The Riverside Borough Council met in the Municipal Building, 415 Dewart Street, Riverside on Tuesday, February 6, 2023 at 7:00pm. Meeting was called to order by President John Domanski. Council members present: Vice President Barb Kriner, Peter Fleming, Brian Whitenight, Delavan Whitenight Jr, April Shuman and Beth Rake. Also present were Solicitor Joseph Michetti Jr., Chief of Police Kerry Parkes, Street Superintendent Dan Gable and Secretary Lisa Fritz. Citizens present in the Audience was resident Alan Wertz and his daughter, Allie. Pledge of Allegiance Citizens to be Heard: Allie Wertz was present to observe for a Merit Badge. Old Business: Minutes of 1/3/2023 were read. Brian Whitenight made a motion to approve the Minutes, Peter Fleming seconded the Motion. All in favor. Zoning Officer Report: Brian Anderson presented his report. Brian stated he had an increase in Solar panel permits. Brian Whitenight questioned the Zoning Officer about the residence with the fence issue; Brian Anderson stated he will contact the owner for an update. Barb Kriner made a motion to approve the Zoning Report, Beth Rake seconded. All in favor. Street Department Report: Dan Gable presented his report; manhole lid and ring maintenance, Christmas decorations were taken down, did Sign assembly, had a sewer issue on Third an Ave E, responded to PA-1 calls, had two snow storms (1/23/and 1/25) and went to call-outs for trees down. Barb Kriner stated there is $56,000.00 budgeted for paving. She asked Dan to get estimate for damage done on Boyce Road by PPL. Then PPL will be contacted to make repairs to the roadway. Barb made a motion to put the paving out to Bid. Beth Rake seconded the motion. Dan Gable stated he is happy to be back to work and gave Council a ‘Thank You card’ for everything they did for him and his family. Beth Rake made a motion to accept the Street Department report. Barb Kriner seconded the motion. All in favor. Southside Fire Company Report: Barb Kriner mentioned that she feels Rush Township should be contacted to possibly donate more funds to the Southside Fire Company than they have in the past. John Domanski stated a letter should be jointly drafted by the Southside Fire Company and Riverside Borough for a larger donation. Peter Fleming made a motion to accept the report and Beth Rake seconded the motion. All in favor. Police Report: Kerry Parkes read his report. He stated most mandatory updates are completed by Officers. They had several vehicle issues. The County has a wellness Nurse available for residents. Act 74 Fireworks law: the Borough will need to change the Noise Ordinance to align with the state law. Kerry Parkes and Brian Whitenight will work on updating the current code. Peter Fleming questioned jake-breaks and retarders. Kerry stated there is sign posted. Kerry mentioned there is a Bill proposing that motorcycles can organize traffic for events/rides, but must let the municipality know of the dates/times. Beth Rake asked Kerry if the Laundromat thief has been tracked down. Kerry said not at this time. Barb Kriner motioned to accept the Police report, Brian Whitenight seconded. All in favor. Mayor’s Report: No report was submitted. Solicitor Michetti Report: Attorney Michetti questioned where the Borough was with the ‘Welcome to Riverside’ sign placement on the Knouses’ property. Peter Fleming stated he will have the Knouses’ sign the Easement once it is revised to reflect the following: Riverside Borough will supply its own electricity to the sign and the Borough will also have a tree cut down. The Knouses’ do not want the sign placed where the tree is. The Borough, along with Mr and Mrs Knouse will be involved in the sign placement to determine the best location. The Knouses’ are willing to place plants around the sign. Barb Kriner made a motion to accept the Solicitors Report, with Brian Whitenight seconding. All in Favor. Borough Life: Beth Rake spoke with the Scouts; they will be doing ‘Trunk-Or-Treat’ on Halloween, October 31st, 2023. July 15th will be open swim at Kipps Run for Borough residents. The ‘Egg Hunt’, partnered with the Southside Fire Company, will be held on April 8th at 10:00am. Barb Kriner stated the Southside will get Easter Baskets to be raffled off, tickets will be available in the Borough Office. The ‘Parade of Lights’ will be held on December 9th. Barb made a motion to accept the Borough Life report, Peter seconded. All in Favor. New Business: Barb Kriner stated that two financial