According to a photo in the Press Enterprise newspaper, Boy Scout Troop 43 will collect Christmas trees in our area on January 7, 2017. That ask for a donation of at least $2. For information call 570 784-7370, 570 784-2942 or 570 437-3280
Residents are reminded the 2016 Per Capita tax payment is due no later than 12/31/2016! Unpaid bills will be turned to collection agency with a fee added to the bill. Payments should be made to Rebecca Steckley; questions contact her at 570 764-1393. Payments can be brought to the borough office up until December 30, 2016.
St Peter's UMC, 428 Sunbury Road, Riverside is hosting a Breakfast with Santa on Sunday, December 18. Breakfast is served from 7 am - 9:30 am with Santa arriving at 8 am. Donations are accepted. Church services begin at 10:15 am.
The Riverside Borough Council met on Monday, November 21, 2016 in the Municipal Building, 301 Dewart Street, Riverside, PA. President John J Novak called the meeting to order promptly at 7:00 pm. Present this evening, in addition to President Novak, were Council Members Carolyn Bausch, Caressa Compton and Barb Kriner. Secretary Deborah Bausch was present. Absent this evening were Vice President Peter Fleming, Beth Hancock and John Domanski. Mayor Joe Oberdorf was not in attendance.
There were no citizens to be heard this evening. Minutes of November 7, 2016 were approved on a Motion by Barb Kriner and seconded by Caressa Compton. All voted for. Dan Gable, Street Department Superintendent, gave his monthly report. So far 51 loads of leaves have been collected which is below last year at this time. Leaves are later in coming down this year. He stated they will be collecting leaves through the end of the month as long as the weather cooperates. Dan has submitted a grant for work on Mainzer Hill Road; we have not heard back on that project as of this date. Street Department report was approved on a Motion by Carolyn Bausch and seconded by Barb Kriner. All voted in favor. There was no Code Enforcement Report. There was no new business to be brought before Council this evening. The Council meeting dates for 2017 were approved on a Motion by Barb Kriner, seconded by Caressa Compton and all voted in favor. Resolution 16-11-21 regarding the Riverside Police Pension Plan was approved on a Motion by Barb Kriner and Seconded by Carolyn Bausch. All voted for. It was brought to Council’s attention that several residents had called in to state they were very happy to see our Police Force interacting with the residents on Halloween evening. Police cruisers were out and officers were handing candy to the trick or treaters while Chief Parkes took foot patrol to greet the kids. Thank you to the Riverside Police Department! Gemini Software was discussed including adding a second monitor to the secretary desk. President Novak has one that will be brought in. Scott Fadzen will be here on December 9, 2016 to present a demo of the software for our approval. Secretary will contact Sage Peachtree to not automatically renew our software program until we see how Gemini will work for the Borough. A Motion was made by Carolyn Bausch to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Caressa Compton. Borough Council meeting adjourned at approximately 7:18 pm. Respectfully submitted: Deborah Bausch Secretary Street Superintendent Dan Gable and his helpers, Eric Mayan and Chris Henrie got into the spirit today while hanging the Christmas Decorations in the Borough of Riverside!
THANK YOU to the Street Department for their work with leaf collection this year. Cut off date was 11/21/16; however, they continued right through 12/2/16 gathering the last of the resident's leaf piles.
Bagged leaves can be picked up by the Street Department by calling them at 570 275-5338. |
Police Department
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