May 4- Council Meeting at 7 PM
May 10 - Mother’s Day May 16- Armed Forces Day May 18 - Council meeting - Cancelled May 24 - Memorial Day Service, HAS BEEN POSTPONED May 25- Memorial Day Holiday - Danville has been POSTPONED Borough Offices Closed for Memorial Day Holiday NOTE: Council Meetings will be held via telecommunications during the COVID 19 Pandemic To join in: Phone 1-978-990-5000; Access Code: 70742 TAX COLLECTOR HOURS FOR MAY: Rebecca Steckley will be available by Appointment Only during May and June. Telephone: 570 -764-1393
Despite some hurdles and delays caused by the on-going COVID-19 crisis, the 2020 Census is steadfast in its mission to count every US resident. Many households have already responded online or by phone, and we encourage that to continue. Some households have received or will soon receive paper questionnaires that can be completed and returned by mail. Responding by one of these methods will eliminate the need for a census worker to make an in person visit.
Recent data shows that over 46% of Northumberland County residents have already responded, which is just slightly below state and national rates. A few areas of the county contain households in low response tracts that are designated for Operation Update Leave. This special operation helps reach people in areas where the majority of households may not receive mail at their home’s physical location, such as small towns where mail is only delivered to P.O. Boxes. Census takers would typically update the Census Bureau’s address list at the same time they drop off invitations to ensure no living quarters are missed. Unfortunately, this operation is currently on hold to protect public health and safety. The COVID-19 pandemic underscores the importance of responding to the 2020 Census and the importance of census data. That’s because your response helps shape decisions about how billions of dollars in federal funds flow into communities each year for the next 10 years for critical services. Like health care clinics. And hospitals. And emergency services like EMTs and fire departments. Emergency situations like COVID-19 illustrate just how important it is to respond to the census. So please do today at In response, a census letter or paper questionnaire has been sent to some of these households. If either are received, residents should respond using the included Census ID. If a letter or questionnaire is not received, residents should wait to respond. A census invitation or paper questionnaire will be delivered and their address will be updated as soon as it is safe to do so. Residents wishing to file a construction permit for home repairs/remodeling can obtain the forms online for completion. They will be reviewed by the Zoning Officer, Brian Anderson, who will be in contact with you for review and approval.
Email: Dbausch2RiversideBorough.Org to get the necessary forms. As approved at the April 20,2020 meeting minutes of April 6, 2020 follow:
The Riverside Borough Council held their meeting on Monday, April 6, 2020 via telecommunications due to the COVID-19 Virus pandemic. President John Domanski and Secretary Deborah Bausch were physically present in the office. Vice President Barb Kriner was outside the building in case anyone came to attend the meeting. Council members participating via telephone were Carolyn Bausch, Beth Rake, Peter Fleming and Kevin Romansik as well as Mayor John LaMotte and Solicitor Joseph Michetti. Brian Whitenight did not participate this evening. Audience via telephone were Karen Blackledge, Danville News reporter as well as a representative of New Enterprise Stone and Lime. Another call in number has not been identified. The meeting was called to order by President John Domanski at 7:00 pm. President Domanski had explained that reports would all be approved as one motion this evening. Reports previously distributed included Minutes for March 2, 2020, Budget Report for January 2020, Zoning Report as well as the Police Report. There was no report from Southside Fire Company this month. Motion made by Vice President Barb Kriner and Seconded by Carolyn Bausch to approve all submitted reports. Those additionally voting yes included Beth Rake, Peter Fleming and Kevin Romansik. Motion Passed and all reports were accepted. President John Domanski then spoke about our Street Department. He had met with Dan Gable and they have worked out a flexible schedule for one employee to work every other day and shifts will be split amongst the 3 employees. Should the need arise to have more than one employee, Dan is to call in whatever assistance is needed. Friday is a holiday so this week the employee will work on Thursday. Mayor LaMotte inquired if it was brought to Dan’s attention that the employee working should let someone, office or police, know if they leave the borough or where they might be working since there is only one working. Should an emergency arise, would need to know where to look for them. Peter Fleming said he would go by the garage and check if there is a need. Next item on agenda was to open the sealed paving bids. There were 5 bids submitted. Results are attached to these minutes for record purposes. Lowest bidder was HRI, Inc. Beth Rake made a motion to award the paving contract to HRI Inc pending review by the Solicitor; seconded by Carolyn Bausch. Voting yes were Vice President Barb Kriner, Peter Fleming and Kevin Romansik. Motion Carried; contract will be reviewed by Solicitor. A final item on the agenda was Adoption of Resolution Number 20-03-25. This Emergency Declaration of Disaster Emergency for the Borough of Riverside was signed by President John Domanski on March 25, 2020 to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic and safety concerns for residents in the Borough. Resolution was adopted on a Motion by Carolyn Bausch, seconded by Beth Rake. Voting yes were Vice President Barb Kriner, Peter Fleming and Kevin Romansik. Motion passed; Resolution in full force and effect until further rescinded. At approximately 7:15 pm, Carolyn Bausch made a Motion to Adjourn which was seconded by Bice President Barb Kriner. Meeting adjourned. President John Domanski thanked all for their fine participation and reminded all to Stay Safe. Respectfully Submitted: Deborah Bausch Secretary Due to COVID-19, the Riverside Borough Council meeting for Monday, April 20, 2020 will be held via telecommunications!
To join the meeting at 7 pm – Call 1-978-990-5000 Access code is 707422 Please mute your phone to eliminate any background noise for the Conference. Those joining the meeting are asked to be considerate of the others when addressing council with a question or concern. Some phones may experience a gap in transmission. If you get a busy signal when dialing in, please try again. The sewer bills for the 2nd quarter of 2020 have been mailed. Please pay amount on the left hand column until the due date of May 15; after that date amount paid is the figure on the right hand side. Be sure to return the stub with the bar code with your payment. Payments may be mailed or dropped in the After Hours Drop Slot on the office door. Automatic withdrawl is available; contact the office for the form.
Due to COVID-19, the Riverside Borough Council meeting for Monday, April 6, 2020 will be held via telecommunications!
To join the meeting at 7 pm – Call 1-978-990-5000 Access code is 707422 Please mute your phone to eliminate any background noise for the Conference. Those joining the meeting are asked to be considerate of the others when addressing council with a question or concern. Some phones may experience a gap in transmission. If you get a busy signal when dialing in, please try again. Local Earned Income Tax payment period has been extended until July. Per Capita and Real Estate Taxes are still due April 30th to get the discount. You do have until the end of the year to make these payments but to get discount rate, you would need to pay by April 30. Payments can be mailed in or deposited at the office through the door After Hours mail slot.
Police Department
570-275-4305 Emergency Dial 911 Non Emergency Dispatch 570-784-6300 Street Department 570-275-5338 Borough Office 570-275-1751 Quick InfoExternal LinksDemographics (
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