companies were looked at for Grant Writing. Both companies basically have the same experience in Grant writing. April Shuman mentioned the deadline for the RACP but we could possibly get in for the next round should be in the Fall. Barb Kriner made a motion to hire Hailstone Economic for Grant Writing. Brian Whitenight seconded the motion. All in Favor. John Domanski stated the School survey is complete. One neighbor by the School is concerned due to the fact the access road is in the middle of his driveway. Solicitor, Attorney Michetti stated the Borough owns the school property and can do what they need to do with the access roadway. A letter received from the Borough of Danville suggests Riverside Borough installs a new generator for the pump station; as Danville serves Riverside’s pump station. Danville borough offered to get an estimate for the upgrade. Barb Kriner made a motion to let Danville Borough get estimates for a new generator and installation, then Council will review. Beth Rake seconded. All in Favor. Motion to Approve: Estimates for the electrical work and tree removal on the Knouse property for the ‘Welcome to Riverside’ sign placement were reviewed. Barb Kriner made a motion to accept the estimates, with Brian Whitenight seconding the motion. All in favor. Action Items: Brian Whitenight stated the Borough should move forward with funding for the school project. The Solicitor stated the Borough should get a Grant onboard and they will guide in the funding process. John Domanski stated there was a meeting held on Friday, February 3, regarding the drainage issue by the airport. Representatives from PennDot and Senator Lynda Culver’s office were in attendance. Lynda Culver is going to set up a meeting at the airport to further discuss the drainage situation. John Domanski said PennDot will be paving Sunbury Rd to Avenue A during night-time hours. All in Favor. There was no Executive Session. Brian Whitenight made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Barb Kriner seconded the motion. Council adjourned at 8:31 o’clock pm. Respectfully Submitted: Lisa Fritz Secretary
BOROUGH OF RIVERSIDE COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 20, 2023 PLEDGE TO THE FLAG CALL TO ORDER CITIZENS TO BE HEARD: I. OLD BUSINESS A. Minutes of 02/06/2023 meeting. II. BORO LIFE COMMITTEE III. NEW BUSINESS IV. MOTION TO APPROVE A. Dumpster Day – Saturday, 5/6 from 7:00am to 1:00pm. Getting the dumpsters from Fought’s Disposal in Bloomsburg. B. Pine Hurst Acres Properties Subdivision V. ACTION ITEMS A. Resolution for Act 537 ( Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act) B. Employee Handbook VI. EXECUTIVE SESSION ADJOURNMENT NEXT SCHEDULED COUNCIL MEETING IS Monday, March 6, 2023 @ 7:00 P.M. There is a friendly cat roaming in the vicinity of
S & H Avenue, past Whitenights. The cat is black & white, no collar and still has its front claws. Please contact the Borough office at (570) 275-1751 if this is your pet. RIVERSIDE BOROUGH COUNCIL
The Riverside Borough Council met in the Municipal Building, 415 Dewart Street, Riverside on Tuesday, January 3, 2023 at 7:00pm. Meeting was called to order by President John Domanski. Council members present: Vice President Barb Kriner, Brian Whitenight, April Shuman and Beth Rake. Also present were Solicitor Joseph Michetti Jr., Chief of Police Kerry Parkes and Secretary Lisa Fritz. Citizens present in the Audience was resident Clark Shuman. Pledge of Allegiance Citizens to be Heard: None Old Business: Minutes of 12/19/2022 were read. Brian Whitenight made a motion to approve the Minutes, April Shuman seconded the Motion. All in favor. Zoning Officer Report: Brian Anderson was not present to present his report. Beth Rake mentioned that a resident from Meadow Lark Lane spoke to her regarding neighbors that are violating the Zoning ordinance. Attorney Michetti stated it is a Civil matter and the residents should contact their Attorney for advice. Brian Whitenight made a motion to approve the Zoning Report, Barb Kriner seconded. All in favor. Street Department Report: The Street Department report was read by Council. John Domanski mentioned that the carbide blade needs replaced, he told Chris Henrie to order one. John Domanski said Chris Henrie asked if he could carry over 37 hours of vacation time that he was not able to use due to an employee being on medical leave. Council agreed to let Chris carry the time over, using it prior to March 31, 2023. Barb Kriner made a motion