If you have any complaints, concerns about the gas lines in the borough, please call 1-800-276-2722.
Do not contact the Street Department, UGI is the contact for your questions about rrepairs, etc. The Riverside Borough Code is now online for all your needs. Access the code at the link: http://www.ecode360.com/RI2751
It will be updated with budgets, minutes, etc in the near future. Minutes from Council meetings are now posted on the ecode website listed above! Danville Assembly of God Church
is hosting a "Come Get Acquainted" bon fire cookout event on Sunday, June 23rd at 5 pm. This will be held at the church at 734 Sixth Street, Riverside.Hot dogs will be provided as well as condiments and fixings for smores plus soda. Limited number of roasting sticks are available. Bring a side dish or dessert, lawn chair, sticks for roasting hot dogs or mountain pie makers if you are making mountain pies. St Peter's UMC is allowing the use of their parking lot. Following the meal there will be an Open Air Meeting featuring special music by Lynn Swazinski and a speaker, Tim Zimmerman On July 1, the church will also host a Free Kids' Carnival fro 1 - 4 pm! Inflatable boxing, bounce house, bungee run, cotton candy, snow cones,Garbonics and more! For more information on either event, call the church at 570 - 275-4516. Chestnut Street railroad crossing will be closed June 10 - 14 for repairs.
In an effort to accommodate a number of concerned parties, the dates and times for the closing of the railroad crossing on SR 54 have been changed to the following: Closure will occur at 0900 on Friday, June 14th, and will remain closed until Tuesday, June 18th at 0500. Please relay this information to any organizations or individuals who have a need to know about this change. |
Police Department
570-275-4305 Emergency Dial 911 Non Emergency Dispatch 570-784-6300 Street Department 570-275-5338 Borough Office 570-275-1751 Quick InfoExternal LinksDemographics (CityData.com)
Susquehanna River Level PA State Website PA State Senate Website US Senate Website PA House of Representatives Website US House of Representatives Website Northumberland County Website Categories |