August 1 - 3 - Montour DeLong Community Fair, Washingtonville
Evening Entertainment Schedule 8/1 – Hometown Boyz – 6 pm and 8 pm 8/2 – Avenue E – 6 pm and 8 pm 8/3 – The Loons – 6 pm and 10 pm August 3 - 8th Annual Charity Duck Drop – Danville/Riverside Bridge – 12 Noon Sponsored by Service 1st Federal Credit Union August 5 – Riverside Borough Council Meeting at 7:00 pm August 6 - National Night Out – 5 pm – Washies Playground, Danville August 10 – 40Fest Event sponsored by American Legion Post 40, Danville Soccer Complex, Noon – 11 pm August 10 - Pine Street Lutheran Church, Danville Ice Cream Festival 9 am-2 pm August 14 – 3rd Qtr Sewer Bill payments due in the office by 3 PM to avoid late fee August 15 - Ice Cream Social, St Peter’s UM Church - 4 pm; August 22 – Danville Schools Open – First Student Day Rebecca Steckley, Tax Collector, will have office hours in the Municipal Building, 415 Dewart Street, on Tuesdays & Thursdays, from 4:30 pm-6:00 pm CONCERT IN THE PARK - Memorial Park, Bloom Road, Danville-“Rising Stars” @ 7 p
3rd Quarter Sewer Bills were mailed this afternoon. Please pay amount in left hand column. Payment to avoid the late fee, is due in the office prior to 3 pm on August 14th. Those using a bill payer service, be sure to have your account number on your payment and allow ample time for mailing. An automatic withdraw is available from a savings or checking account, fill out a form to sign up and avoid any late fees. Payments may be left in the office door drop slot after hours. Those placed there after 3 pm on 8/14/19 will have a late fee assessed. If you have any questions, please contact the office, 570 275-1751. Office Hours are Monday through Friday, 8 am - 3 pm.
As approved at the July 1, 2019 meeeting, minutes of June 3, 2019 follow:
The Riverside Borough Council met on Monday, June 3, 2019 in the Municipal Building, 415 Dewart Street, Riverside, PA. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Council President Carolyn Bausch. In attendance this evening were Council Members Barb Kriner, John Domanski, Vice President Peter Fleming, Michael Leibel and Kevin Romansik as well as Solicitor Joseph Michetti and Secretary Deborah Bausch. Absent this evening were Council Member Beth Rake and Mayor John LaMotte. In the audience this evening were Nick Fowler, Brian Whitenight, Hannah Connuch, David Connuch, and Angie and Rod Kerstetter. Hannah Connuch stated she was a student attending the meeting as part of a school project. She was with her father, David Connuch. Angie Kerstetter addressed Council with asking for an update on Mainzer Hill. She was also concerned about speeding on the road. Chief Kerry Parkes said if the road isn’t posted it is 55 mph limit. Solicitor Michetti said a speed study would need done to change the limit on the roadway. Contact will be made with Barry Garverick at PennDot regarding the study and signs that would be needed. Also need to check on guiderails. Old Business began with reviewing and approving the Minutes of May 20, 2019. Minutes approved on a Motion by Barb Kriner and seconded by John Domanski. All voted in favor. Budget Reports for the months of February, March and April were approved on a Motion by Barb Kriner and seconded by Peter Fleming. All voted in favor. Brian Anderson presented the Zoning Report for the month of April. He spoke of driving by the former Cook property that is being renovated; however, there is no permit for the joists and rafters. He shut the project down until the permits are obtained. Brian also stated he was concerned about private sales of homes that do not get sewer line inspections done. Most realtors are now aware of the ordinance. Zoning Report was approved on a Motion by John Domanski and seconded by Kevin Romansik. All voted for. Vice President Peter Fleming presented the Street Department report for April. Superintendent Dan Gable is off due to foot surgery. Dan did provide photos of the Mainzer Hill area and also Avenue D water runoff problems. Issue #1 was the water run off on Avenue D. Water is not coming from the development up the road but rather the swampy wooded areas. On 2 occasions the ditch was blocked which caused the water to rise higher than normal. Item #2 was the water on Mainzer Hill. Discussion ensued about the water runoff and how it affects the Kerstetter property. Water flows through the crosspipe to the SE corner of the property which is the natural flow path. Angie said the worst part of the water runoff is into the middle of their yard. Talk continued on the best way to help resolve the problem. It was decided a 45 degree pipe with an extension to get the