to accept the Street Department report. Brian Whitenight seconded the motion. All in favor. Southside Fire Company Report: No report presented. Police Report: Kerry Parkes read his report. He stated the Police Department did not receive any Grant monies. Kerry mentioned they were called out for the shooting incident at Geisinger. Barb Kriner asked Kerry if his Officers know how to investigate a crime such as the Geisinger incident. Kerry replied they stay up to date on training and if a crime should occur, they would bring in State Police to do the investigation. Kerry stated he and his Officers had an ‘After Action Review’ regarding the Geisinger incident. The Police Department participated in the Borough Christmas Giving to a family. Barb Kriner motioned to accept the Police report, Beth Rake seconded. All in favor. Mayor’s Report: No report was submitted. Solicitor Michetti Report: Attorney Michetti researched different approaches to Wind Power and Solar Panels. Currently they can be placed anywhere in the Borough. Attorney Michetti stated the Ordinance can be amended and suggested contacting the Writer of the ordinance for information on an amendment. John Domanski stated he is concerned large Solar Farms might be installed. Barb Kriner questioned what effect Solar would have on farming. Attorney Michetti stated they would not be able to farm where the panels are in place and income is better than farming. Attorney Michetti is going to do more research on the matter. Act 537- Resolution from Gannett Fleming Sewage Enforcement Act from the Borough of Danville. Barb Kriner will follow up with Danville Borough’s Manager to get further information. Attorney Michetti questioned the status of the Borough’s sign placement on a resident’s property. Peter Fleming is handling this. The sign cannot be moved until Spring. LED Street Lighting – Brian Whitenight stated PPL might be replacing the Street lights in March with LED lights. PPL stated the Borough could not purchase their own lights. Barb Kriner made a motion to accept the Solicitors Report, with Brian Whitenight seconding. All in Favor. Borough Life: Nothing to report. New Business: The Borough will be purchasing file folders for maps. Council suggested when Dan Gable returns to work, he could put all the maps into the file folders. Larson Design Group sent a notice with an update on the West End Sewer project. Council received a letter from William Conrad thanking them for the opportunity to serve the Borough as custodian. John Domanski researched Ice Skating rinks for the Borough. Council decided to table the idea until the new building is complete. Beth Rake suggested perhaps MARC (Montour County Area Recreation) could assist with an ice skating rink. Barb Kriner mentioned the dangerous situation of water and /or ice that forms on the roadway near the Airport. On December 23, 2022, water froze on State Route 4001 and PennDot closed the road. John Domanski feels the problem is between PennDot and the Airport. Attorney Michetti suggested a letter be sent the appropriate personnel regarding the situation. John Domanski will draft a letter. Motion to Approve: 2023 Budget – Beth Rake made a motion to approve the budget, with Brian Whitenight seconding the motion. All in favor. Action Items: Council approved the ‘Traffic Signal Maintenance Agreement’ authorizing Council President, John Domanski to submit future applications for Traffic Signal modifications. All in Favor. There was no Executive Session. Beth Rake made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Brian Whitenight seconded the motion. Council adjourned at 8:58 o’clock pm. Respectfully Submitted: Lisa Fritz Secretary AGENDA BOROUGH OF RIVERSIDE COUNCIL MEETING February 6, 2023 PLEDGE TO THE FLAG CALL TO ORDER CITIZENS TO BE HEARD: I. OLD BUSINESS A. Minutes of 1/3/2023 meeting. II. ZONING OFFICER REPORT III. STREET DEPARTMENT REPORT IV. SOUTHSIDE FIRE COMPANY REPORT V. POLICE REPORT VI. MAYOR’S REPORT VII. SOLICITOR MICHETTI REPORT VIII. BORO LIFE COMMITTEE IX. NEW BUSINESS A. Financial companies for School Project and Grants. B. Resolution for Sewer upgrades in Danville. C. Danville Borough Pump Station X. MOTION TO APPROVE XI. ACTION ITEMS A. Installation of Electrical Conduit for the ‘Welcome to Riverside’ sign new location. XII. EXECUTIVE SESSION ADJOURNMENT NEXT SCHEDULED COUNCIL MEETING IS Monday, February 20, 2023 @ 7:00 P.M. |
Police Department
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