December 2 – Borough Council Meeting at 7:00 pm
December 6 -8, 14 – Hometown Holiday Weekend – Danville - See for events December 7 - Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day December 16 - Community Singers Program at St Peter’s UMC, 7 PM December 16 – Borough Council Meeting at 7 pm Dec 19 - Danville Community Band Program - Trinity Methodist at 7:00 pm December 21 – First Day of Winter December 22 – Hanukkah (begins at sundown) December 23, 2019– January 2, 2020 - Christmas Break - Schools Closed December 25 - Merry Christmas! Borough Offices Closed December 26 – First day of Kwanzaa December 31 – New Year’s Eve TAX HOURS – Tax office is not open in December; By Appointment only! Phone 570 764-1393 to meet with Rebecca Steckley
As approved at the Novmber 18 meeting, Minutes of November 4, 2019 follow:
The Riverside Borough Council met on Monday, November 4, 2019 in the Municipal Building, 415 Dewart Street, Riverside. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Council President Carolyn M. Bausch. In attendance this evening were Vice President Peter Fleming, Council Members Barb Kriner, John Domanski, Kevin Romansik, Brian Whitenight, Mayor John LaMotte, Solicitor Joseph Michetti and Secretary Deborah Bausch. Absent this evening was Council Member Beth Rake. In the audience this evening were Nick Fowler, J W Snyder, Chris Henrie and Karen Blackledge, Danville News reporter. J W Snyder and Chris Henrie were here to observe. Minutes of October 7, 2019 were reviewed. John Domanski made a Motion to approve which was seconded by Barb Kriner. All voted in favor. Budget Report for September was approved on a Motion by Barb Kriner, seconded by Peter Fleming. All voted in favor. Brian Anderson, Zoning Officer, then presented his report for September 2019. He read his report and highlighted that a blighted property on Scenic Drive/Elysburg Road area has been sold and will be renovated. Brian then addressed John Domanski on an issue from last meeting regarding sewer line connections. Brian has spoken with Jim Sanders, SEO, regarding this issue. To have to connect to the sewer main, you must be within 150’ of the line. Peter Fleming said if within 150’ home owner could be compelled to hook up but they would be going to a pressure line which may not make it feasible. Solicitor Michetti spoke of the “Grandfather” clause that previously was for those having 10 or more acre tracts. John Domanski also asked Brian if he could get information for our next meeting on the American Disabiity Act (ADA) Requirements for public buildings. Mayor John LaMotte researched the ADA requirements and read what he found regarding requirements to be met; Carolyn Bausch stated we do not need outside opener for the door. Report was approved on a Motion by Barb Kriner, seconded by Peter Fleming and all voted for. Dan Gable, Street Superintendent, then took the floor with the Street Report. He stated the Flail Mower has been purchased and employees have been shown how it operates. The tractor tires had to be filled to handle the weight of the mower. Dan also highlighted on a possible scenario in the future regarding the gas company and home sewer lateral lines. The borough may be made responsible to locate home lateral lines. Barb Kriner questioned about the sewer line work that was done on the tablets in the past and was informed that the home laterals are not on there; it is mostly manholes and storm drains. Main lines are owned by the borough and makes us liable for them. Discussion ensued as to who is responsible for line from home to main line. Peter stated it is the home owner’s responsibility from home to street or edge of property line. Barb asked about our sewer camera and Dan responded the camera can only go down so far. Solicitor Michetti suggested we get our engineer involved to do the scope of our ditches and lines; he stated he had spoken with Dave Walters, LDG, and he passed him onto Chris Shaffer, LDG staff who was involved in our project in the past and could handle this project. Barb Kriner stated if something is in the works, the borough should get a jump start on it and be pro-active . Peter Fleming stated the companies that are in the borough, Chip Adams and RotoRooter could make the borough aware of pipe connections when they do work in the borough. Dan then stated leaf collection has been going since the beginning of October and so far 16 loads of leaves have been gathered. Residents should be patient as they canvas the borough to get the areas with the most leaves out for collection. All areas of the borough are checked and collected. The new drop site is working real well. Dan also stated the Facebook page has negative comments; John Domanski stated the guys should only worry about Council not the comments on facebook. Carolyn Bausch stated there are always unhappy people and the good comments are not always put on. Peter said the social media is for those who like to express themselves behind a curtain. Carolyn also commented to please not respond to any negative comments. Peter Fleming continued that the street department has worked out their snow plowing, leaf collection and sewer work in a fine manner that works for the borough. Street Report was approved on a Motion by Barb Kriner, seconded by Peter Fleming and approved by all. Nick Fowler, Southside Fire Chief, then presented the fire company report. He read the monthly figures from