The Riverside Borough Council met in the Municipal Building, 415 Dewart Street, Riverside on Monday, November 4, 2024 at 7:00pm. Meeting was called to order by President, Stephen Wagner. Council members present: Peter Fleming, John Domanski, Barb Kriner, Ken Gardner and Michel Steimling, Sr. Also present was Attorney Anthony Michetti, Police Chief Kerry Parkes and Secretary Lisa Fritz. Absent: Delavan Whitenight Jr, Mayor John LaMotte, Dan Gable, Brian Anderson Citizens present: Robert Rickard, Todd Oberdorf and Drew Mumich. Pledge of Allegiance Citizens to be Heard: Old business: Resident, Rob Rickard asked if the past Police history could be removed from the Borough’s web page. Zoning Officer Report: Steve Wagner read over Brian’s report. John made a Motion to accept the Zoning Report, Barb seconded. All in Favor. Street Department Report: Peter Fleming read over the Street Department report. The Street Department is very busy with leaf season. Everything seems to be moving along with the generator installation. Ken Gardner asked if the gas line was installed. It will be installed by the end of November. Barb made a Motion to accept the Street Department report. John seconded. All in Favor. Southside Fire Company Report: Barb read over the report. John made a Motion to accept the Southside report. Peter seconded the Motion. All in Favor. Police Report: Kerry presented his report. He suggested a letter be mailed residents along Scenic Drive regarding parking. Trash Haulers are having a difficult time. Kerry also said when the Street Department needs to plow, the vehicles in the Street could be a problem. Kerry stated the LPR (License Plate Reader) contract ends next year in 2025. He plans to look into Grant money for new Readers. Kerry said Trick-or-Treat night was successful, with little to no mischief reported. Barb made a Motion to accept the Police Report. Peter seconded the Motion. All in Favor. Mayor’s Report: Report not submitted. Solicitor Michetti Report: Attorney Anthony Michetti suggested meeting with Council to discuss Easements for the nine (9) property owners regarding the West End Sewer project. Attorney Michetti stated Brian Anderson contacted his office regarding a letter that was requested from a Group Home Director stating an occupancy permit was not required for two (2) persons to be placed into the home. Attorney Michetti said it is not necessary for the Borough to devise a letter. Barb made a Motion to accept the Solicitor’s report. Ken seconded. All in Favor. Borough Life: Barb reported that Halloween in the Park was very, with a good turn-out of people attending. There were games, hotdogs, hot chocolate and candy. Barb said the attendance is growing each year. John made a Motion to accept the Boro Life report. Mike seconded. All in Favor. New Business: Council held a discussion regarding selling the seven (7) acres behind the former school. They decided to continue to look at other Auctioneers. Attorney Michetti stated a ‘Reserve Price’ can be kept silent. John Domanski suggested Council table the Auctioneer discussion until the December Council meeting. John made a Motion to sign the Local Share Account Statewide program for Guiderail Grant Resolution, so Justin Skavery (Northumberland County Grant Writer) can apply for the Grant. Barb seconded the Motion. All in Favor. The Borough received a $250,000.00 Grant for the West End Sewer project. Hailstone Economics applied for this grant on the Borough’s behalf. Steve Wagner stated a few people met with Danville Borough regarding the ‘Corrective Action Plan’ they are requiring for the sewer replacement project. Joseph Pfirman with Larson Design Group will send the plan to Danville Borough. John suggested the Borough talk with Merck/Cherokee to see if they want to take over the roads where the soccer field is and shut them down. John made a Motion for the Borough to send a letter to Merck regarding taking possession of the Streets, Barb seconded the Motion. All in Favor. Attorney Anthony Michetti stated vacating roadways must be advertised. Steve said he will contact Merck. Motion to Approve: Ken Gardner commented on the 2025 Budget. He said the big issue is taxes. There is a $95,000.00 deficit in the General Account and a $1,100.00 in the Sewer Account. We are still working on pay increases. Drew Mumich from the Press Enterprise questioned Council on the process of budget figures. Mike Steimling Sr stated they looked at prior years’ figures and took into consideration the closing of Merck/Cherokee. Three (3) Council Members compared notes via emails, no meetings were held regarding the budget this year. Attoney Michetti stated there was ”No Sunshine Law violation”. Barb made a Motion to approve the tentative budget and advertise it. Ken seconded. All in Favor. 2025 Meeting Date; Council discussed to have one meeting per month. Barb stated she would like to continue with two meeting’s per month. John said he feels one meeting per month is adequate. Ken stated due to sewer projects, he feels two meeting should remain in place. Ken made a Motion to keep two meeting dates for all months except June, July and August. Barb seconded. All in Favor. Barb made a Motion to pass Resolution #1104, Act 600 Police Pension Plan. John seconded. All in Favor. Action Items: Jeff Emanuel told Council he would like to be appointed to the MARC (Montour Area Recreational Commission). He has lived in Riverside for 13 years and has volunteered on several non-profit boards. John made a Motion to appoint Jeff, with Barb seconding the Motion. All in Favor. Executive Session: At 8:16pm, Barb made a Motion to move into Executive Session for personnel issues. Peter seconded. All in Favor. At 8:39pm, John made a Motion to move back into Regular Session. Ken seconded. All in Favor. Drew Mumich from the Press Enterprise asked the following questions: Will there be an increase for taxes and the sewer? Council stated there will be no increases for property taxes or the sewer rates in 2025. Drew asked Council if they will be losing money with Merck closing. Council members stated they did not know. Mike made a Motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:46pm. Barb seconded. All in Favor. Respectfully Submitted: Lisa Fritz Secretary
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