The Riverside Borough Council met in the Municipal Building, 415 Dewart Street, Riverside on Monday, July 1, 2024 at 7:00pm. Meeting was called to order by President, Stephen Wagner. Council members present: Peter Fleming, John Domanski, Barb Kriner, Delavan Whitenight, Jr. and Ken Gardner. Also present was Solicitor Joseph Michetti Jr. Police Chief Kerry Parkes, Mayor John LaMotte and Secretary Lisa Fritz. Absent: Street Superintendent, Dan Gable. Citizens present: Michael Steimling, Robert Rickard, Christa Guenther, Nathan Waite, Todd Oberdorf, Sheri Oberdorf, Andy Knouse and Drew Mumich from the Press enterprise. Pledge of Allegiance Citizens to be Heard: Resident, Andy Knouse proposed to have a border installed around the ‘Welcome to riverside’ sign in his yard. Resident, Nathan Waite asked Council the status of the sewer issue. Steve Wagner did contact the insurance company and said he will follow-up with another phone call. Resident, Todd Oberdorf ‘Thanked’ the Police for their fast action regarding speeding in the Borough. Old business: John made a Motion to accept the Minutes of the June 3rd Meeting. Barb seconded. All in Favor. Appointment of a Council Member – Four (4) residents, namely Robert Rickard, Christa Guenther, Michael Steimling and Todd Oberdorf submitted letters of interest for the position. Barb Kriner nominated Robert Rickard. Delavan Whitenight Jr seconded the nomination. Peter Fleming nominated Michael Steimling. Steve Wagner seconded the nomination. Ken Gardner nominated Todd Oberdorf. John Domanski seconded the nomination. Each Council Member voted how they motioned, which left a three (3) way tie vote. Solicitor Attorney Michetti stated there is a tie vote for three (3) potential candidates, we will comply with the Law and defer the vote to the Mayor, John LaMotte. Mayor LaMotte chose to take the ten (10) days permitted by Law to cast his vote. Council will reconvene on Tuesday, July 9th, 7:00 o’clock at a Special Meeting for the only purpose of the Mayor to vote on one of the nominated person(s) to fill the vacant Council seat. Council President, Steve Wagner ‘Thanked’ all whom submitted letters of interest. Appointment of Pro Tem was deferred until the next Council Meeting. Zoning Officer Report: Brian Anderson presented his report. Barb made a Motion to accept the Zoning Report, Peter seconded. All in Favor. Street Department Report: Peter Fleming read over the Street Department report. Barb made a Motion to accept the Street Department report. Delavan seconded. All in Favor. Southside Fire Company Report: Reports for March, April and May were submitted. John made a Motion to accept the Southside reports, with Delavan seconding the Motion. All in Favor. Police Report: Kerry presented his report. National Night Out will be held on August 6, 2024 at the Southside Fire Company. Resident, Andy Knouse suggested a Dump Tank for National Night Out. Andy also ‘Thanked” Kerry for moving the motorcycles through the Borough quickly. Kerry presented Council with quotes for cleaning the Municipal building. Council will review the quotes and make a decision. Resident Todd Oberdorf stated there is a dip in the roadway, he questioned if PennDot had someone looking into it. Kerry stated they are not finished with the road work. Barb made a Motion to accept the Police Report. John seconded the Motion. All in Favor. Mayor’s Report: Nothing to report. Solicitor Michetti Report: Will discuss some issues in Executive session. Borough Life: The Community yard sale will be held on Saturday, July 13th. Barb stated addresses will be posted on a map so people know which homes are participating. MARC volunteers deferred until the next meeting. Barb made a Motion to accept the Borough Life report. Delavan seconded. All in Favor. New Business: Ken Gardner stated that UGI has messed up the Borough Street’s. John Domanski made a Motion to authorize UGI to run the gas line for the generator. Delavan seconded. Ken Gardner opposed. Remaining Council members voted in Favor. Office Cleaning was deferred until the next meeting for Council to review the estimates. Sale of seven (7) acres of former school property. Attorney Michetti stated this will be discussed in Executive Session. Motion to Approve: Nothing. Action Items: Discussion held on revisions of Ordinances: Sewer, Solid Waste, Amusement Tax, Vehicles and Trees. No Action will be taken on the Solid Waste and Tree ordinances. ECode (online electronic codes) ordinances are enforceable; therefore, the Vehicle ordinance will remain as is. Sewer: A vote was taken on the following – Ken said to be fair to the 750 property owners, he feels the Ordinance should remain as written; homeowner is responsible from the Lateral to the Main. John said the home owner should be responsible to the end of the property line. Barb made a Motion for property owners to be responsible to the Street. Steve seconded the Motion. Ken abstained from voting. The remaining Council Members were in Favor. Amusement device tax will be set at $100.00 per device per year. Barb made a Motion to exempt the Southside Fire Company from Amusement taxes. Ken seconded. John Domanski opposed. Council President, Steve Wagner abstained from voting. Ken made a Motion to send notices to businesses that have skills games, stating they must apply for a permit according the Ordinance. Barb seconded the Motion. John opposed. All other Council Members were in Favor. The Solicitor will draw up the revisions for Sewer and the Amusement Tax ordinances. Executive Session: Delavan made a Motion to move into Executive Session at 8:25pm. Barb seconded. All in Favor. Council reconvened back into Regular Session at 8:51pm. A discussion was held regarding advertising in a local newspaper the delinquent sewer accounts. John LaMotte suggested Ball Valves on sewer laterals. John Domanski asked where will the ball valves be placed, at the property line or the road. John made a Motion to adjourn at 8:54pm. John seconded. All in Favor. Respectfully Submitted; Lisa Fritz Secretary
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