the report. Nick stated the fire company has begun billing Rush and Mayberry Township for fire calls to their areas. Nick continued that of the four billed, three had no insurance. Nick also said the annual Christmas Tree sale will begin on November 29th. Report was approved on a Motion by Barb Kriner and seconded by John Domanski. All voted for. Chief Kerry Parkes then presented the October Police Report. Chief Parkes highlighted the trainings recently completed by his officers. Officer Brad Harvey had been off for two weeks for the birth of his son, Chase David Harvey. The Speed Sign had been in place in the West End area of the borough and Chief Parkes highlighted the numbers of speeders and the speed some had traveled coming through that area. In 10 days over 8080 cars had traveled that road in the west bound direction. It was also noted the roadway had been closed a couple of days for bridge work. The question was posed to Solicitor Michetti as to who was responsible for an empty property on D & H Avenue. Solicitor Michetti will research this property. Chief Parkes stated he is waiting for end of year computations to see if he has enough funds to purchase a new computer for their office. He has priced one out at about $4700.00. He is also asking to have extra funds put into the Police Car CD for the purchase of their next vehicle. Report was approved on a Motion by John Domanski and seconded by Barb Kriner. All voted for. Mayor John LaMotte spoke on his request for some updated playground equipment. He had found two pieces of equipment. Secretary Bausch has been in touch with Justin Skavery, Northumberland County, and he has begun a grant for us through WalMart. We are hoping for some help with the possible $6000.00 cost for both pieces of equipment. These pieces would be an addition to the park; the tether ball pole would be removed. Report was approved on a Motion by Barb Kriner and seconded by John Domanski. All voted In favor. Solicitor Joseph Michetti then spoke about the project of the lines and possible ordinances. He suggested the council should authorize the secretary to approve Chris Shaffer to meet with Dan and move forward with the project. Solicitor Michetti said ordinances could be combined into one. John Domanski questioned Solicitor Michetti on a statement on the sample ordinance on grass cutting he had provided previously – “Rebuttal of resumption”. Solicitor Michetti then explained the terminology to be the action was presumed to have occurred. Discussion also took place about enforcement which could be handled by Borough Police and Code Enforcement officer could be authorized via the ordinance. Report was approved on a Motion by Barb Kriner and seconded by John Domanski. All voted for. Under New Business, Mayor LaMotte questioned the No turn on Red sign for the intersection. He was informed there had been a meeting with Penn Dot. John Domanski stated we got the same answer for all our concerns, need a study done. Engineers would need to be involved to make any change. John further stated one good thing came from that meeting…the manholes on the bridge area were fixed. Peter questioned where the Welcome to Riverside sign is and was told it was being handled by Sudol paving. We will get in touch with him. Under Motion to Approve this evening was the Council Meeting dates for 2020. Dates approved by Barb Kriner and seconded by John Domanski. All voted in favor. At approximately 7:45 pm, John Domanski made a Motion to Adjourn, seconded by Barb Kriner. Council adjourned. Respectfully Submitted: Deborah Bausch Secretary Notice is hereby given that the 2020 proposed budget is available for public inspection during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, 8 am to 3 pm at the Municipal Building, 415 Dewart Street, Riverside, PA. There is no tax increase. Budget will be formally adopted on December 2, 2019. Deborah Bausch, Borough Secretary A resident has a desktop computer with Vista Windows operating system looking for a new home. Machine is in working order but does not have a monitor or mouse. Computer and Keyboard only. If interested, please contact the office, 570 275-1751
A Monitor has been located for this computer. You would only need a mouse to make it complete! Residents are reminded sewer bill payments are due in the office by 3 pm on Friday, November 15, 2019 to avoid the late fee being assessed. Forms are available in the office for those wanting to have an automatic payment withdraw from a Checking or Savings Account. Balances owed over $500 make the property subject to a municipal lien. Contact the office with any questions you may have. 570 275-1751
The Lost and Found pile in the office is growing! 2 child sized jackets were found in the park this morning. I still have an older child sized jacket unclaimed. You can pick up these items in the office! Am sure some little child is going to want their warm sweater very soon!
The Riverside Borough Council met on October 7, 2019 in the Municipal Building, 415 Dewart Street, Riverside, PA. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by President Carolyn Bausch. The following Council members were present: Barb Kriner, Beth Rake, John Domanski and newly appointed Brian Whitenight. Also present were Mayor John LaMotte, Solicitor Joseph Michetti and Secretary Deborah Bausch. Absent this evening were Vice President Peter Fleming and Council Member Kevin Romansik.
