Our final event celebrating the Borough turning 150 Years will take place at the Danville Riverside Airport, 1413 Sunbury Road, Riverside.
Events begin at 1 pm with a Car Cruise In, Grant Fritz will be serving up his delicious Pulled Pork Sandwiches, Glenda and Scott will be onhand with homemade ice cream, inflatables will be on site for the kids to enjoy; Susquehanna Modelers will be showing off their remote control airplanes and at 5 pm we will raffle off the Yeti Cooler with $500 gift certificate to Bobby George's Farm. Grand Finale will be a fireworks display at approximately 9:15 pm! Come out and enjoy an afternoon of celebrating this great community! Just a reminder of the sewer payment for the 3rd quarter is due in the office prior to 3 pm on Friday, August 13.. Those left in the drop slot after the office has closed will be charged the late fee.
Want to avoid the late fee - sign up for automatic withdrawal payments. Effective January 1, those will automatic withdrawal will see a 2% reduction in the cost. If you have any questions, contact the office at 570 - 275-1751 As approved at the August 2 meeting, minutes of July 6 follow:
The Riverside Borough Council met on Tuesday, July 6, 2021 in the Municipal Building, 415 Dewart Street, Riverside. The meeting was called to order promptly at 7 pm by Council President John Domanski with the following member present – Vice President Barb Kriner, Council members Beth Rake, Peter Fleming, Brian Whitenight and Delavan Whitenight Jr. Also present were Solicitor Joseph Michetti and Secretary Deborah Bausch. Absent this evening were Council Member Kevin Romansik and Mayor John LaMotte. In the audience this evening was Nathan Waite, a new resident to the Borough who came to observe. Old business began with the approval of the minutes of June 7, 2021. This was done by a Motion by Vice President Kriner, seconded by Brian Whitenight and approved by all. Budget Report for May 2021 was also approved on a Motion by Vice President Barb Kriner and seconded by Beth Rake with all approving. Zoning Report was put on the table; Zoning Officer Brian Anderson was absent this evening. Before approval of the report, Vice President Barb Kriner presented some photos of a sign that Brian Anderson has been working with Penn Dot to get installed as you enter the Borough. Placement was discussed with the current sign being removed as well as some bushes and a small tree and the new sign will be in the borough right of way area rather than Penn Dot’s area. The sign will be 10’ high and will be digital with advertisements for things happening in our area. The Riverside sign will be placed beneath the digital sign. Dan Gable was present and stated the tree is small enough that the street crew can remove it and the bushes as well. Report was approved on a Motion by Beth Rake and seconded by Brian Whitenight. All voted for. Dan Gable, Street Superintendent, then addressed Council with his department’s report. They have been busy trimming trees, hedges and making stop sign areas more visible. Dan Gable then stated he is done doing trees on wires; he will be calling in a tree service to handle those issues. President John Domanski inquired if we could charge the homeowner those costs if the tree was on their property. Solicitor Michetti stressed documenting the situation and photos too. Delavan Whitenight added that sometimes you don’t know the danger as it could be a problem in a line further from where the branch Is on the line. A lengthy conversation ensued regarding the dangers of being called to remove branches from wires. Beth Rake inquired if home insurance would cover the costs if needed. Dan Gable stated his crew were not certified in removing trees from lines; Brian Whitenight suggested we get our employees certified to handle this work as it will be ongoing in the future. Vice President Barb Kriner stated we need to coordinate the tree service and PPL/Verizon crew call outs. Dan Gable will contact tree service vendors to get prices on call out services. Dan Gable ended his report with information that he is beginning to work on the budget items and becoming more familiar with the documents for his department. Report was approved on a Motion by Vice President Barb Kriner and seconded by Peter Fleming. All voted in favor. Vice President Barb Kriner presented the Southside Fire Company report; Jon Stassel was absent tonight. She stated the carnival did okay this year and only had one day that was a wash out because of the rains. Report approved on a Motion by Beth Rake; seconded by Brian Whitenight and approved by all. Chief Kerry Parkes then took the floor with the Police Department Report. The officers have purchased their former guns. Chief Parkes then proceeded to give some numbers of tax revenues and how those numbers compared in other communities with tax millage. He estimated the cost to add another full time officer would be $62335.00 for the first year which would include outfitting the officer. Report was approved on a Motion by Beth Rake and seconded by Vice President Barb Kriner; accepted by all. On a separate note, a Letter of Resignation from Officer Earl Johnson was given to Council. Resignation was accepted on a Motion by Vice President Barb Kriner, seconded by Brian Whitenight; approved by all. Solicitor Joseph Michetti updated council on the school purchase.. The Court Hearing is scheduled for July 8 via telephone; no one needs to be present. Hope to have the documents to complete the purchase during the week of July 19th. Report was approved on a Motion by Vice President Barb Kriner and seconded by Brian Whitenight. All voted in favor. 2021 Committee Report was given to Council. Secretary Deborah Bausch gave highlights of the upcoming events. Brian Whitenight then asked Council if they would like to contribute to the fireworks event for August 21st. Committee had sent a goal of $15,000.00; Brian has contacted some other possible sponsors with no response. We are currently at $17,000.00. On a Motion by Vice President Barb Kriner and seconded by Peter Fleming, it was voted to pay $2,000.00 towards the fireworks display. All voted for except Brian Whitenight who abstained from the vote. Motion passed. Under new Business, Vice President Barb Kriner presented an article regarding posting council agendas. Solicitor Michetti will look into this further. Another issue she presented was regarding an infrastructure package that is before the House and Senate which would change zoning laws requiring the building of multifamily units. If an entity refuses to do so, state grants and funds can be withheld. Conversation then moved back to the school purchase. A feasibility study will be needed. 2 quotes were received- one from LDG and another from Kimball Associates. The Borough has been budgeted a grant of $25,000.00 from Senator John Gordner and Representative Lynda Schlagel-Culver which will pay a big portion of the required fees. On a Motion by Brian Whitenight and seconded by Beth Rake, LDG will be given the contract for the school feasibility study. All voted in favor. A second issue is insurance coverage for the school. A quote was received from Weiss Schantz, our current carrier to add the building for a cash value basis which would cost $780.00 a year; prorated for the remainder of the term. This was approved on a Motion by Brian Whitenight and seconded by Vice President Barb Kriner with all voting in favor. At approximately 8:25 pm, Vice President Barb Kriner made a Motion to go into Executive Session for a liability discussion issue. Brian Whitenight seconded the motion; regular council session ended. 8:42 pm – Beth Rake made a motion to adjourn the Executive Session and return to regular council session. Brian Whitenight seconded the Motion; Executive Session ended; council resumed. 8:44 pm – Beth Rake made a Motion to Adjourn which was seconded by Peter Fleming. Council session for July has ended. Respectfully Submitted: Deborah Bausch Secretary Council voted to offer a 2% discount on sewer bills for those signing up for the Automatic Withdrawal Payment Option. This would be effective with the First Quarter billing in January 2022. If you wish to take advantage of this offer, pick up a form in the office today. Automatic Withdrawal payments are taken from accounts the day before bill is due. No more late fees for those late in mailing! If you are already enrolled, you do not need to reapply. Account will automatically pick up the discount with the 1st Qtr billing in January 2022.
Question, please call the office 570 275-1751 |
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