May 2 - Dumpster Day - Borough Garage, Avenue D - 7 am - 3 pm
- Danville Spring Fling May 4- Council Meeting at 7 PM May 10 - Mother’s Day May 11 - Community Singers Concert, 7 pm, St Peter’s UM Church, “Awaken the Music” May 14 - Danville Community Band Spring Concert, Trinity Lutheran Church,Danville, 7 pm May 15 - 3 pm to May 16 3 pm- RELAY FOR LIFE 5K Relay Race - Saturday, May 16 May 16 - Armed Forces Day - Danville Fishing Derby, 9 am - 2 pm May 18 - Council meeting at 7 pm May 19 -Election Day,Polls open 8am - 8pm May 19 - 23 - Southside Fire Company Carnival each evening at 5 pm; Saturday, chicken BBQ at 4 - get in line early - usually sells out! May 24 - Memorial Day Service, 11:30 am - Riverside Park Monument May 24 - Borough Office Secretary will be out of office until May 31, 2015 May 25 - Memorial Day Holiday - Borough Offices Closed May 30 - Danville High School Prom TAX COLLECTOR HOURS FOR MAY: Rebecca Steckley will have hours in the Municipal Building, 301 Dewart Street, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm Note: There will be no Tax Office Hours for the week of May 25, 2015
The Riverside Police Officer's Association will be selling these t-shirts as our first fundraiser of the year. The shirts range from sizes small to XXXL. Prices... for shirts are $15.00. All proceeds go to the RPOA to benefit officers, the department and community. Anyone interested
In purchasing a shirt can contact any officer by calling 570-275-4305. All sizes are in stock and available for pick up. Thank you. Sealed proposals will be received by: Riverside Borough of Northumberland County, PA, at PO Box 307, 301 Dewart St, Riverside, PA 17868 until 7:00 PM, on May 04, 2015, to be opened on May 04, 2015, at 7:30 PM Riverside Borough Municipal Building For the following Contract: Paving Contract Furnish and place approximately 110 Ton Bituminous Wearing Course; 120 Ton Bituminous Binder Course Base Repair; 159 Ton Bituminous Binder Course and 1,060 SY of Bituminous Milling. Performance bond and payment bond in the amount of 100% of the contract, as well as proof of worker’s compensation insurance will be required from the lowest responsible bidder. Bid Bond in the amount of 10% of the contract is required of all bidders. All work and material must meet current Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Specifications Form 408 and its Supplements. Proposals must be upon the forms furnished by the Municipality. The Municipality reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. Work Days on the North Branch Canal Trail are listed below. you should bring gloves, boots, picks and shovels
Today, 4/21 10 am - 2pm Thursday, 4/23 11 am - 2 pm Friday, 4/24 8 am - 3 pm Meet at temporary trailhead, River Drive, near Danville Soccer Park. For further information visit the website: or contact Bob Stoudt [email protected] Phone: 570 336- 2060 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Riverside Borough Council has been cancelled for this evening, April 20, 2015. Next council meeting will be on May 4, 2015 at 7:00 pm.
Borough Residents are reminded we only have scheduled leaf pickup in the fall. Bagged leaves will be picked up; please call the street department at 570 275-5338 to arrange pickup. Also, leaves should not be raked into drainage ditches or placed on another's property!
Minutes from the March 16 meeting follow:
The Riverside Borough Council met on Monday, March 16, 2015 in the Municipal Building, 301 Dewart Street, Riverside, PA. Meeting was called to order promptly at 7:00 pm by President John J. Novak. In attendance this evening were Vice President Peter Fleming, Council members Caressa Compton, Barb Kriner, John Domanski and John LaMotte. Mayor Joseph Oberdorf and Secretary Deborah Bausch were in attendance as well. Absent this evening was Lori Steele. Carolyn Bausch was the only resident present for this evening’s meeting. Minutes of March 2, 2015 were approved on a Motion by Caressa Compton and seconded by John LaMotte. All voted in favor; Motion passed. Old Business included discussion again regarding addresses for those residents of Kipps Run Road. John Domanski has been in touch with a resident there. Contact has been made with the 911 Center to verify address information. Note will be posted on website and Facebook page to remind residents living in the Trailer Park to be sure that is part of their mailing address which should help alleviate the mail problem in that area. Elysburg Road area was another discussion of residents having issues with mail and house numbering. New Business was a request by Chuck Hoffa to extend the brake retarder area. A previous letter to PennDot was for the Avenue G area which was denied due to the grade of that road. Letter will be reviewed and resent to extend area to include Elysburg Road area and part of Sunbury Road. John LaMotte inquired about the quiet zone for the railroad. Trains passing through the area in the early morning hours are not following the required whistle procedures. Mayor Oberdorf then put several items on the table. Chief Parkes inquired if the council members had read the Temporary General Order #2 which was previously emailed to them. Several stated they had received it but not read it. Solicitor Michetti stated he reviewed it and it is in legal order. Order to be approved at the April 7, 2015 meeting. Guns were discussed. Council requested Chief Parkes get a cost of the Remington 870 as well as taking the two guns to get appraised by Maple Ridge Gun Shop who previously stated she would take 2 guns for trade for the Remington. Trash at a property in the West End was discussed. Borough Code requires each homeowner to have a trash hauler. Letter will be delivered by Chief Parkes to the resident requiring compliance with the Code or be fined. Discussion was held on the Airport Trees and the legal proceedings being handled by Attorney John Mihalik’s office. Motion was made by John Domanski and seconded by Barb Kriner to add an additional $2500.00 to the budget for the issue. All voted in favor; motion passed. At 7:45 pm John Domanski made a Motion to Adjourn the Council Meeting; seconded by Caressa Compton. Meeting adjourned. Next meeting will be April 7, 2015. Respectfully submitted: Deborah Bausch Secretary As approved at the 4/7/15 Council meeting:
Dumpsters will be placed at the Riverside Street Department Garage on Avenue D from 7 am – 3 pm on Saturday, May 2, 2015. Riverside is not accepting paint, leaves, limbs, wood, grass, ashes, asbestos, batteries or contractor waste. Charge per Freon appliance is $15.00; tires are $6 each. No tractor tires. Dumpster available for electronic disposals. Proof of Residency required. Once on borough property, dumpster items become property of the borough. |
Police Department
570-275-4305 Emergency Dial 911 Non Emergency Dispatch 570-784-6300 Street Department 570-275-5338 Borough Office 570-275-1751 Quick InfoExternal LinksDemographics (
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