Vice President Peter Fleming joined the meeting at approximately 7:15 pm. In the audience this evening were Justin Skavery, Brenna Gable and children, Seth and Alaina Gable, Nick Fowler, Charles Erlston, Todd Oberdorf and news reporters Karen Blackledge and Geri Gibbons. Prior to the commencement of the meeting, Brian Whitenight was administered the Oath of Office by Mayor John LaMotte. Brian was welcomed to the table as the new council member filling the position vacated by Michael Leibel. Addressing Council first was Justin Skavery from Northumberland County Planning & Economic Development. He is the grants manager for the County and searches and seeks grants for projects. He spoke on how he can assist the borough with grant funding for projects we may need completed. Barb Kriner asked how the process works; we give him ideas of what we want done and then estimates are done. She said our list could be long for Borough needs. Funding depends on the project. Justin then cited samples of grants he has helped with. Carolyn Bausch questioned the charges for his service. His services are free to the borough. Charles Erlston then took the floor with his concerns about speeding in the west end of the borough. The speeding on Sunbury Road is unbelievable and has to be stopped; something is going to happen. Trucks are speeding at 50-60 mph on the roadway. It is like a race track from 7 – 9 am and 3-5 pm. Carolyn Bausch asked if the digital speed sign could be put up in that area to make drivers aware of their speed. Chief Parkes explained they have been patrolling that area and will continue to do so. Todd Oberdorf stated he was here to follow up on work on pothole repairs, such as the one at the top of Avenue D. Dan Gable questioned where at the top of Avenue D. Todd gave further clarification and pot hole was actually on Avenue D & 5th Street. Todd also stated the school bus jolts students when crossing Avenue H at 10th St. Plans need to be made to repair our roads. Dan explained cold patch will not hold for some repairs. His second item of concern was the dip in the road on Avenue G. PennDot did a crappy job with the road paving and he will be contacting them. Dan Gable stated he was told the road would be tar and chipped in 2 year time. Beth Rake stated we have a certain amount of money budgeted for our roads and some roads need more love than others. Discussion continued in length about road repairs and solutions. Minutes of September 3, 2019 were approved on a Motion by Beth Rake and seconded by John Domanski. All voted in favor. Budget Report for August 2019 was approved on a Motion by Beth Rake and seconded by Barb Kriner. All voted for. Brian Anderson presented the Zoning Report for September. Pipe was installed by homeowner on Mainzer Hill for a driveway which should help with runoff problems in that area. The home is part of Rush Township. John Domanski inquired about a house at the end of the airport that is not on the sewer system. He asked why they were not required to hook onto our system. Carolyn Bausch asked if they might have been “grandfathered” in. John stated they just overhauled their whole septic system. Brian Anderson stated they were just replacing pipes; he will check with our Sewage Enforcement Officer, Jim Sanders, and get a report for council. Brian Whitenight asked if the homeowner was allowed to replace and repair and if so, would we need to pursue this issue? Zoning Report was approved on a Motion by Barb Kriner and seconded by Peter Fleming. Dan Gable presented the Street Department Report. The remaining work to be done on Mainzer Hill was to be completed by Sep 15th and was in fact, not done. He wanted to make council aware of that situation. The ditch work has been completed in the borough. Dan spoke with 2 contractors regarding guide rails; however, it would require an engineer to make a proposal for the roads of Pine Swamp, Boyce and Mainzer. This would be quite costly. Barb Kriner stated she had asked Dan awhile back to make a list of other roads in the borough and get prices to follow up or whatever. Peter Fleming said Pine Swamp used to have guide rails about 75 years ago. The cost of installing would be highly prohibited. Barb Kriner questioned his terminology of “highly prohibited” and Peter responded that the cost could not be justified. Engineering costs would be several thousand dollars. John Domanski then stated maybe Justin Skavery could assist with that project if needed. Dan then asked about purchasing a flail mower that would attach to the tractor. It would save the borough from hiring the job out and street department could do the cutting. Cost that he has found so far was about $5400.00; Peter Fleming responded that we would recoup the money in 5 -6 years. John Domanski inquired about the additional work load for the department? Dan felt it would not be a problem. Beth Rake stated she felt it would be a good investment if we had the money. Barb Kriner then made a Motion to grant the Street Department the ability to purchase a flail mower not to exceed $6,000.00 in price; Seconded by Brian Whitenight. All voted in favor. Conversation then turned to grass cutting of blighted properties. If the borough employees mow the property, there should be a flat rate for the cost. Chief Parkes stated there should be an outside contractor hired and the homeowner/property manager billed the cost and a lien put on the property to recoup the cost. Solicitor Michetti explained what is involved with the lien filing and the fee charged would need to be reasonable and substantiated. Chief Parkes questioned as to who the police would arrest? Solicitor Michetti is going to research the ordinance and get back to Council. Another issue Dan Gable presented was residents putting