there is no longer an issue there. They will be getting a new heavy duty lock to replace the one currently in place. He also requested consideration be made at budget time to assist with a generator purchase. This would be housed at the fire company. St Peter’s church is the current evacuation center but they have no generator. Todd Oberdorf, EMA, is to meet with St Peter’s next week to discuss the issue. Report approved on a Motion by Barb Kriner and seconded by Kevin Romansik. All voted for. Due to the Mayor’s absence this evening, there was no report given. Solicitor Michetti then advised council he is working on the Railroad Tax Appeal. He explained the process and what will happen going forward. Report was approved on a Motion by Beth Rake and seconded by Kevin Romansik. For New Business, Kevin Romansik inquired about business conducted in homes. Brian Anderson, responded to the question and said business cannot be held in certain districts of the Borough. Last New Business was approval of the date and time for Halloween Trick or Treating. On a Motion by Beth Rake and seconded by Barb Kriner, Trick or Treating will be allowed in the Riverside Borough on Wednesday, October 31st from 6 – 9 pm. At approximately 7:46 pm, Barb Kriner made a Motion to Adjourn. Council meeting adjourned for the evening. Respectfully Submitted, Deborah Bausch Secretary As approved at the 10/1/18 meeting the minutes of 9/17/18 follow:
The Riverside Borough Council met on Monday, September 17, 2018 in the Municipal Building, 415 Dewart Street, Riverside. Meeting was called to order by President Carolyn Bausch at 7:00 pm. Present these evening were Vice President Peter Fleming and council members Beth Rake, John Domanski, Michael Leibel and Kevin Romansik. Mayor Joseph Oberdorf and Secretary Deborah Bausch were present also. Absent this evening was council member Barb Kriner. In the audience this evening were Rick, Jen and Evan Warren as well as Karen Blackledge, news reporter for the Danville News. Rick Warren addressed council with concern over his son’s ATV riding on their property being an issue for neighbors. He had read the newspaper article on the last meeting and wanted council to know his son does not ride an altered vehicle; it is a 2012 Yamaha Raptor vehicle and he only rides on their property at 46 Blue Hills Court. He does not ride all hours; during school has an 8 pm curfew and 9 pm at other times. He also does not ride before 8 am. Evan had talked to several neighbors when he got the vehicle and none had any issues with him riding it. Jen Warren stated she had conversations with Chief Parkes and there was no violation taking place. It was suggested the Warrens speak with the neighbors who have the issue and hopefully they can work out the concerns. Minutes of September 4, 2018 were approved on a Motion by John Domanski; seconded by Beth Rake. All voted in favor. Financial Reports for July 2016 were approved on a Motion by Beth Rake and seconded by Peter Fleming. All voted In favor. Dan Gable, Street Superintendent, then addressed council concerning the purchase of a new bucket truck to replace our failing machine. He has looked at and test driven a 1996 vehicle that is for sale. It has 3 small things to be fixed but it has a new transmission and would be a good investment for their department. Asking price is $4500.00. The boon on the vehicle does need inspected. On a Motion by John Domanski and seconded by Beth Rake, Dan was given permission to purchase the vehicle. All voted in favor. John Domanski inquired about the status of Mainzer Hill project. Sudol paving has milled off the old tar and chip surface. Again the weather has not been cooperating with the completion of the project. Discussion then went to the problem with large trucks going on streets in the borough such as 3rd Street, and recently S. Mill Street onto 10th Street. Properties are being damaged. Kevin Romansik stated there is a nice sign in Danville and is going to get a photo of it for council to see if it would work in our areas. Dan will take note of areas that would need signs posted. Will discuss at 10/1/18 meeting. At 7:28 pm, John Domanski made a Motion to Adjourn. Seconded by Kevin Romansik. Riverside Borough Council meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted: Deborah Bausch Secretary 4th Quarter Sewer Bills were mailed today so watch for your blue card to arrive. Please pay amount on the left hand column if paying prior to November 13th. After November 13, amount will be the one on the right hand column. Payments may be placed in the after hours door slot in the office.
Payments must be in the office before close of business on November 13 to avoid the late fee; those placed in the after hours drop slot will be charged the late fee if left after 11/13/18. Forms are available in the office for those wishing to do automatic bank withdrawls for your sewer bill. For those residents using bill payer, please be sure to allow time for mailing to the office. If you have any questions regarding your sewer bill, please call the office, 570 275-1751. If you have a sewer emergency, contact the Street Department at 570 275-5338. |
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