water to the hedgerow would be a help. On a Motion by Barb Kriner and seconded by Michael Leibel, approval was given to get pipe and reroute the water from the yard to the hedgerow. All voted for. Issue #3 was in regards to Mainzer Hill and the needed repairs as well as a guiderail to be installed for safety purposes. Contact will be made with Penn Dot representatives about installing guiderails and what is needed to have it done. Pot holes need fixed on Mainzer Hill; Dan had been unsuccessful in reaching Sudol Paving. Contact was made with Tony, assistant at Sudol Paving who stated they hoped to work on repairs the week of 5/27/19 pending weather conditions. The Street Department report was approved on a Motion by Kevin Romansik and seconded by Barb Kriner. All voted in favor. Nick Fowler then addressed Council with the Southside Fire Company Report for May. He highlighted some of the figures from the report. The fire company is hosting a Wine Fest on June 15th. Nick also presented an email he had sent to Brian Pufnak at Columbia County regarding dispatch issues. There are major inconsistencies with the radio communications which is a serious safety problem. Nick cited several instances recently of the radio dispatch problems. They have switched to the hi-band radios but they can’t be set off. Nick was advised to contact the Commissioners to get further action on the resolution of this issue. Report was approved on a Motion by Barb Kriner and seconded by John Domanski. All voted for. Chief Kerry Parkes shared the Police Department report for April. He spoke first on TRACS training that he had attended and learned some new information. Southside Carnival was a success with no complaints being filed. He agreed with Nick Fowler about the radio issues. Carolyn Bausch thanked the police department for their presence at the carnival. The community appreciated seeing our officers at the carnival each year so new residents can meet them as well as intermingle with the attendees. Report was approved on a Motion by John Domanski and seconded by Kevin Romansik. All voted for. The Mayor was not in attendance this evening. Solicitor Michetti spoke on an issue with parking in the borough. Specifically wherein driveways are being blocked by vehicles making it impossible for residents to get out of their driveways. Signs were talked about as to what would be appropriate and where they would be placed. Kevin Romansik inquired as to what areas signs would be needed to be placed in and John Domanski asked how big they would be. It was decided it to talk with Chief Parkes as to signage and parking issues. Barb Kriner asked the Solicitor if there is an issue to move money into a savings account rather than the Capital Reserve. It was determined this would be no restriction on funds. Barb stated she will make that motion at our next meeting. Report was approved on a Motion by Barb Kriner and seconded by John Domanski. All voted in favor. Under New Business The 18th Annual Sunbury YMCA Bike Race through some streets in the borough was approved for August 17, 2019. Chief Parkes has been given a copy of the route for his staff. Barb Kriner made the Motion to approve which was seconded by Peter Fleming; all voted in favor. John Domanski then spoke on the upcoming bridge closure. 4 years ago we were advised this upgrade would last 20 years; last week’s meeting with officials indicated this will happen every 5 – 7 years. John stated we need to do something now and not wait until it occurs again. He would like to see the curbing removed from S D & H Avenue to allow two way traffic if the crossing would need closed. He has volunteered to spearhead this project. Carolyn Bausch showed an article in the newspaper regarding the railroad crossing and lauded John Domanski for his pursuit of information on this closing. John Domanski then made a Motion to pursue removal of the curb area from Shade Mountain area to Route 54; seconded by Barb Kriner. All voted for. Final agenda item this evening was a Motion to Approve an Ordinance regarding truck traffic. Ordinance 1 of 2019 prohibits trucks in excess length of 45’ from traveling on Avenue C, South Mill Street-south of Sunbury Road and Third Street- Chestnut Street to Avenue C. Ordinance was duly advertised. Motion by Barb Kriner and Seconded by Kevin Romansik to approve the Ordinance and implement same. All voted in favor. At approximately 7:50 pm, John Domanski made a Motion to Adjourn; seconded by Barb Kriner. Council Meeting of June 3, 2019 adjourned. Respectfully Submitted: Deborah Bausch Secretary |
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