pipes in the ditch lines. Discussion ensued as to size of pipes and responsibility. The need for permits was brought up; President Carolyn Bausch said the permit would help in controlling the proper pipes are used. Solicitor Michetti stated to do an ordinance would require parameters such as size, type, how it connects to neighbors; he continue with an engineer would need to do an analysis. A suggestion was made to put in the deed to make future homeowners aware of the pipe and responsibility for its upkeep. Dan asked the Council to consider a part time employee for the street department when doing budgeting for 2020. A part time could help with leaf collection, snow plowing and also relief at vacation times. John Domanski asked about the dates for Leaf Collection. Dan said we start mid -October but they have been out already and picked up about a half truck load. His final offering of the evening was quotes for a truck in 2020. Council had previously stated the trucks should be rotated like the police cruisers do. The one 2005 truck should be swapped out; the other 2005 is spare for leaf season. Dan explained the quotes and difference was one company left out an important package. He also had quotes for the plow package for the truck. Street Department Report was approved on a Motion by Beth Rake and seconded by Peter Fleming. All voted in favor. Nick Fowler read the Southside Fire Company Report. He stated there was no property damage in the month of September. He thanked council for purchasing the radios for the fire company. There is a Fire Prevention open house at the Fire Company on Thursday evening from 6 – 8 pm. He stated representatives had contacted Rush Township and Mayberry Township to ask for a fire tax to be implemented in those communities to assist with fire company response costs. Rush township stated they would not implement a fire tax. Conversation began on billing insurance companies for fire call costs. Barb Kriner stated there was a law enacted and voted on to allow fire companies to do that; Nick responded they are looking at doing the billing. Peter Fleming asked the cost of responding to which Nick said it depends on the truck put into service and a per person cost. Barb Kriner asked where the formula could be found to compute the costs. Most insurance policies have a clause to cover costs. Barb Kriner stated residents of Rush and Mayberry Townships need to be aware that their elected officials are not helping with fire company costs; Southside Fire Company holds the fire card for the area thereby responding to Rush Township and Mayberry Township. Report was approved on a Motion by Barb Kriner, seconded by John Domanski and all voted in favor. Chief Kerry Parkes then addressed council. He presented his report for review and said the department had gotten a refund of $23.00 from Service Electric but unknown why. Officer Eamon Shoff did a bicycle safety presentation for the Scouts of Troop 33 and was well received. The speeding on the west end was put on the table with John Domanski asking about overtime to do the speed checks. President Bausch stated we should put the digit speed sign up to make drivers alert to how fast they are driving. Barb Kriner inquired if the machine gave the number of vehicles and speed they are traveling. John Domanski said we should do anything we can to patrol that area for speeders. Chief Parkes said there has been more traffic on the back road recently due to road construction in nearby communities. He stated they have run speed in that area and will continue to do so. Peter Fleming asked about the weed ordinance in regards to a property along Sunbury Road that is deplorable. Chief Parkes will get in touch with Brian Anderson about it being considered part of the blighted property issue. Police report was approved on a Motion by John Domanski and seconded by Barb Kriner. All voted in favor. The Mayor had no report which was approved on a Motion by Barb Kriner and seconded by Beth Rake. All voted for. Solicitor Joseph Michetti shared a proposed ordinance regarding grass clippings. Copies were provided to council members to read and comprehend. Ordinance was based on an organic waste ordinance which we narrowed to be grass clippings. He stressed the difficulty in enforcing this ordinance. A Code Enforcement Officer would need to be hired to enforce this ordinance. John Domanski felt that people don’t care about the grass on roadway and an ordinance would make them more aware and decrease the clippings going on roadways. Ordinance would need reviewed and must be advertised for 30 days prior to enactment. Solicitor report was approved on a Motion by John Domanski and seconded by Barb Kriner. All voted in favor. There was no new business this evening. Resolution 19-10-07 – Fill Vacancy in Council Membership was presented to Council and signed. This was the official document appointing Brian Whitenight to fill the seat of Michael Leibel. Brian Whitenight was appointed on September 7, 2019. Resolution 19-10-08 – Borough of Riverside Police Pension Plan was shared with Council and signed for the year 2020. Plan was approved on a Motion by Barb Kriner and seconded by Peter Fleming. All voted in favor. Halloween Trick or Treat will be held in the Borough on Thursday, October 31st from 6 – 9 pm. Residents are reminded to put a light on to accept visitors. At approximately 8:15 pm, Barb Kriner made a Motion to adjourn to an Executive Session; seconded by Peter Fleming. Regular Session adjourned. At 8:45 pm, Council resumed Regular session. John Domanski made a Motion to adjourn the meeting. Regular Session of Council adjourned and meeting was closed. Respectfully Submitted: Deborah Bausch Secretary |
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