The Riverside Borough Council met in the Municipal Building, 415 Dewart Street, Riverside on Monday, January 20, 2025 at 7:00pm. Meeting was called to order by President, Stephen Wagner. Council members present: Peter Fleming, John Domanski, Ken Gardner and Mike Steimling Sr. Also present was Secretary Lisa Fritz. Absent: Barb Kriner, Delavan Whitenight Jr and Mayor John LaMotte Citizens present: Todd Oberdorf and Drew Mumich Pledge of Allegiance Citizens to be Heard: None. Old business: John Domanski made a Motion to approve the 1/6/2025 meeting minutes. Peter Fleming seconded the Motion. All in Favor. Ken Gardner said the Borough is losing the biggest Real Estate revenue with the closing of Merck/Cherokee, he feels there is no way we can afford to construct a new building. Ken made a Motion to survey the front seven (7) acres, get appraisal and divide the front seven (7) acres, then sell. Peter seconded the Motion. Mike agreed. John abstained. New Business: None Motion to Approve: John made a Motion to adopt Resolution No. 01 of 2025, appointing Peter Fleming as Council Secretary for purposes of completing the settlement of the PennVest Loan. Ken Seconded. All in Favor. John made a Motion to adopt Resolution No. 02 of 2025, accepting Attorney Joseph C. Michetti to perform legal services related to the settlement of the PennVest Loan. Peter seconded. All in Favor. John made a Motion to adopt Resolution No. 03 of 2025, declaring official intent to reimburse general funds to PennVest for the construction of the West End Sewer system. Mike seconded. All in Favor. Action Items: John Domanski made a Motion to list the names of property owners whom have delinquent sewer accounts beyond $500.00, as of 12/31/2024. Ken seconded the Motion. All in Favor. At 7:11pm, Peter made a Motion to go into Executive Session. Ken seconded. All in Favor. Council moved back into the public session at 7:27pm. John made a Motion to adjourn at 7:28pm. Ken seconded. All in Favor. Respectfully Submitted: Lisa Fritz, Secretary
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